Saturday, August 31, 2019
Unit 48 P3
P3– Produce an Action plan for self- development and achievement of own personal goals Short-term goals Goals| How I will achieve these goals? | How long I think this will take to achieve? | Pass AS Level PE. | Do a large amount of revision and get the course work handed in by the end of term. | 2 weeks (course work)3 months (exam)| Pass AS Level Sociology. | Do revision and learn the key sociologists for each topic. | 3 months (exams)| Pass the 3 units of BTEC Level 3 Health and Social care. | Create a timetable and make deadlines for myself to get my work. | 3-4 months (coursework)| Pass my driving test. Get my coursework finished and save money to pay for lessons. | 4 months – 1 year (theory and driving test)4 months (provisional license) | Get a part time job. | Apply online for jobs and look at job vacancy boards in shopping precincts. | Waiting for a response. | Long-term goals Goals| How I will achieve this? | How long I think this will take to achieve? | Pass AS and A2. | Do a lot of studying and revision for exams. | 1 year and 3 months (exams and course work)| Get into university. | Concentrate on coursework during AS and A2 and apply for a number of universities. 2 years (depending on my grades at A-Level)| Get a degree in sport science. | Go to lectures and get work done on time. | 3-4 years (to complete Sixth form and go to university)| Get a decent paid job after university. | Graduate from university and apply for jobs such as PE teacher, Handball coach. | 4-5 years (to complete Sixth form, university and 1 year of work experience) | Have a nice house. | Save up a large amount of money and buy or rent a house or flat. | 10 years (to complete Sixth form, university, 1 year of work experience and get a job in teaching/coaching)|
Friday, August 30, 2019
Marketing Executive Skills
Axiom steel (PVT) Ltd is a privately owned steel re-rolling firm which consists of three units and is located within the industrial zone at the outskirts of the city. Two of the firm’s units are automatic which produce wire rods & whose end users are the wire & electrode manufacturers. The third is a manually operated unit producing reinforced steel, the end use of which is for construction purposes. The Chief Executive Officer, who is also the owner of the firm, sits at the firm’s head office which is located 25 kilometers away from the production units in the heart of the city. Axiom Steel is currently facing all time huge losses, which the CEO thinks is due to the firm’s production planning deficiency, under /restricted use of the firm’s capacity and ability & poor marketing strategies.  The CEO thinks he needs a good marketing individual who can market his products and can bring business to the company and only then can the company survive, other wise the firm is heading for a shut out which can result in not only a dented reputation for the owner & business loss but also several individuals who are related to the firm, losing their jobs. After through screening and interviews, the firm hires a new individual at the post of assistant manager marketing whose main goal is to identify the loop holes in the company’s marketing and planning infrastructure and boost sales by formulating proper strategies thus helping Axiom Steel mills, which now poses to be a sinking ship. The newly appointed Assistant Manager visits the various departments of the firm which includes all three units, their production technicians, marketing representatives, quality control and the firm’s ware house. A thorough marketing strategy discussion with the individuals and after discussing results in following points being put forward for analyses:- There is no proper marketing department of the firm, the individuals that are so-called marketing people are actually being used for follow up of the orders, which are netted by the company’s CEO and then transferred to the production floor. These individuals are being paid at price which is far below the prevailing market prices for individuals working under such capacities and are working for the firm since a very very long time. A through interview also reveals that most of the marketing individuals do not posses a recognized degree in Marketing and are working on bases of sheer experience. The production planning is being done in the head office without consulting the production capabilities with the production technicians. The production planning is carried out by the CEO himself with the team he calls his â€Å"marketing team†. Since the CEO seldom visits the production mills and depends purely on the information presented to him by the â€Å"marketing team†; he is un-aware of the ground realities; often, orders are being shipped out late, which are resulting in customer losing faith and looking for other vendor options. There is a communication gap between the head office and the Mill’s Production Management resulting in delay in production planning and preparation of the orders at mill’s end. This gap is also due to the fact that the CEO held the powers to make decisions and enforce to his management. The CEO belongs to an older generation which is reluctant to learn new methods of communications such as the internet (Although the facility is available for use). The fastest method of communication for the CEO is the communication via Fax and Telex. Sales of wire rods are restricted to wire and electrode manufacturers only and thus sometimes, there came a time when the units often faced shut downs due to lack of orders! The two Automatic units which are producing wire rods are also capable of producing reinforced steel for construction but this capability is not being utilized and the units are restricted to production of Wire rods only. This is also a reason for late shipments as bottle necks are being produced and the load is not shifted from one production unit to another which is capable but not being utilized of producing the same product. The CEO is therefore correct in pointing out this issue as one of the reasons for current losses. After looking at above problems, following strategies are being proposed: The company should adopt a proper marketing strategy for its firm. This includes injecting fresh blood in the marketing team, those individuals who are capable of taking the company beyond a certain level. This means certain over hauling of the marketing machinery. The CEO must realize that if he wants the business turn over to increase; he must then look after and take care of his people well†¦ In fact a policy of profit sharing should be introduced where the marketing individuals are given a certain %age of commission over their efforts to bring new business to the firm. If not, then the rate of payment must be increased for the individuals who have lost motivation in working for the company because of the poor compensation for their work. There should be a separate production planning department whose specialization should be the planning of order executions at mills. These individuals will provide the correct idea to the marketing individuals and the CEO regarding the timeline of orders from raw material stage to the shipment Ex-Factory. Each marketing individual should be provided with at-least a desktop computer work station with internet facility and designated individual email IDs which they lack today. This will help the marketing individuals to concentrate on marketing and transfer order execution information from their firm to the customer. Internet excess will also help the marketing people to search for new potential markets and fetching customers, also not to forget faster communication The CEO must realize that if he wants the business to grow, then he must delegate authorities to the individuals working under him as with the increase of business, a phase will come where he cannot handle things on his own. The CEO must introduce a layer of Management which includes Top Management consisting of himself and his reporting General Managers, Middle Management of Managers and Assistant Managers reporting to the GM and the work staff that will be reporting to the Middle Management. This delegation of authorities and creation of Management chain will not only help in quicker decision making but also in fluent transfer of orders from top level to down. These are the points which are basics for an improvement in the marketing structure and in the communication and centralized decision making problem which the marketing department is facing within the firm. These together with a few production related issues highlighted above, if addressed will result in better performance. If successful, more recommendations for improvement will be forwarded for perusal.   Â
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Analytical Paper
Presenting the public with two â€Å"equal†sides and making the scientific community seem divided. The best way that constrains Interfered with a scientific consensus was to generate doubt within the American public by creating a delve between scientists. For example, the harmfulness of acid rain was questioned when Fred Singer 1 contradicted the factual evidence of his committee by claiming in an official government report that the causes of acid rain were not certain and that a reduction in industrial emissions would not necessarily help solve the problem.Both of these statements were in direct contradiction with the international scientific community, which made the consensus seem wavering and the official White House-appointed panel seem divided. Fred Singer reemerges on the issue of ozone depletion by blasting the science community when claiming that the whole issue was an under- researched overreaction (1 26); he claimed that ozone depletion was due to natural stratosph eric cooling (127).Several years later, Bill Emergencies created doubt over climate change when he lead a report asserting that rolling CA was a problem that loud be solved with technology and the government only needed to fund more research (183). Merchants of Doubt provides countless examples of contraction scientists chopping down the certainty of scientific findings. Constrains like Singer and Energetic are able to discredit the work of thousands of scientists because they are praised leading scientists who have served in distinguished federal science corporations.They have developed ties to the government through federal agencies, think tanks, and direct contact with congressman, senators, and presidents (7). Secondly, the people who are being arrogated by scientists are industries with lots of money, which have the resources to hire and provide funding to influential people who will defend their products. With strong reputations and money, contraction scientists are perceived as â€Å"experts†with â€Å"Informed opinions†and thus are granted a false sense of credibility and Influence.Tactic #2: Tagging scientist as â€Å"bad†and calling their findings â€Å"junk. †Fred Sister, an influential defender of the tobacco industry, invented a tactic of contraction scientists that targeted the EPA as a Junk organization whose science â€Å"is manipulated to fulfill a political agenda†(144) and â€Å"imposes enormous economic costs on all aspects of society†(142). Sites and Singer blasted their views of the EPA as â€Å"bad scientists†all over public media venues such as the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.Singer attacked the EPA for not considering that adverse health effects from second hand smoke could be due to outside factors when doing an epidemiological study; he claimed the EPA rigged their results and ignored other possibilities In order to dupe the public (144). I believe the â€Å"bad science†argument Is accepted by the public because science Is nearly misunderstood for a variety of reasons. Firstly, research results can be complicated and generally confusing to a nonscientific, therefore the public must credible counterargument and splitting the scientific consensus (Task #1).Most people have no scientific baseline from which to make informed opinions so they gather information from â€Å"experts†from both sides of a scientific story. Secondly, science in general is an objective project, scientists stress that their results are always falsifiable and that continued research is necessary to strengthen a scientific finding. For example, Roger Reveille started a talk to the AAAS about climate change by saying, â€Å"There is a good but by no means certain chance that the world's average climate will become significantly warmer during the next century' (191).Constrains used this ambiguous statement as a way to show that scientists are unsure of thei r work, when in fact there is no â€Å"certain chance†in any scientific trend. In order to remain trustworthy, scientists must always instill a sense of impartiality that is misconstrued as uncertainty. Tactic #3: Making the public believe that environmentalism is a threat to the American value system. One goal of scientific findings on acid rain or the ozone hole is to invoke political action that will ensure safety to humans and the environment.Contraction scientists claim that this goal is UN-American and that the corrupt political agenda of environmentalism is a threat to human rights. For example, a pro-smoking organization, FORESTS, claimed that if smoking was banned, â€Å"there is essentially no limit to how much government can ultimately control our lives†(164). As Singer and Sites would put it, it was individual liberty at stake. â€Å"Today smoking, tomorrow†¦ Who knew? (145). Science was also attacked for being uneconomic. Dixie Lee Ray in the 1992 Progress Foundation Economic Conference claimed â€Å"sustainability was replacing [economic] progress†(252).Constrains aimed to convince Americans that by protecting industry they were protecting their â€Å"liberty that depended on [economic] progress†(252). This tactic was made possible because constrains tapped into the American fear of the communist Soviet Union by claiming that environmentalism was a socialist endeavor. They pegged environmentalists as â€Å"Watermelons': green on the outside, red on the inside†(248). When the Cold War ended, constrains funneled socialist fear into an anti-climate change movement, which revolved around the idea that climate change was against American's liberty and prosperity.The attackers believed they were â€Å"working to ‘secure the blessings of liberty as if science was being used against those blessings?in ways that challenged the freedom of free enterprise†(238). Constrains put science under the fir e by claiming that its agenda was to deny the rights of citizens, much like the Soviets did to their citizens in the Cold War. Conclusion: The players mentioned?singer, Suite, Energetic, Lee Ray, and FOREST ?among others have created organized patterns of doubt that misconstrue the validity of research and science.Using money and influence, they have dismantled any form of consensus within the scientific community and have used popular media outlets to echo their claims. 9 They understand the American emphasis on economic have attacked scientists as being politically incentive socialists that threaten citizen's rights to freedom and prosperity. They have used these strategies to stunt political action in issues like acid rain and climate change and have caused the American public to lose faith in the credibility of science.
