Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Analyse Contribution Of Engagement In Biopsychosocial Assessment Client Nursing Essay
Break down Contribution Of Engagement In Biopsychosocial Assessment Client Nursing Essay In this paper the way toward building a remedial relationship and surveying customers own conditions inside the inpatient affirmation and the system found by and by will be utilizes dissected and scrutinized by utilizing Johns (1994) model of reflection. The structure that has been utilized in psychological well-being administrations is the Care Program Approach (CPA), which it has been significantly reprimanded since it was presented. In this way the reflection will investigate other model of nursing, Tidal Model, which offers an alternate way of thinking of care. The reflection will likewise investigate the relational connections hypotheses which the breast fed utilized during the evaluation and how these supported to draw in the customer in the biopsychosocial surveying process. It likewise will be talked about other mediation models and the conceivable utilization in comparative circumstances. So as to start the examination of the above focuses, commitment should be characterized. Thurgood (refered to by Norman and Ryrie (2004) p.650) portrayed it as: can be extensively characterized as offering a support that is experienced by administration clients (counting carers) as worthy, available, positive and enabling. In spite of the fact that this definition gives a thought of the idea, it needs to characterize the key components of commitment, which Cutcliffe and Barker (2002) recognized as framing a human to human relationship, communicating resistance and acknowledgment, and hearing and comprehension. The two definitions assemble the expert estimations of the administration and the connection itself. However, Cutcliffe and Barker (2002) definition can be viewed as progressively reasonable when comprehensively surveying customers. In any case, these definitions don't recognize variables of commitment that are behind the relational relationship, for example, individual or auth oritative points of view of commitment. The individual viewpoint for the medical caretakers practice is supported by poor basic association, word related societies and stress, bureaucratic compels, absence of time and nursing society driven by quantifiable targets (Hosany et al (2007) and Addis and Gamble (2004)). Then again, customers and their families are adapted by the psychological instability, their past encounters with different administrations, the trust in the administration and its significance. Furthermore, the authoritative issues impact upon commitment and care by lessening administrations spending plans, by not giving assets and furthermore by legislative issues. Commitment has been perceived as a significant piece of psychological wellness administrations clients care. The National Service Framework (NSF), the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Department of Health (DoH) select that clients under CPA ought to be given assets to construct a remedial relationship, streamline commitment and lessen dangers. These records additionally feature the need to give a remedial domain so as to give best mind and to draw in the customers and their families with the administration. Considering all the above data an intelligent record will be occurring in the accompanying pages by utilizing Johns model of reflection (1994). 1. Portrayal of the experience The clinical condition where this evaluation occurred was in an intense grown-up ward. The ward is situated in an old psychological wellness medical clinic, which has old and pilling off wooden windows, messy rooftops and antiquated deck. The ward had messy floor coverings, the window ornaments didn't draw properly and the work of art on the dividers was stripping off. These are the hierarchical boundaries influencing commitment. This specific customer was known by the administration as of now, to ensure his entitlement to classification he will be alluded as John (NMC code of training 2008). John had been steady for a long time, however in the previous barely any months his psychological state had compounded. His psychosis and levels of uneasiness expanded; he doubted neighbors and different colleagues just as outsiders. Thusly, he quit leaving his home and started to self cure with over the counter narcotics. Emergency and Resolution Home Treatment Team (CRHTT) was included and as they felt that John couldn't adapt at home, they concluded that an inpatient affirmation would be advantageous. Before the confirmation the CRHTT sent the CPA structure 1A, which refreshed the ward staff about the most recent appraisal of the customers biopsychosocial needs. When John showed up to the ward, he completely comprehended the circumstance where he was in. He had the option to assent and had ability to concur with treatment and, subsequently, he was conceded as a casual customer. This encouraged the underlying collaboration and the underlying establishing for the medical caretaker/customer relationship. Prior to the start of the appraisal Tom (Johns named nurture) acquainted everybody with John, jobs were clarified, an invite pack with the ward data and a CPA booklet were given and Tom gave all the data in an oral and composed way. The attendant began the evaluation by detailing open inquiries. Anyway John offered single direct responses (indeed, not, not certain ). Therefore, the attendant chose to change to more straightforward addressing. After that the customer was very co-employable and was addressing all the inquiries. He answered to be restless, which additionally was observable by looking to his non-verbal communication (he was sweat-soaked, grasping his fingers, scouring his hands on the seats arms and evacuating his scenes a few times during the meeting). At this stage the medical caretaker chose to embrace a tension evaluation by utilizing the scales instruments accessible on the ward the Becks Anxiety Inventory (BAI, see Appendix 1). Following this evaluation, John started to address the inquiries more inside and out and he showed up progressively facilitated, expressing a few times that he was in clinic for help and would do everything that was accessible for his recuperation. Following the nearby trust approaches and NICE rules, the CPA 1A evaluation was closed (as it must to be finished inside 72 hours of the affirmation); the Integrated Care Pathway for Inpatient Safety and the Patient Property Liability Disclaimer were filled in and marked by medical attendant and customer. 2. Reflection The entire appraisal was planned to assemble however much data as could reasonably be expected about John so as to comprehend the customers real biopsychosocial circumstance (all encompassing evaluation) and the setting that prompted the affirmation, which would feature the necessities and qualities of the customer. Nonetheless, inpatient affirmations are bound to concentrate on a progressively clinical way to deal with wellbeing, for the most part since social intercessions can't be executed until the customers mental state has balanced out and he is prepared to proceed onward to network settings. Along this procedure the multi-disciplinary group sorts out consideration to develop the grounds to empower recuperation (Simpson 2009). This specific ward was center around treatment and balancing out, chipping away at coordinated intercessions (nurture customer), assembling a helpful relationship through organized and unstructured mediations, and utilized CPA as a nursing mediation struc ture. Close by these individual communications, the movement medical caretakers and the word related advisor offered every day social and relaxation exercises. These gatherings gave aptitudes and diversion to the customers on the ward, yet didn't follow a specific model of nursing, for example, the Tidal Model, and they offered exercises to save the extra time on the ward without advancing recuperation. The Tidal Model gives organized gathering work focused on recuperation (Barker and Buchanan-Barker 2005). This model communities its evaluation on an all encompassing methodology for the short and long haul needs, seeing the psychological maladjustment as a one of a kind encounter of every person, their families and social condition. It investigates the absolute bottom of the disease, (for example, an inpatient affirmation like Johns) as where the recuperation starts with a positive way to deal with the ailment. There are three working gatherings suggested in this model: revelation, arrangements and data (see informative supplement 3), where helpful relationship is manufactured and gives normal to the individual and others are talked about and investigated. As referenced over, the ward attendants had increasingly organized intercessions with customers, and the issues talked about in these meetings were connected to the Tidals Model subject gatherings. In these meetings the customers draw in with their essential medical attendants and they examine their interests according to their consideration or other individual issues. These mediations or meetings were proposed to occur in any event twice week by week for at any rate 60 minutes. In any case, for authoritative issues (normally low number of staffing) not all the customers had the chance to profit by these balanced intercessions all the time. At first, the Tidal Model exploration was condemned for being predisposition, for lacking to completely portray customers pre and post mediation with the model, not considering Hawthorne impact and the majority of physiological variables and by not thinking the requirement for another model in psychological well-being care (Noak 2001). In any case, further examination and investigation demonstrated that the Tidal Model gives instruments and structure to improve care in intense ward affirmations filling the holes in care pointed in the NSF and The Sainsbury Center for Mental Health (Gordon et al 2005). One could state that this model has been appeared to improve psychological wellness administrations, satisfy the recorded holes inside nursing practice and to be grounded on proof based practice. Notwithstanding, the writer of this article accepts, in the wake of perusing the significant writing, that for the usage of the Tidal Model the degrees of staffing (and consequently the adminis tration financial plan) ought to be expanded and nursing practice societies must be changed by reinstructing the workforce. Ostensibly the two usage are exceptionally hard to accomplish as the wellbeing administration has seen spending plans cut downs in the ongoing years and medical caretakers rehearsed has been liable to negative ward societies towards nursing models. Then again
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Starbucks Hr Management Free Essays
Vital Human Resources Management The development of key HR the executives is established in labor arranging however it is crafted by avowing the significance of overseeing individuals viably just as seeking after towards increasingly adaptable and inventive so as to have the option to convey benefits in continually evolving condition. The majority of the writing survey proposed that the upside of significant information, interesting arrangement of aptitudes and dynamic abilities can brings about firm’s upper hand and worth creation too (Rochling et each of the, 2005). Hence, a fitting Human Resources practices can creates authoritative capacities, for example, strengthening, specific recruiting, broad preparing, execution assessment, group based work and execution based compensation work. We will compose a custom article test on Starbucks Hr Management or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now In view of these six practices, the underlying effect is on what representatives have and feel. Specific recruiting and broad