Capacity Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Capacity Management - Assignment Example The capacity measure is the number of seats that are present in the restaurant. This implies the number of people it can accommodate at sitting. Number of customers served and the pizza eaten can also count. College admissions department. The capacity measure here is the number of students that are admitted. More students admitted calls for more departments.The number of lanes and the time that is taken by a student to be admitted is vital in measurement. The business that I have chosen is the American Apparel, a firm that sells all types of casual wears. It uses the following reason to adjust its short-term capacity levels as explained below. (Mark, 2012) The American Apparel buys more casual clothes of which the excess is stored. Since it uses FIFO method, those clothes that are much newer are stored. When the old stock reduces and the demand for the new arises they are released to the market for sale. The company believes in the quality delivery and therefore it employs workers who have good credentials and good marketing skills. It also applies the cross training to update its employees on the upcoming trends and the needs of its
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Motivating Hong Kong students in writing English text Essay
Motivating Hong Kong students in writing English text - Essay Example But while the importance of English is recognized in Hong Kong, some students display a marked reluctance to learn English. There may be several reasons underlying this disinclination to learn to speak and write good English. Some of these are a generally low level of proficiency in English or that these students find it boring and somewhat difficult to learn English successfully. This report will examine how students in Hong Kong can be motivated to take a greater interest in the acquisition of English language skills and in learning how to write and communicate effectively in English. The term â€Å"motivation†was originally derived from the Latin word â€Å"movere†which means â€Å"to move†. Allan (1965) defines motivation as the â€Å"force that drives people to do things†(p 15). Biehler have defined motivation as the forces within an individual that are responsible for the â€Å"arousal, selection, direction and continuation of behavior.†(Snowman and Biehler, 1997, p 399). Beardwell et al (2004) subscribe to the view that a precise definition is not feasible, but they do agree that at a very basic level, â€Å"motivation is about motives and needs.†(p 505). Hence, a broad overall definition of motivation may be said to include the internal or external factors that are responsible for increasing an individual’s willingness to work towards the achievement of a particular objective. Motivation is the most important factor that determines the difference between â€Å"what a person can do and what he or she wil l do.†(Amabile, 1983, p 366). In the field of education, teachers may be able to extract a good performance from their students only when they can successfully motivate them. Davis (1999) has highlighted the views of Ericksen that â€Å"effective learning in the classroom depends on the teacher’s ability†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦to maintain the interest that brought students to the course
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Arbitration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Arbitration - Essay Example Arbitration is the submission of a complainant to an intended respondent for a settlement of a dispute. The result of the settlement will be final, binding and executive in nature between the two parties. Mediation is done before arbitration or litigation. Through mediation, both parties are tried to reconcile with each other. Mediation is done through communication between parties to settle the dispute on their own by coming up with a solution agreeable to both parties. (Arbitration & Mediation, 2008) Arbitration and mediation, according to Newhall (2008), is more private in nature rather than a court proceeding. The importance to the confidentiality of the issue is also addressed more positively through the said methods. Moreover, through arbitration and mediation, a dispute can be settled faster as compared to going through court litigation, in which cases are scheduled to be settled many days, even months, after. There are numerous arbitration and mediation associations in America with each providing its own set of rules or policies. One arbitration and mediation agency in the US is the United States Arbitration and Mediation (USA&M). USA&M has a general guideline that once its services are sought, both parties are required to comply with the requirements of the said agency such as submitting documents for evidence, appearance during investigation, testify on the credibility of evidence gathered, and others. However, rules and guidelines differ on a case-to-case basis. (USA&M Rules of Arbitration, 2008) Carmen worked for her mother for several years in their restaurant business, her mother as the restaurant manager. Despite being treated abusively by her mother, Carmen endured such treatment and worked faithfully for the restaurant. When both of her parents died, she thought that she will be made manager in exchange for her faithful service. However, her parents’ last will and testament gave the managerial position to
Monday, August 26, 2019
The May 6, 2010 Flash Crash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The May 6, 2010 Flash Crash - Essay Example On the contrary, the contemporary market is characterized with higher demand as compared to the supply. Financial innovations enable changes in the financial market by introducing new ways of trading assets. One of the newest financial innovations entails trading from computer to computer through use of complex mathematical algorithms that are hard for humans to comprehend. The recent financial crisis resulted in increased unemployment, which is an indicator of the increased inefficiency of the stock market. This paper agrees with Stiglitz opinion that that Flash Crash will lead to less investment in information, which is harmful to the markets price discovery function hence the financial market. The paper will oppose the opinion that Flash Crash could be a positive feedback loop of the trading environment. Computer trading has become a common phenomenon, which has increased the speed of trading making it impossible for humans to intervene in times of occurrences such as flash crash. Additionally, the explosive trading speed results in undermined efficiency since the market becomes incapable of allocating resources efficiently. Flash Crash entail trading from computer to computer through use of pre-programmed algorithms. ... During the Flash Crash, a contract could be traded for more than 27,000 in a period of about 14 seconds (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission & U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, 2010; Stiglitz, 2012). According to the SEC report, computer generated algorithms, which are used for high frequency trading comprise more than 70% of trading in U.S. equities. On the SEC joint report on the flash crash of 6 May 2010, the American shares fell by 10% within a few minutes, which resulted in many questions regarding the credibility of nanosecond trading, which characterizes computer to computer trading. The computer based trading does not make use of price discovery but uses algorithms that makes it possible for dealers to extract information regarding expected price of securities through observing patterns of prices and trades. The dealers are thus incapable of making sound decisions. High frequency trading undermines the stability of the market. During the flash clash, high frequency trading firms started by absorbing sell pressure but eventually started forceful selling, which resulted in increased orders in the market and creation of feedback loop. Eventually, the high frequency trading firms began to buy and resell to each other e-mini contracts resulting in decreased net buying irrespective of the increased volume of e-mini contracts. Buyers using traditional trading methodologies refused to buy the extra E-minis resulting in the fall in trading funds. This was because dealers could not comprehend the transactions and feared taking risks. Therefore, computer based trading is inapplicable since there are no clear models on how it operates (Stiglitz, 2012; Mackenzie, 2006). High frequency trading resulted in liquidity crisis when automated trading systems