preparing are totally planned for building certain abilities that empowering representatives to successfully play out their occupations. In the expansion on these practices alongside remunerations, execution assessment, strengthening and group based work will make employee’s recognitions on the company’s reasonableness and attractive quality and afterward, will impact their responsibility, inspiration and inspiration where it will straightforwardly influence on the firm’s execution. Notwithstanding, in spite of the fact that these six works on being dissected independently, they are not really being polished separately. This implies a portion of these can be joined together so as to show signs of improvement results, for example, the mix of strengthening, group based work and rewards. This can be demonstrated from the Whole Food Market case. The one of a kind human asset rehearses in Whole Food Market was notable and thought to be the primary drivers of its development and gainfulness in the business of normal and natural food retailers. The work culture in Whole Food Market was focused on the firm’s grassroots, which are the cutting edge level of the executives which assisted with taking out administration. The firm engaged the current colleague to pick their own newcomers where they feel great with in their group. Other than that, the firm additionally utilizes group based motivator (blend of group based work and prize) to improve cost sparing just as profitability. Every division inside a store that runs by a group will be given a regularly scheduled finance spending where the unspent finance cash toward the month's end will be isolated among the colleagues. This strategy has effectively diminishes undesirable expenses and expands the firm’s execution monetarily. Broad preparing has the potential side where preparing will in general grow progressively capable ability that inevitably will help up the representatives confidents and inspiration while playing out their activity. At whatever point the firm didn't give adequate preparing and improvement to the less capable workers, this may prompt debilitation among the representatives and afterward, lessens the efficiency and firm’s execution. For instance, Delta Airline, where the firm concentrates more on cost decrease and didn't invest a lot of energy on representative duty. The firm has deducted preparing costs which considers as critical costs in the aircraft business and causes absence of representative commitment in the firm. Subsequently, Delta has dropped to the base of the business in execution when contrasted with its rivals, for example, Southwest Airline. Each human asset rehearses costs cash to create and time to actualize and these expenses be that as it may, will go legitimately to the association main concern. For instance, being particular in recruiting may bring about better representatives however it will cost more in term of meeting and testing. Giving increasingly broad preparing will build their aptitudes and conceivably their mentalities however it will cause generous measure of cash spent to the firm. In this way, it is fundamental to actualize a superior human practices that builds profitability and simultaneously don't let their expenses outperform the advantages or that will bring no genuine increase for the firm. Step by step instructions to refer to Starbucks Hr Management, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
Liesel Meminger Character Analysis Essay Sample
Liesel Meminger Character Analysis Essay Sample Liesel Meminger Character Analysis Liesel Meminger is the main character of a historical novel ‘The Book Thief’ by an Australian writer Markus Zusak which is his most popular work. The novel was an international bestseller and is now considered to be a modern classic. Many people who have read it wondered if Liesel Meminger is a real person. According to the author, the book was inspired by real-life events that he heard from his German parents but all the characters in the novel are fictional and Liesel Meminger was never real although she might seem to be. ‘The Book Thief’ presents an emotional story of a ten-year-old girl living in Nazi Germany during Holocaust. The novel describes the joys and sorrows of Liesel, the new family that adopted her, and a Jewish man that Liesel’s family hide from the Nazi. The action takes place during a certain historical period, but ‘The Book Thief’ does not provide details on the complex events that are discussed in the novel. We can see them through the eyes of Liesel Meminger and learn about her point of view on Holocaust and World War II and, besides, we can learn about this point of view as it is told by Death, the narrator of the story. At the beginning of the novel, Liesel is about ten years old and towards the end of the novel, she is about fifteen. At that time, her home was destroyed by bombs and her loved ones were killed. The narration ends when Liesel is an elderly woman and Death comes for her soul. Liesel knows what it means the pain of loss â€" she lost her father, mother, and brother. When she comes to her foster family, they all have hard times because Liesel does not trust anyone. But her new family and friends treat her kindly and gently so she opens her heart to them and learns compassion. Liesel cares about the special people in her life and she also cares about justice in general. She is angry and frustrated with Hitler and war. As Liesel grows up, she starts to realize that everyone around her has experienced pain and loss. Although she is still a child, Liesel creates a moral system for herself and develops strong critical thinking. Liesel steals books. She loves books so much that she starts stealing them even before she is able to read them. The first book that Liesel steals is a handbook for digging graves. She steals it from a graveyard where her little brother has been buried because it reminds her of her brother and of her mother. So for