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Environmental scienence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Environmental scienence - Essay Example Mentioning a single striking revelation would be injustice to the many that are made in the film. The way chickens are raised, the way corn is fed to cattle, the way regulatory agencies are influenced by the very industry they are meant to regulate. But for me, the biggest revelation was how today only a few large companies control the entire food line from farm to market. The size of companies like Cargill, Monsanto etc. with their deep pockets and legal protection are able to actually decide what we eat every day. The most â€Å"specious†argument I found was what was presented by Troy Roush, the farmer who talks about how Monsanto has taken control over the seeds market. I don’t agree when he suggests that Monsanto took control through a brute force method and if anyone seems to challenge their hegemony, they strike at the bigger farmer and set him as an example for others. He also goes on to say that the courts and justice system seems to be tilted in favor of these large corporations (see his quote below). In my opinion, Monsanto could take over simply because of farmer’s greed to earn more money, followed by competition, followed by fear of being left out. It was only after this cycle of greed, competition and insecurity that farmers found themselves locked into the patented seed problem. Also, the courts would hand out verdicts according to existing laws and the laws are made by the Congress. If the farmers don’t win enough in courts, it is because of the existing laws and government deregulation and not just because somebody could lie or put up more money. I think that the frustration is directed to the wrong target in Roush’s case. He, like Barbara Kowalcyk, could take the battle to the right place: the law makers. Of course, it is easier said than done but I do feel that concerted consumer action and pressure on the lawmakers is perhaps the only way forward. Roush’s comments:
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Addressing a Wide Range of Skills and Abilities in Classroom Personal Statement
Addressing a Wide Range of Skills and Abilities in Classroom - Personal Statement Example They like to discuss things with peers, record lessons and listen to them, and engage in debates. Kinesthetic learners learn by doing things with hands for example, they highlight their notes and repeat lessons while jogging in the park. If I teach a visual learner through audio, I might not get good results which I might get if I teach him through visual aids. Moreover, I would like to experiment with different teaching methods, like making groups of students and encouraging them to discuss the subject matter; giving individual attention to each student to know his characteristic capabilities; and, making pairs of them and assigning them different tasks according to their skills. I would create a holistic environment that persuades students to work in groups and engage in vigorous group activities to discuss and experiment with their topic while focusing on the practical illustrations. This will help me address their myriad skills.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Personal and Professional Development for Business Essay
Personal and Professional Development for Business - Essay Example The greater job insecurity and weakened right of workers have increased the level of poverty in the developing countries (Goldberg & Pavcnik, 2006). For the purpose of giving the farmers and workers in the developing countries a living wage for their work, which can sustain them and create opportunities for social and economic development, the alternative system of trade which counteracts international free trade, corporate control and global policies was established. Such system is a Fairtrade initiative, which aims are to improve the living conditions of producers in developing countries with their attempts to achieve higher prices, greater availability of financing and longer-term and sustainable buyer-seller relationships. Along with that, an organized social movement was also called to improve social goods and community development and to use the environmental friendly production through a certification process for producers and suppliers. The initiative is simple about the bett er prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the countries that are developing. The following report will examine precisely the question of Fair Trade, will analyze who are the main consumers and who and why people buy Fair Trade products. Further the report will investigate what retailers of selling Fair Trade products can do to increase sales. A Fairtrade Foundation tends to relieve world from poverty, suffering, and distress. That is why it promotes research and education concerning the causes and effects of poverty, in particular, the relation of trade and to the conditions of employment of poor people living in the developing countries. I
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Hamlets Character is contradictory" Essay Example for Free
Hamlets Character is contradictoryquot Essay Shakespeare gives Hamlet a very indecisive character in this play. This in turn leads to Hamlet becoming contradictive, more and more so throughout the play. His main problem is that he is more of a thinker than a doer. This causes him many problems throughout the whole play. The first example we get of this comes in Hamlets first soliloquy. Here we find out what Hamlet truly feels about the situation he finds himself in after his fathers death. After initially seeming to be willing to go along with Claudiuss and his mothers marriage here we find out how he truly feels. He expresses his disgust at the hastiness from which his Mother has married to Claudius so soon after his fathers death. He also expresses how devastated he is at the death of his father and Claudius taking the crown, which Hamlet believes should rightfully be his. Hamlet once again shows this when he goes with his Fathers ghost. He comes back from this encounter determined to take revenge on Claudius but then passes up many chances to do so in order to make sure that the ghost is telling the truth. Hamlet continues this throughout the play and ironically this leads to him doing exactly the opposite of what the ghost wants by hurting his Mother and not taking revenge on Claudius when he has many chances to. Another appearance of Hamlets contradiction appears in his first soliloquy when he is very damning towards women: Frailty, thy name is woman! This contradicts with his apparent infatuation with his mother, and especially with her sexual behaviour. Hamlets contradictory character is also reflected in the many mood swings he has during the play. He constantly changes his mood one minute appearing relatively happy, the next he is at his sadistic worse cruelly teasing others with his wordplay. The worst of this comes when he is talking to Ophelia in Act 3 Scene 1, where nearly everything he says to her has a sexual double meaning. Here Hamlet has realised that he is being spied on and intend to have some fun at Ophelias expense as he feels that she has been used as a spy whereas in reality she knows nothing of the situation. Hamlets character however can not just be described as contradictory, it id far too complex for that. Hamlet could also be described as erudite, ingenious and quick-minded for the way he took advantage of the players arriving and setting up the play Murder of Gonzago in order to test the Kings guilty conscience and find out if he really did kills Old Hamlet. Hamlet is also regarded as pessimistic, over dramatic, angry, desperate and frustrated for his outlook on life and human nature and the way he feels about being denied the chance to become king after his fathers death. Many people also feel that Hamlet is obsessive; this is shown with his fixation with his mothers sexuality and is once again brought into light by Ophelia revealing all of the love letters that Hamlet has sent to her in the past. All in all I believe that whilst contradiction is one of Hamlets main characteristics, his character is too broad for it to be described as any one thing.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Human Population and the Environment - Urbanization Essay Example for Free
Human Population and the Environment Urbanization Essay Urbanization can simply be seen as the movement and concentration of large populations upon an urban area at the detriment of the rural populous. This is due to a complex set of economic, demographic, social, cultural, technological, and environmental processes (P. Knox, 2009). Our topic narrows down to the correlation of urbanization and the environment. To start with, a number of environmental benefits can be realized due to urbanization; For instance urban areas concentrate large populations in a relatively small area thus there is more free forestry land. Plus a compact, concentrated urban area means more people walking and less number of cars on the road, consequently fewer carbon emissions from usage of cars. Conversely, there are a number of challenges posed to the environment due to urbanization. The mass exodus of people into urban areas have had a strain on infrastructure and led to poor sanitation and housing that leads to environmental degradation. Poor planning leads also leads to air, water and noise pollution due to industries and community settlements. We see this issue addressed in the Moroccan Shelter upgrading in Agadir. Faced with substandard housing and shanty towns inhabited by an ever increasing populous, three projects are set up, one of which is the Tikiouine project that comprises of three housing areas being developed and integrates community participation and responsibility concerning their sewer lines and tertiary water. In addition, the Tilburg city management model offers a sustainable five step integrated approach to administration of social, economic and environmental policies in a city. The Tilburg model implements these policies up to the neighborhood level. Thus ensures that a â€Å"Basic Quality†is maintained and thus minimizing environmental deprivation.