Liesel, this book means a loss and a sorrow. But ‘The Gravediggers Handbook’ also means a beginning of a new period in Liesel’s life. When Hans finds this book beneath her mattress, they start reading it together and their friendship begins. Liesel realizes that there is a great power in books and in the words that are written in them and she enjoys reading them. It was her foster father Hans who teaches her to read although he is not good at reading himself because of his four-grade education. She reads with her foster father and, besides, she visits Frau Hermann who is the mayor’s wife in her library. She likes the library and thinks that it is one of the greatest places that she has ever been to. She also starts reading to people who come to their basement when air raids begin. Books are the source of real comfort for Liesel and the people around her. Liesel is enchanted by the power of language but as she matures, she starts to realize that words can be a dangerous weapon of control and at the same time they may be a gift that can broaden her knowledge and view on the world. Using books which she steals, reads, and writes, she develops her character.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Racism On The Slave - 1262 Words
Racism on the Racist: Examining Racial Discrimination’s Effects on its White Subjects in ‘Benito Cereno’, ‘What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?’ and Playing in the Dark Herman Melville’s short story ‘Benito Cereno’ (1855), Frederick Douglass’ speech ‘What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?’ (1852) and Toni Morrison’s literary critique Playing in the Dark (1993) differ greatly in form and context. Yet each focusses on the binary between white and black Americans, examining the ways by which each of these races perceives and interacts with the other. These racial binaries in the texts demonstrate the ways in which white Americans are affected by their own sense of supremacy, how their culture is shaped by their racism towards African†¦show more content†¦This ignorance is, throughout the short story, referred to as Delano’s ‘innocence’, a trait definitive of a man of the New World, unsullied, unlike Europeans, by the corruption of antiquity. At the story’s opening, he is described as ‘a person of a singularly undistrustful good nature, not liable†¦ to indulg e in personal alarms any way involving the imputation of malign evil in man’ (37). Since the tale is focalised through Delano, the reader is forced to adopt a similar level of naà ¯vetà © as the unsuspicious captain, however the third person narrator gives, from the outset, a warning to the reader about Delano’s unwillingness to see bad. ‘Whether, in view, of what humanity is capable,’ they write, ‘such a trait implies†¦ more than ordinary quickness and accuracy of intellectual perception, may be left to the wise to determine’ (38). This humorous interjection of the narrator’s casts Delano’s reliability in a dubious light. This is just one among many signs that the story’s protagonist might be slow on the uptake. Other signals include the abundance of grey imagery in the opening scene, the sky seeming a ‘gray surtout’ filled with flights of both ‘troubled gray fowl’ and ‘troubled gray vapours’ (37), this indeterminate colour suggesting confusion and the deception of appearances; and the San Dominick’sShow MoreRelatedRacism Without Racists By Eduardo Bonilla Slave849 Words  | 4 Pagesdid; however, I was indeed treated in a different way, which was racist and discriminated. When I read the materials from class, I felt I had experienced the exactly same thing in my life. Segregation, which was written by Eduardo Bonilla-Slave in his book: Racism without Racists, still happened today in my life; marginalization and powerlessness, which were proposed by Iris Young in her book: Five Faces of Oppression, were common problem for all Chinese nonimmigrants. 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Racism is the act of judging , prejudice, discrimation , or antagonism directed against someone of a different trace based on the belief that’s one own race is superior according to the defenition. There are many examples are what racism can cause such as slavery, individuals to feel superior or inferior of anotherRead MoreRacism Is Defined As Discrimination Against Someone Of A Different Race1302 Words  | 6 PagesRacism is defined as discrimination against someone of a different race based on the beliefs that one’s own race is superior (Oxfo rd Dictionary). Racism has existed since the beginning of time, coming to light during slavery in the sixteenth century and the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s. However, racism is still prevalent in today’s society and is a topic that needs to be further addressed and discussed. According to the article, â€Å"Slavery in America†on the website History, slavery began
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Western Civ Continuous or Discontinuous - 1411 Words
Is Human Development Continuous or Discontinuous? Human Development is lifelong, continuous and discontinuous and goes in so many different directions throughout a lifespan. It is plastic, multidisciplinary and is embedded in a changing socio-historical context. I truly believe I live in a continuous development pattern, as I believe the rest of us hope our children to follow in our footsteps of continuity. Sigmund Freud addresses continuous versus discontinuous in the understanding of mental illness. We tend to wonder if a mental illness if just an ordinary person taking something to an extreme, or if it is just a matter of degree. I think there is a difference in the way someone with a mental illness experiences reality. There are so†¦show more content†¦According to Augustine’s theory that all children are born in sin and act of free will it is my understanding that Augustine’s theory is a theory of discontinuity. This is because discontinuity is having a life