Impact Of Terrorism On Hotel Security
Impact Of Terrorism On Hotel Security Today, the tourism environment is increasingly becoming more and more complex. Many countries are losing their tourism industry because of it. The research topic is THE IMPACT OF TERRORISM ON HOTEL SECURITY: A CASE STUDY OF BASILAN PROVINCE, PHILIPPINES which will be achieved by doing epistemology positivism research on two areas: Philippines local hotels and random tourists from the world. The research program will focus on how hotel security in the Philippines is being affected by the terrorism and effective methods they apply for rectification. Any types of terrorism are difficult to swallow. The reason may be too simple or theoretical. Most of the terrorism acts are motivated by two things: Social and political injustice: sometimes people chose terrorism because they think the right thing is not happening. So, when the things go wrong, they want to take the responsibility to fix the problem. Violence means justify the end: many people believe that, without violence there are no solution for their problem. So they had to go for the last option because nothing was working. Terrorism is not new; it has been used many times in history. And the reason is hard to define. Mostly terrorism described as a crime and a holy duty so that the people doing terrorism can justify themselves. According to their point of view they are right so many supporters respect them. Most of the terrorist organization now days, does not have a valid reason for what they are doing and they are very secretive nature. However, the terrorism activity is creating many problems over the world. Many countries have their own small group of terrorist. The tourism industry is highly affected by the terrorism attract. As example, the country like Philippines tourism industry is highly affected by terrorism. They are losing them hotel management industry as well. 1.2 Research Question -Hypothesis The research will be done in two part/ sector. The sector is really small so the case study research will be more appropriate for this case. The research will have the peoples view and logic. It will have social reality as objective (Marchington, 2000). The research question is THE IMPACT OF TERRORISM ON HOTEL SECURITY: A CASE STUDY OF BASILAN PROVINCE, PHILIPPINES. This research question will aim at identifying and exploring how terrorism is affecting the tourism and hotel industry (Jankowicz, 2000). The research will seek out the core problems of terrorism attracts towards hotel industry which will be seen necessary to assisting fill out the hotel management (Newell, 2005). The objectives of the study are as follows: To understand the level of situation by conducting a survey. To analyse the terrorism act and the hotel management industry of Philippine (Saunders, 2000). This will be done by analysing purpose of tourism, way to solve the problem etc. To suggest a strategy to rectification to reduce the terrorism within the country. 1.3 Aims and Objectives of Research Process (A Healthy Tourism) The research aims and objectives are to identify the effective method to develop hotel industry of Philippine and reduce the terrorism process (Wain, 2008). This paper will look at various options that are available in this area in order to identify the core problem (Bryman Bell, 2007). There are various traditional approaches that corporations adopt in order to develop hotel management situation in the selected area. These are such as reason for losing the industry, managing effectively, development for short and long term etc. Terrorism has so many meanings. A common view is to avoid the situation (Onions, 1973). 1.4 Justification/ Rationale of Topic Selection Today the business world is full of competition. They have to be very careful about decision making, to be in the field of competition, the Hotel industry must emphasise on the alternative solution and increase the number of tourist and develop the faith. This dissertation demonstrates how and why terrorism demolishes the tourism industry and how the hotel industry of Philippine is getting highly affected (Burack, 1991), why should we find the problem or why its necessary to find solution and what will be the result of it. The justification of this study is to identify the way to find out the problem regarding terrorism affecting tourism in the Philippines. And provide the related solution to improve according to the problem. The research will help them to find the right method (Nadler, 1992).This will highlight current strategies used in developing and reforming. Also the Research will include the solution methods that will be proposed for the Industry. 1.5 Limitations The limitation of this research will be limited number of sample (Cameron, 2009). The research will be done in a small area in the Philippines. So the sample number will not be more than 15 to 20 people. And the research will mostly bring out the common expectation and result of the sample size (Brown, 2006 and Bryman, 2008). The sample results will be almost same for everyone. So the data will not have much diversification. So the conclusion and recommendation will not have uncommon outcome. The time frame for conducting research will be a limitation as it can avoid complete results (Fox-Wolfgramm, 1997). A preferred research contains more participants (Echeverri, 2005). The employee participation will be a limitation as for the interview they also going to give some extra time. And also we have got a controversial research topic on which people does not want to talk much. So it may be the limitation for the research. 1.6 Outline of paper The outline of the paper will include the whole research proposal summery. The first chapter is introduction where the research topic got introduced. The first chapter outlines the purpose and the structure of the study along with the main limitations of the research (Taylor, 1994). The second chapter provides a critical analysis of the existing literature regarding the Terrorist affecting tourism. The third Chapter continues by the main methodological approach concerned in relation to the study alongside its sample procedures and ethical considerations for the success of this research (Coulson Thomas, 2001). And the forth chapter will be the conclusion and summary of the study as well as the Justification of topic, Clarification of research question and how it will be. 1.7 Conclusion The first chapter has points out the purpose of this study. It also introduced the methods we will be using for the research. This chapter introduced the topic and the limitation of the research. That will help to conduct research in scientific method. The next chapters are literature review and methodology, will give a logical look to the research (Likert, 1961). The first chapter organizes the information to help the research to go further. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction Here is one definition of a literature review: a literature review uses as its database reports of primary or original scholarship, and does not report new primary scholarship itself. The primary reports used in the literature may be verbal, but in the vast majority of cases reports are written documents (Buyens, 2001). The types of scholarship may be empirical, theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological in nature. Second a literature review seeks to describe summaries, evaluate, clarify and/or integrate the content of primary reports. (Cooper, 1988). The literature review will introduce the detail of topic and what the research will contain and will answers the questions like, how we can help to reduce the terrorist act in the tourism industry or how to rectify it (Block, 2008). The chapter will introduce effective method applicable for development of the situation. The literature review will be structured o bring out the maximum information to justify the topic (Putnam, 200 0). 2.1.1 Definitions and Introduction to the Topic The impact of terrorism on hotel security: A case study of Basilan Province, Philippine Definition: what do we understand by terrorism activities? Basically terrorism is considered the most important conflict without realising threat against the human (Pierre Gurdjian, 2009). Most of the terrorist organization conducts terrorism without any calculative reason. By finding out the reason of how terrorism affecting tourism industry, it will highlight the hotel security system of the Philippine (Karolina Lena, 2010). The topic of the research is THE IMPACT OF TERRORISM ON HOTEL SECURITY: A CASE STUDY OF BASILAN PROVINCE, PHILIPPINES. The topic will allow us to go through to find out the current situation of hotels and tourism of Philippine to find out the related solutions. 2.2 Strategies for Identification and causes of terrorism and means of rectification Now a days, terrorism is affecting tourism very badly. As example, Balis (Indonesia) tourism rate was highly affected by the terrorist bombing in the year 2002. People are actually affected by the situation. And still people do think second time before going to Bali (Peter Senge, 1990). The survey will have the strategies to find out the peoples expectation, knowledge about terrorism act, how they are affected by the act. And also will find out the how people are reacting towards the situation (Hame Prahaled, 1994). 2.2.1 Find out the Reaction and reflection. The research will conduct a survey to find out the reaction and reflection of the research question. As the sample size is really small the surveys will be done by traditional, behavioural and semi structured interviews (Cook, et al, 2000). A behavioural descriptive interview process is effective when applicants behaviour is significantly analysed during the interview process (Bernardi, 1997). The traditional interview to analyse the applicants abilities, personality and responses (Tanova, 2003). The semi structured interview will gain the in-depth information from the participants (Stokes Bergin, 2006) 2.2.2 Causes of the Terrorism and how it is affecting Tourism of Philippine United States of America defines terrorism as unlawful threat and violence to create fear. The terrorism is done in a very calculative method. There are main three main elements, political, religious and ideological. The end result of it is violence, fear and intimidation. In Philippine the terrorism is against the government. It is based on political issue conducted by Islamic terrorist group. Since January 2000 radical Islamist group and Islamic separatist forces are responsible many terrorism act such 40 major bombing against local people. It happened mostly in southern part of the country and Basilan is one of the major cities which is affected. 2.2.3 Rectification of the situation The tourism industry worldwide is has been affected by the threat terrorism attacks in modern era. Especially it affected Hotels, which serve a core function as supplier of tourist accommodation (Purcell et al, 2003). It is very important to enhance security awareness and skill that the employees needed. Technology is very important element. The situations will under control if the communication cooperation and collaboration is strong between the hotels. If the bonding is strong within the industry and with external stakeholders than government will also be strong to bring success against the terrorism (Jackson and Schuler, 1995). Hotel Industry of Basilan Terrorist incident can be very harmful and it leaves an impact on the hotel sector. Hotels have history for being targeted many times for terrorism act. The terrorist attracts those hotels which usually has more foreign traveller for business and official purpose. (Aragon-Sanchez et al, 2003). Security is very important for the hotel. They should have essential technological support for security. As example, they must have CCTVs. The hotel with large compound must have more cameras in many corners. The Philippine police force gives the premium support for the hotels. So far security system had been revised and tightened after 11 September 2001 (Pfeffer, 2005). Additional cameras are included. Instead of room keys the sensor cards were introduced in most of the big hotels. Employees went through special; training (Wright et al, 2004). Reason for targeting hotels because they offer high degree of access and it is usually 24 hours a day (Junior, Middle Senior Managers) Luxurious hotels have more public activities, spaces and entrance and exits. And foreigners also gathered there. In big hotels, there are many prestigious conferences and meetings are conducted (Holton III Naquin, 2005). In many cases many political body, government officials gathered together in the hotels. According to the architectural design most of the hotels have grand specious lobby for which security is unlikely to have guided rule (Stead, 2004). However many techniques such as protective barriers, surveillance, identification of employees and alarm system are essentially reactive. We should also remember that, terrorists know the smarter way to use the technologies. They have using the technologies in a very sophisticated way (Kessels, 1993). 2.2.5 Hotel Industry Research So far, research in the hotel industry security has limited to date. A complete research always explained that hotel have such an environment for which terrorism is always invited. (Anderson, 2007). It is now not possible for the hotels which already exist. But for the new constructions, it is very important to redesign and maintain security strategies. Policies and practice need to change. It is very important to check the background of the employees specially employees who has certain level of power and responsibility (Fairbairns, 1991). When we are talking about hotel protection and tourism it clearly presents dilemmas for management and circumstances in Philippines are explored after the presentation of some information about the country because it pertinent to the discussion (Jackson, 1989). Gap in the Literature Above information are gathered through time. Like history, terrorism is still a mystery and hard to understand. In many cases the hotel may need extra security for any special event (Boyatzis, 2008). No one can take guaranty of what is going to happen. So, no one is ready to take the responsibility. And to many, it is a loss project now. It is also a risky business (Pilbeam Corbridge, 2002). In that case the research might take a different shape. (Boyatzis, 2008). People are not interested to talk about the situations. Local people are not interested and they think they have no future in tourism industry. So, even though the research and solution it is very hard to motivate the local people. All depends the level of terrorism and patient of the hotel owners (Pilbeam Corbridge, 2002). 2.4 Conclusion The literature review will select the way to find out the way of the situation and the right method (Brooks Hulme, 2007). According to the survey result the research will try to develop a picture of the current status of Basilan, Philippines. It will also specify the components, methodology and obligations of the tourist and terrorism (Shields, 2007). Other than that Literature review will also explain the terrorism act happening all over the world. It will highlight some key examples as well. The literature review will also mentioned about the gaps of the research. Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Introduction Methodology reminds us the word method. And we believe probably they are similar. But methodology has a particular meaning an ology of course is the study of a whole academic field (Gill, 1997). Methodology is the study of methods and it raises all sorts of philosophical questions about what it is possible for researchers to know and how valid their claims to knowledge might be. The research will be intensively based on the collection of primary data and analysis of both primary and secondary data (Locke, 1993). The major reliance of the research design is collection of primary data via interviews and then preference will be given on case studies and organizational documents. The type of questions in the interview is consisted of two parts (Yin, 1994). The part one tries to explore the reason of terrorism; however the Part two actually examines how it is affecting tourism industry and peoples opinion about Philippine. The purpose of this chapter is to find out the right method to conduct the survey. The purpose of the survey, the way we will collect the data, the philosophy of the survey etc (Remenyi, 1998). 3.2 Research Philosophy Management research is both about knowledge and action (McNiff, 1996). The relationship between knowledge and action is not straight forward. While there are several issues that one needs to consider at the outset of a qualitative journey we believe that familiarity with the basic Philosophical aspects underpinning qualitative research is a prerequisite (Eriksson Kovalainen, 2008). Ontology and epistemology interested in examine the same phenomenon, but their believe will lead them to set up their studies differently because of their views of evidence, analysis and purpose of research meaning (Potter, 1996). Epistemology bring out the questions like what do we regard as knowledge or evidence of things in the social world; what is our theory of knowledge; what are the principles and rules by which we decide whether and how social phenomena can be known and how knowledge can be demonstrated? (Brymen Bell, 2003). There are different epistemologies exists such as positivism, interpretive and constructionist. 3.2.1 Research Paradigm Realism and positivism are often claimed to be the same but should be treated as separate approaches (Johnson and Duberly, 2000). Positivism believes only phenomena or knowledge confirmed by peoples senses. Thios theory needs to generate testable hypothesis which will allow the explanation of law (Brymen Bell, 2003). This theory gain knowledge through gathering facts. This research will follow the positivism as the realist researchers into management believe, with positivist, that the knowledge we gain through research can accurate mirror reality itself. Research paradigm will be analysing and evaluating the abstract belief in the way data should be collected, analysed and used in a research (Healy, et al., 2000 and Kupers, 2008). Two major research philosophies, positivism and phenomenological, for qualitative data collection will be essentially analysed in respect to both speculative beliefs in how data should be gathered using different approaches (Fisher, 2010). This section will use the research paradigm which is usually generated from the survey report (Bryman Bell, 2007; Robson, 2002). Research paradigm should generally be seen through theoretical frameworks that direct the investigator to achieving his objective (Sobh Perry, 2006). A critical analysis on the three components of the research paradigm which include; ontology, epistemology and methodology will be evaluated with contributions from different academic source (Healy Perry, 2000; Jankowicz, 2000). Ultimately, the next section will significantly analyse the research design in relation to the case study which will be under studied. 3.3 Research Design Most of the realist research is based upon a comparison of qualitative case studies, which are analysed to whether there are any connections between variables. Qualitative case study provides a broader and deeper understanding of processes may give an opportunity to work out the ways in which one variable is casually linked to others (Flick, 2002). The disadvantage of the case based approach is that there is often too small a sample of cases to claim to claim that the links of cause and effect identified apply generally (Kvale, 1996). The researcher has developed the questionnaire in order to collect qualitative data through interview. The language of the questionnaire is English, since the majority of the guests are international (Richards Morse, 2007). There will be three parts to the questionnaire, which will consist of list questions, rating questions and open questions. For the qualitative data which supplements the quantitative data, it will be analyzed using content analysis (Lofland, 1976). 3.4 Sample of Participants / Procedure Various academic sources will contribute to evaluating and focusing on words in the collection and analysis of data as regards technique to collecting empirical data, the techniques include interviews, questionnaires and observational methods (Alam, 2005; Bryman Bell, 2007). However, the data collection methods to be used will be semi-structured interviews, direct observations, telephone and Skype which are sequentially addressed in due course as the research progress (Brannan, 2008). Interviewing 1 Director, Hotel of Basilan 1. Interviewing 1 Director, Hotel of Basilan 2 This section will evaluate the amount of participants to be studied in the organisation following sampling size method which is the most common procedure in qualitative research (Saunders, et al, 2007). The director and the security in charge of the hotel will provide most of the problems and development situation (Buyens Devos, 2001; Dalen, et al, 2001). The compilation of survey result and interview will conduct the research (Cameron Price, 2007). 3.4.1 Data Collection tool The data collection tool is the designed questionnaire, which is consisted of twenty questions. The collection will be through questions of open ended and close ended type (Bell, 1987). These types of questions will try to analyze the employees assessment and expectations regarding the learning development factors of the organization. The research will be based on positivism principles with deductive approach (Coolical, 1990). Since no evident research has been recorded yet therefore major reliance will be over the primary data collection. 3.4.2 Data Analysis This study expects to provide recommendations on improving Hotel Industry. The study will aim to ascertain the level of tourist satisfaction in terms of tourism industry (Bulmer, 1977); to enable the industry of Philippine to gain a sustainable competitive development through applying different method (Feeney, 1990). 3.5 Ethical Considerations Ethical consideration will analyse the import of considering the research ethics as a vital process that should be considered extensively to influencing the access of the researcher into the organisation as a whole to obtain the data under investigation (Saunders, et al, 2007). 3.6 Validity and Reliability The reliability of this research shows its validity because there are many research has done in this topic and they were successfully applied in the industries (Gill, 1991). The reliability and validity will be the true measurement and testing of the quality of the research work as well as an instrument for conducting qualitative data collection methods (Alam, 2005; Bryman, 2008). This research will highlight two dimensions Reliability and validity to get the process and information (Preece, 1994) 3.7 Conclusion The methodology chapter included the research philosophy, paradigm and the design of the research. This chapter tried to show the justification of how this research should choose the right paradigm, philosophy (Kane, 1985). At the end the reliability and validity of carrying out this study will be to take into consideration the data to be analysed and implemented (Lawler, 1985). Chapter 4 Conclusion 4.1 Summary of approach of research The research will analyse about the various approaches to evaluate successfully (Silverman, 1985). This will give a idea about Philippine Hotel and Tourism Industry. This research will help to evaluate with the other terrorism affected country (Gummesson, 1991). 4.2 Justification of topic The justification of the research will be find out the serious understanding of terrorist attack in the Philippines and will try to provide the right advice and method. From this research the Hotel Industry will get to know about their insight gaps and level of effort they need to give to improve (Mabey Ramirez, 2004). 4.3 Clarification of research question and how it will be addressed Before we go through the survey, it is very important to know about Terrorism and tourism and how it is affecting hotel industries. It is also important to realise how it is capturing importance day by day (Tjepkema, 2001). After conducting the interviews, research philosophy and deductive, positivism research, we will understand the organizational current situation and way to implement the recommendations (Holbeche, 2007)
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Media Does NOT Control Society Essay -- Sociology
Does media control us, or do we control media? "Sex, Lies and Advertising," was an essay written by the founder of Ms. Magazine, Gloria Steinem, explaining the difficulties in interesting advertisers for a women's magazine like hers. She talks about the advertising world seeing women's magazines as only "cash cows" and all the articles are surrounding hair, makeup, nails, or some other superficial thing that relates to Cover Girl, Revlon, Clairol, or Olay. According to Ms. Steinem, what we pick up from the newsstand or have delivered in our mail every month is all "fluff" because of such advertisers. "Oh, women's magazines... everyone knows they're just catalogs" (Steinam 275). In the movie, "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days" a woman journalist, Andie Anderson, who worked for such an advertiser's dream magazine, and wanted to have the freedom to write about politics and current events and things that were intellectually stimulating and not about hair, nails and makeup. At t he end of the story, she quit because she could not have that freedom because her editor would not allow her to write about anything but their set topics, and now, I see why. In "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days" we see how such companies are really controlled by the advertisers and the editors of those magazines make sure they stay that way to ensure the life of their magazine. The article "Censorship and Homosexuality in the Media" also deals with advertisers control of magazines, and to the censorship of television, movies, even plays. It comes from the opposite direction though, rather than it being the magazine, or the conservatives screaming for something that wont offend their delicate sensitivities or possible maim Junior for life, it's co... ... McGrath, Charles. "Giving Saturday Morning Some Slack." The Blair Reader. Eds. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall. 266-271. National Vanguard Magazine. "Who Rules America?" Jul 2001. 13 Oct 2003. Http:// Steinem, Gloria. "Sex, Lies, and Advertising" The Blair Reader. Eds. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall. 274-290. Tuttle, Katie. "Television and African Americans." The Blair Reader. Eds. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall. 297-303. Wynn, Marie. "Television, the Plug-in Drug." The Blair Reader. Eds. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall. 257-266.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Chris Argyris Case Study Analysis: Organizational Climate Essay
Chris Argyris Case Study Analysis: Organizational Climate MidAmerica Nazarene University offers Organizational Behavior as a class in their adult education program (Courses, 2012) that this author teaches. Subsequently, Chris Argyris, a forerunner in organizational behavior research (Burke & Weir, 1978) and the discipline itself are of particular import to this writer. Argyris expanded on research analysis surrounding previously accepted norms of organizational examination that included "the formal, the personality, or the informal levels of analysis," (Argyris, 1958). Moreover, Argyris posited organizational behavior as a "living complexity, conveniently defined as the climate of the organization," (p. 502). This paper will examine organizational behavior as it relates to the case study published in 1958, the contribution of the researchers work, and the influence on the field of organizational psychology. The Case Study There is a fundamental reliance between organizations and the people that make up organizations. Businesses function with a menu of policies and procedures intended to shape the behavior of employees to deliver on goals set forth by the company. Employees have emotional qualities, skill sets, and other abilities that allow them to function in the business environment, Variables affect the organization, creating conflict between the demands of the organization and the needs of the employees. Argyris (1958) described this conflict as organizational behavior, or the â€Å"climate of the organization,†(p. 502). Organizational behavior as a separate analytical category to formal, informal, and personality analysis form the focus of his research. Described as a â€Å"new and forth level of analysis,†(p. 502), Ar... ...g Organizational Climate: A Case Study of a Bank. [Article]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2(4), 501-520. Argyris, C. (1974). Personality vs. organization. Organizational Dynamics, 3(2), 2-17. doi: 10.1016/0090-2616(74)90006-0 Argyris, C. (1978). Is capitalism the culprit? Organizational Dynamics, 6(4), 20-37. doi: 10.1016/0090-2616(78)90050-5 Argyris, C. (1985). Strategy, change and defensive routines. Southport PR9 9YF England: Pitman Publishing. Burke, R. J., & Weir, T. (1978). Organizational Climate and Informal Helping Processes in Work Settings. [Article]. Journal of Management, 4(2), 91-105. . Courses. (2012) Retrieved February 5, 2012, from . Google Scholar. (2012) Retrieved February 5, 2012, from,26&sciodt=0,26&hl=en
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Irony in Oedipus the King Essay -- Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex
Irony in Oedipus the King    When Sophocles wrote Oedipus the King, he knew that his audience would have some idea as to the outcome, his tale being a Greek tragedy which follows a strict form. Not wanting to write a predictable, bland play, Sophocles used this knowledge to his advantage and created various situations in which dramatic irony plays a key role. Dramatic irony is present when the tragic truth is revealed to the audience before it is revealed to the characters within the story. Through this use of irony, Sophocles succeeds in telling a fresh tale. Even though the audience knows how the story will end, they are intrigued by the presence of irony. By crafting irony into his tale, Sophocles gives the reader a desire to see how Oedipus is going to mentally react to the events that are sure to transpire.            Oedipus is self-confident, intelligent, and strong willed. Ironically these are the very traits which bring about his tragic discovery. Because of these traits Oedipus was able to solve the riddle given to him by the Sphinx. When this riddle was solved he acquired great popularity and power.  He was then challanged into a riddle of his own where he had to find out the truth of his past and the fate of his future. By solving this riddle he lost all the power and glory, left to be exiled and become a beggar in another land. If Oedipus had not been so determined to escape and prevent the prophecy by the Oracle, he would not have fulfilled it. Possibly, he was doomed to fulfill the prophecy because he believed he could avoid it. Nevertheless, his fate was sealed by his actions of pride and determination. His pride of conquering the Sphinx led him to the marriage of Jocasta, his mother. Whe... ... truth, whereas when he blinded himself he knew the full truth of what the oracles had said. Sophocles successfully attained his objective in "Oedipus the King" through the use of dramatic irony. Works Cited and Consulted: Abrams, M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms, 7th ed. New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999. Ehrenberg, Victor. "Sophoclean Rulers: Oedipus." In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, edited by Michael J. O'Brien. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Transl. by F. Storr. no pag. Available: Yaeger, Werner. "Sophocles' Master of Dramatic Irony." In Readings on Sophocles, edited by Don Nardo. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Â
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Preaching to Every Pew: A Book Review Essay
Introduction            The issue of immigration continues to be a thorny issue in the United States. The number of Hispanics and Asians is on the rise. Even if there are sectors in the society who want to limit the number of immigrants in the country, it can no longer be denied that immigrants play an increasing role in the fabric of the American society. Up to some extent, the authorities and the people in the society should be able to cope with this reality and make the best use of the situation.            As different races enter the United States, culture becomes richer and more diverse. The society, including the churches, should take note of the changes brought about by this phenomenon and reach out to people belonging to different cultural backgrounds. This multicultural setting, however, is a difficult thing to handle. There are different issues that have to be understood and dealt with if the churches would like to be relevant to all people groups. After all, the church is not only a church for White people but the Lord Jesus Christ repeatedly stressed the universality of the Gospel and the brotherhood of all humans.            Cultural diversity includes differences in languageâ€â€and this not only involves the grammar and modes of speaking and writing. Rather, there are subtle nuances and differences in expressing metaphors and meaning, which is inherent in every language. As such, those who speak English as a second language would not easily understand metaphors and idiomatic expressions in the English language.            In addition to this, every culture has different practices, which would seem incomprehensible or downright crazy to people from another culture. If the lenses of a particular culture were used to understand another, then the result would be conflict and misunderstanding. Dealing with Multiculturalism in the Church            The churches are not spared from this difficulty of dealing with multiculturalism. However, unlike the corporate world that explores how to deal with multiculturalism, churches are floundering with their efforts to reach out to people belong to different cultures. With this reality in North America, Nieman and Rogers’ book â€Å"Preaching to Every Pew†is a timely advice and provides a blueprint in dealing with multiculturalism.            The book is not merely the musings of two theorists. Rather, the authors did extensive research and interviews with pastors whose ministries are located in multicultural settings. Hence, their ministry is grounded in actual practice, thereby providing credence to the concepts and principles that they explore. Their approach is systematic and comprehensive. They cover all the major factors affecting the issue of multiculturalism.            The authors explore hospitality as a theological mandate for pastors and church members to deal with the cultural diversity in their congregations. Indeed, throughout the Old Testament, hospitality[1] is an important commandment of God. In the New Testament, hospitality was extended to Jesus and eventually to the disciples as they propagated the world to different areas of the world. Their setting then was also multicultural. Jesus, himself, offers a great example of cross-cultural communication. When Jesus was in Samaria, he transcended cultural differences and social differences when he talked and ministered to the Samaritan woman. When he spoke to the woman, he used terms and cultural references that the woman could relate to. If he did not, then the chances are, the woman will not listen to him and simply dismiss his claims. By looking at the example of Christ, we can see his sensitivity as well as the way he considered the cultural background of the person he is talking to. Through these theological principles, then, Christians are reminded of their roots and how they can emulate the example of Jesus and of the early disciples in dealing with believers from other cultural settings. This discussion is then followed by an examination of different cultural â€Å"frames†of the congregation. Cultural Frames Affecting Diversity There are four different cultural frames that the author explored: ethnicity, economic class, geographical displacement, and religious belief. These cultural frames were used by the authors in explaining the nature and dynamics of multiculturalism in the church. Through carefully crafted chapters, the authors described the cultural frame under consideration. After such a description, they listed down misconceptions and dealt with them point by point. According to the authors, the concept of ethnicity is more comprehensive than the term â€Å"race†because the former takes into account the communal identities of peoples instead of merely taking note of colors and physical characteristics. In addition to this, people who move to the United States are usually displaced geographically because of economic needsâ€â€they do not have much opportunity to work in their countries. As such, they choose to risk their lives and their identities by coming to America. As a result of the displacement, they become disoriented and they might feel that they do not belong to the new society where they relocated. Even if they were Christians from their places of origin, they still find it difficult to assimilate themselves to the American society that they find themselves in. In a sense, ethnicity becomes a question of politics and economics. Their social situation also has an important impact on the way they will accept or listen to sermons directed to them. Furthermore, because of their cultural backgrounds, they will have different views regarding Christianity and the message it brings. Economic class is another cultural frame through which immigrants view their world. Because they have to work a lot and meet their needs, a lot of immigrants would rather go to work on Sundays rather than attend church and listen to the sermon. This should also be taken into account by preachers. After all, a pastor or a priest talking to middle class families will not make much sense to an immigrant who is barely making a living, in the same way that middle class could not relate with preaching directed towards rich people. After dealing fully with the cultural frame, the authors then enumerate several areas in the frame under consideration, which preachers, pastors, and even priests should take into account as they minister through preaching to a multicultural congregation. In conclusion to the chapters dealing with these cultural frames, the authors suggest several strategies in preaching to a multicultural congregation. People from other parts of the world tend to bring with them their own religion. When they enter the United States, they might have come from a Buddhist, Islamic, or non-Christian religions. Each religion would have its own worldview and assumptions about the world. Hence, there is also a challenge in communicating with people from different religions. But in a manner of speaking, those who have a similar concept of a personal God might be easier to talk to than those from polytheistic religions. In the final chapter of the book, Niemann and Rogers provided a discussion on the ministry of preachers and their role in this fast changing world. Multiculturalism is another issue that they have to deal with if they were to minister effectively to their congregations. With globalization raging all over the world and as people become more mobile, the challenges of preaching can easily become gargantuan. The authors, therefore, provided several means in which preachers and pastors can do this. The authors dealt with cultural diversity in the churches. However, they did not dwell much on the social advocacy part of the issue. Nonetheless, the authors did a good job of helping church workers be jolted awake in dealing with cultural diversity. The world tends to be confusing and more difficult to deal with because of a great deal of issues. Yet, the authors have drawn upon God’s word and actual experiences in the field to draw out interesting concepts and strategies to deal with this cultural diverse world created by God. The Authors            Both James R. Niemann and Thomas G. Rogers teach Homiletics. The former teaches at Wartburg Theological Seminary while the latter is Associate Professor at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. Both authors are Lutheran in background. Even with their background, the authors were able to transcend denominational differences to become relevant to most denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church since the issue they are dealing with affects not only protestant churches, but every church in general. Cultural Diversity and the Challenge of the Times Cultural diversity can no longer be prevented. In fact, it might grow even more pronounced in the coming years as more and more countries become open to each other. Because of this diversity, people from different cultural backgrounds will have different and radical interpretations even if they were listening to the same message. Niemann and Rogers’ book helps preachers deal with this. In the process, they are also helping congregations in the long run in understanding God’s word preached to them.            â€Å"Preaching to Every Pew†is a relevant book to our timesâ€â€for mainline protestant denomination and even for the Roman Catholic Church. The book provides a comprehensive look at how culture shapes the worldviews of people and how it influences the already complicated process of communication. Since preaching is a form of communication involving the word of God, the authors then outline principles and practices based on scriptures and on actual practice so that preaching can be more dynamic in dealing with cultural diversity. In this regard, the book is a very useful tool for pastors, priests and even lay preachers. It helps them become more relevant and interesting. Hopefully, by consulting this book, pastors, preachers, and priests can avoid becoming boring and insensitive in the church. Rather, they can become dynamic and sensitive to the cultural diversity that God has instituted in the world.            The authors have provided great insights into the cross-cultural nature of society. These are grounded in biblical principles and practical application. Yet, there is no alternative for loving people and treating them as neighbors in accordance with what the Bible teaches. Differences may be there but through cross-cultural strategies, pastors, preachers and priests can truly help in making these Christians one although diverse. Conclusion            The Church is Christ’s legacy. It is His instrument in working out His will on the planet. The church, on the other hand, even through its flaws and mistakes, is called upon to initiate people into the wonderful experience of following Christ. This is done best by preaching and actual means of reaching out to people.            The issue of immigration has been going on in the United States for the past decades. As this trend goes on, the Church is called upon to rethink its strategies and its framework in dealing with an increasingly becoming multicultural society. Although preaching is still a good way of reaching out to these immigrants, additional strategies are needed so that they can become more receptive to the message that the church has to offer. If they were tapped and immersed in the life of the church in the United States, these immigrants can add vibrancy and dynamism to the church through their different perspectives[2]. Christ, as the model of the Church, loved people and accepted them. In the course of his ministry, he showed cultural relevance and sensitivity. The church should no less than follow his footsteps. Otherwise, it fails to be relevant and it fails the mandate given to it by Christ.  Niemann and Rogers have done a great job in showing to the church and Christians alike how to devised strategies and techniques dealing with multiculturalism in the society and in the church. Bibliography Niemann, James R. and Thomas G. Rogers. Preaching to Every Pew: Cross-Cultural Strategies. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001. Warner, R. Stephen and Judith G. Wittner. Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration. Temple University Press, 1998 [1] Niemann, James R. and Thomas G. Rogers. Preaching to Every Pew: Cross-Cultural Strategies. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001. (p. 18) [2] Warner, R. Stephen and Judith G. Wittner. Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration. Temple University Press, 1998, p. 368. Â
Friday, August 16, 2019
Inter-American system of human rights protection Essay
Human Rights are certain inherent, inalienable, immutable, inviolate freedoms and rights of man which no one can take away. These include the right to life, liberty, equality and dignity. The United States of America recognizing these rights established the Inter American system of Human Rights by adopting the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man and the American Convention on Human Rights. Pursuant to the adoption of these instruments the Inter American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter American Court of Human Rights were established to promote and protect Human Rights of individuals. PART A 1. It is pertinent to note that the Inter American Commission on Human Rights primarily seeks to promote consciousness about Human Rights amongst the people of the country. Its functions mainly include receiving complaints, analyzing and investigating them. It has powers of observation and collection of data regarding Human Rights violations in the member States. It can also visit on site and conduct seminars and meetings to promote awareness regarding Human Rights. When a complaint is referred to the Commission, it can after conducting its investigation and analysis publish a report and send it to the State. This report is recommendatory in nature and not mandatory. Hence the Commission can only recommend that the State take due notice of the human rights violations and take appropriate reparatory measures. In the alternative, the Commission can seek opinion from the Inter American Court of Human Rights. So also, in the present case, the Commission has no powers to enforce the law laid down by the State of Colorado but can only request the State to take precautionary measures so as to ensure that human rights are not infringed upon. 2. With respect to the second question, it is seen that as per Article 2 of the Statute of the Inter American Court of Human Rights, the Court has adjudicatory jurisdiction vis a vis a human rights violation brought before it by the Commission or any Member State of the Organization of American States. The said Article refers to Articles 61-63 of the American convention on Human Rights which clearly state that the Court can order the State to allow the human being to enjoy his human right and also order for either monetary or non monetary compensation for the injury so caused. Such an order passed by the American Court would be binding on the State. The provision further clarifies that in case an act or omission on the part of the State would cause irreparable loss to the person, the Commission can take such provisional measures to ensure that the irreparable loss is not caused. It would thus transpire that in the present case, the Inter American Court of Human Rights can enforce the law requiring the Colorado State police to arrest an individual disobeying the restraining order. 3. In the present case various provisions of the various human rights enactments are violated. The Commission can primarily seek to apply Articles 1, 5, 6, 9, 18 & 24 of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man. Article 1 of the American Declaration states that all persons have equal right to life, liberty, and personal security. Article 5 & 6 deal with a person’s right to protection of self as well as family. Article 9 talks about a person’s right to inviolability of home while 18 & 24 talks of fair trial and the right to approach the court for remedy. A brief reading of the petition tells us how each of these rights have been violated by omission to act on the part of the State. These clauses are applicable even if the United States have not ratified this Declaration. Further Article 11 of the American Convention on Human Rights which deals with a persons right to protect his honor and home and also gives him the right to seek judicial remedy in case of infringement is another provision that the Commission can consider and apply to this particular case. According to the Inter-American Convention on Forced Disappearance of Persons, a duty is laid on the State to punish those persons or their accomplices who commit the crime of forced disappearance of others. This clause has been violated by the husband of the petitioner who allegedly kidnapped their daughters and the police department can be held liable as they stood mute spectators to the whole thing. Article 7 of the Convention of Belem do Para (the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women) condemns all forms of violence against women and seeks to punish such persons who have committed such crimes by enacting proper laws and proper investigation. The Convention also requires that the State should enact and adopt such laws which will help refrain a person from committing such acts of harassment and also ensure that persons who are victims of such violence are given timely and proper hearing. This is a right guaranteed to all women and more so to women who are victims of domestic violence. The police in this particular case having full knowledge of the fact that the petitioner was a victim of domestic violence chose to ignore her pleas and thereby ignore this provision. 4. Prior to considering the kind of jurisdiction that the Inter American Court of Human Rights would have in this present case, it is necessary to list the basic kinds of jurisdiction available to the Court in general. Jurisdiction of the Inter American Court is broadly classified into– Provisional, Advisory and Adjudicatory or contentious Jurisdiction. In provisional jurisdiction, the Court has the power to act in situations that are grave and urgent and require immediate intervention without which grave harm shall be caused to the victim (Buergenthal, 1982, p.241). In Advisory Jurisdiction the Court can give its opinion on the various provisions of the Convention as well as other treaties and also opinionate on the compatibility of the domestic law with any treaty (Buergenthal, 1982, p. 242). In order to avail the adjudicatory or contentious jurisdiction is concerned, it is necessary that the member States subject themselves to the jurisdiction of the Inter American Court (Pasqualucci, 2003, p. 88). It is also necessary for the Convention or treaty in question to grant the jurisdiction to the Court. An illustration to explain this point would be that the Inter American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women very clearly states that the Commission has only advisory jurisdiction and no contentious jurisdiction in respect of complaints filed under its provisions (Pasqualucci, 2003, p. 91). The jurisdiction clause also states that the Inter American Court cannot naturally assume the role of an appellate authority. It cannot make right any wrong decision of the national courts. However, if there is a gross violation of the human rights enshrined in any treaty and if this gross violation were to cause irreparable harm to the individual, then the Inter American Court may interfere and record that the proper procedures as laid down in the treaties were not followed. In the present case, the United States by virtue of having ratified the American Convention, has given people the individual right to approach the Commission for violation of human rights. However, this jurisdiction in advisory in nature and not adjudicatory as it has not yet subjected itself to the jurisdiction of the Inter American Court. Thus any person through the Commission can seek the advisory jurisdiction of the Inter American Court even if the Member State has not subjected itself to the jurisdiction of the Court (Buergenthal, 1982, p. 244) 5. Procedurally, the Commission on receiving a petition shall initially register it and see if it has complied with all the rules of procedure and if the petition does not comply then the Commission will send it back to the petitioner so as to ensure compliance. Once the petition conforms to the rules then the Commission shall then send relevant parts of the petition to the State for its response, for which the State is given two months time. However, in serious and urgent cases, the State is asked to respond immediately. This is done to ensure the veracity of the petition and to ensure that the petition still subsists. The commission may also require the State to present its observations on the admissibility and merits of the case at hand. Once the observations of the parties are submitted or the time period given to each party has lapsed, the Commission will verify the merits of the case based on the facts before it and decide whether to admit it or reject it. In the present case too the Commission should first satisfy itself as to the compliance of all the rules of procedure and then seek observations from the State and other parties concerned. 6. The Commission will then confirm as to whether the petitioner has exhausted all the available domestic remedies. However, in cases where the domestic legislation does not provide for due process of law or where the petitioner is refrained from pursuing domestic remedies then the above provision does not hold true. The Commission has to ensure that the petition before it has been filed within six months of receipt of the decision of the domestic remedy. In this case the petitioner has exhausted all the possible domestic remedies and has not been successful in the same. The Supreme Court of the United States has also rejected the petition of the petitioner and has passed its final judgment in the matter. The Commission should then decide on the admissibility of the petition by setting up a working group. In the present case, it is seen that the Commission has held the petition admissible. When the Commission finds a petition admissible it creates an admissibility report that is made public and the case is then registered and the parties are notified of the same. After the case has been registered, the Commission invites additional observations in writing from all parties concerned. A time limit for submitting these observations is set by the Commission. In some cases, the Commission can also convene a hearing to enable the parties to present their points of view. In this case too, the Commission has opened the case and the parties are informed about the same. Additional observations have been requested from the parties and the Commission has in fact convened a hearing. In this case, the United States government has responded by stating that it has taken proper and adequate measures to combat domestic violence and that the remedies in the domestic judicial system are adequate to tackle the problem. In the hearing the Petitioner will be able to present her case before the Commission in person. After hearing the case of both sides and also after going through the written observations submitted by both parties, the Commission will deliberate on the merits of the case and formulate a report. 7. The first document that the Commission publishes in response to a case is the admissibility report wherein it admits the case and registers it. This report has already been published by the Commission and has been sent to the parties concerned. The Commission has then convened a hearing on the issue and will deliberate on the case after the hearing. The next important document that the Commission publishes is the Preliminary report on the merits of the case. This report contains the preliminary observations and the recommendations of the Commission. 8. If the Commission feels that there is no violation, then the report is published and sent immediately to all parties concerned. In case the Commission feels that some provisions have indeed been violated then a preliminary report is made and sent to the State along with the recommendations proposed by the Commission. 9. In case the State complies with the recommendations given in the preliminary report, the Commission will notify the petitioner as to the same. However, in cases where the State does not comply with the same, the Commission can approach the Inter American Court for adjudication. However, in the present case as the United States has not subjected itself to the jurisdiction of the Court, the said remedy is not available to the Commission in case of non compliance. In the present case, the Commission should deliberate on the observations sent by the parties, investigate on site to determine the veracity of the facts, interview the various concerned individuals and then send its preliminary report to the State along with its recommendations. If the State fails to comply with the same within three months of it being sent, the Commission then has to issue a final report that contains its opinion, final conclusions and final recommendations. The Commission should then send it across to all parties concerned and make a note of it in its Annual report. The Commission should take active steps in terms of follow up to evaluate the actual compliance of the recommendations by the parties. 10. In this present case, if the Commission publishes its preliminary report wherein it holds that there has been violation of human rights and recommends certain precautionary measures to the State then it would mean that the petition has succeeded partially. By partially, it is meant that the violation has been recognized by the Commission. However, for the petition to succeed completely, the State has to comply with the recommendations given by the Commission. If the State refuses to accept the recommendations of the Commission, then the petition would have failed as the petitioner has not achieved any major reliefs but has only obtained a theoretical order that envisages the ideal situation vis a vis human rights.
Literature Reflection Paper
James Kain wrote the essay â€Å"Why Literature†and from reading that, I got the various opinions about Literature from a Literature professor’s point of view. I really liked the quote â€Å"Students always ask why they have to read this stuff. I understand their position; they have been brought up in a culture that values eternal youth in a material world†(Kain). Throughout my years in school, I have never heard any teacher or professor that understands our pains and suffering of reading, analyzing and learning Literature. Literature class is not my best choice of a class but Prof. Kain made Literature fun and exciting for me.I am so happy that I got the chance to take his Literature class because he really made it fun for us. In the way that I see it, movies, stories and poems are all the same. One is on the screen and the other two are on paper. And they both have the same motive to express feelings, stories and problems. Throughout the essay by Mr. Kain, he wrote many things that really stood out to me. â€Å"The stuff of poetry, story and drama, written by a master of the language, helps us explore our own lives and destinies†(Kain). This quote really made me think about all of the wonderful works of words that we have read in this class.What this quote means is that certain stories, poems and types of drama makes me think of our own lives and what our dreams are. Another quote that really stood out to me is â€Å"The works of poets and storytellers differ from other writings because they expose questions, emotions, doubts and fears; they illuminate the writer’s inner life, and they vitalize our language – that is, they give life and meaning to words we normally take for granted†(Kain). When I read this, it reminded me of the poem that we read by Theodore Roethke My Papa’s Waltz. In that poem, the ordinary words that we would be using in our daily lives really came to life.That poem had a lot of i nner emotions from the poet’s personal life since it was about his father who he wished had a better relationship with. The third and final quote from this that I really liked was: â€Å"Writers of literature help us do this. They give us the story of their own struggle with this noisy, marvelous, frustrating God-blessed troublesome world. They show us views of life that we could never experience by ourselves†(Kain). Poets and authors give us another look on life with their works. We may have our own issues and problems but no everyone has the same problems as us.The problems that the poets and authors give us can be so much worse than what we are facing. Always remember that everyone has their own issues and problems and they are not the same as you. In my earlier paragraphs, I mentioned the poem by Theodore Roethke My Papa’s Waltz. I really liked this poem a lot because it was the type of poem that really stood out to you and you would never forget it. By rea ding the title alone, you would think that the poem would be a nice happy one but after the first stanza, that all changes. The words in that poem were not used in the ordinary way that we would use them in our daily lives.The one line from the poem: You beat time on my head with a palm caked hard by dirt, Then waltzed me off to bed still clinging to your shirt makes you think of the use of words that are in this stanza and what they mean in the context of the sentence. The short stories section of this class was not my best. I like to read stories but analyzing is not something that I can do at the top of my head. I really have to think about the story, plot and characters really deeply in order to finally come up with a conclusion on the analysis of the whole story. The one story that really got to me is The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe.This was the type of story that was so unreal and very disturbing. After reading the part about when the cat was making the noise inside the wall even though his owner killed him; it really sent chills down my spine. This is the type of story you can easily tell to people on Halloween and they would really spooked out. This type of story really let the emotions out to the reader. That is what I like about when I read certain stories and poems; I want the author or poet to expose emotions in the words so I can feel the same way as the author or poet feels.I am pretty sure that for everyone in the class, the movie The Dead Poet’s Society was by far the best thing that we have done in this class. The movie did a good job in expressing the types of freedom, wishes and desires for each of the characters. The tragic ending for one of the main characters Neal Perry was definitely an eye opening for everyone. I am sure that no one really expected that to happen. Neal had a lot of pressure from his father; going to a good school, getting the highest grades than anyone else and getting into Yale or Harvard. Neal wanted to be a f ree bird but it was his Dad that was holding him back.His main passion was acting and he still went on with it even though he knew of the consequences that would follow. This type of emotion made me think of me because I know I have a lot of pressure from my parents especially since I am a Nursing major and after getting my degree here at Neumann University, they want me to get my Masters and become a Nurse Practitioner. I feel like all students in high school and college get a lot of pressure from their parents and the main reason for that is that their parents love them and want what is best for them.This was the type of drama that really expressed emotions of every one of the characters and that is whole main idea of Literature. In conclusion, I really liked this Literature class and I am really happy that I got the chance to take it with Prof. James Kain. He really knows what Literature is and he really makes it fun for us students. Literature is not that bad; you can like many stories and poems if you like movies because basically movies are like the same as stories and poems. The only difference is that movies are on the screen, stories and poems are on paper.
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