with â€Å"personal decision, freely chosen, that will profoundly change the direction of one’s life. (Module Commentary – Historical Antecedents II) From what I’m understanding Augustine’s theory on discontinuity is that a decision has the ability to significantly impact the outcome of one’s life. According to module commentary research suggests that the past of an individual doesn’t necessarily suggest what the outcome of that person may be. When looking at my life and trying to determine whether my life would be of continuity or discontinuity I have to admit I struggled with the differences. I think that I my life could be either actually. However, after reading the text I would have to say that I would think the majority of my life is continuous in that my life has been full of stages. From infancy to adolescence and then into adult hood these were distinctive stages to which I lived through and made distinctive decisions. I recall events during my childhood such as my parents divorcing that helped me to comprehend and realize that life isn’t perfect. Instead of pitying on the fact that my parents were no longer together and revert back to being an infant
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Juror 8 As A Hero In Rose Reynolds 12 Angry Men - 947 Words
Does anyone know what a hero is capable of doing and what they mean in a persons life? Well a hero has always been admired and idealized for his courage, such as standing up against the world in order to prove their point. As shown in Rose Reynold’s twelve angry men, Juror 8 also known as Joseph Sweeney, has portrayed a role as a hero. As he had valued the life of an young teenager, and believed that they should be rethinking if the son is guilty or not. From my perspective, juror 8, Joseph Sweeney, is a true hero because he had courage to stand up against the world in order to prove his point. Juror 8 has a strong belief in justice, and feels that everyone should be treated fairly .Regardless of what race or gender; everyone should be†¦show more content†¦Whereas if you take the wrong path you will end up facing many problems and struggles. Since I have been a child, I have learned that always do what is right. At times truth may cause a lot of stress, but you should never give up on what is right for you. Being someone who can stand up against the world, and make a decision that is different from others may be very difficult. The whole world, then begins to criticize and torment you, but you do not give up you always fight for whats right. That, has been very well represented by Joseph Sweeney. He knew that at the moment everyone has a different decision, and no one is going to believe him.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effect of Training and Development of Employees
Question: Discuss about he Effect of Training and Development of Employees. Answer: Introduction In this part of the paper the researcher will analyze the various secondary data collected for the purpose of this research. The researcher will analyze the data with respect to the effect of training and development on customer satisfaction available through various books and journal articles. The researcher will discuss the effects of diverse options available to a customer with respect to the selection of products and services. The researcher will further discuss the importance of customer satisfaction on the performance of the businesses. The researcher will also discuss the relationship between training and development of employees and customer satisfactions. Increasing options available to customers Increasing competition in the market place in the modern society demands for customer satisfaction. The customers have various available options which they can freely choose (Krn 2014). Most of the organizations in the food and beverage industry provides similar products therefore the service they provide become a deciding factor based on which the consumers make their choice. Importance of customer satisfaction The customers are the the foundations on which an organization is based on (La and Yi 2015). If customers are not satisfied the organization would not be able to continue with its operations successfully and individuals and groups would be less interested in the products and services provided by them. The matrix in relation to customer satisfaction index is very useful to the managers so with respect to analyzing the business performance. It is one of the most important indicators with respect to loyalty and repurchases intentions of customers. It is the index which differentiates between two organization providing similar products. Customer satisfaction helps the businesses to reduce customers churn along with increasing the life time values of customers. It is a fact that customer retention is cheaper than acquiring new customers therefore it is essential to provide customer satisfaction. A loyal customer can also reject his favorite brand if he is not provided with customer satisf action. It has been observed that customers mainly leave a brand not because of products but because of inadequate satisfaction provided by the organizations to the customers. When an organization provides good level of customer satisfaction it is always stays ahead of its competitors (Cummings and Worley 2014). Relation between training and customer satisfaction If the employees of an organization are trained and are provided with appropriate rewards to ensure that the customers are satisfied there is no reason for which an organization cannot achieve customer satisfaction. The employees having the knowledge of how to satisfy customers along with motivations in form of rewards would put in that extra effort which would make any customer fell good about the services of the company. Customers who are provided with quality service create minimum problems for employees as they are aware of the fact that the employees are giving an effort towards their satisfaction. When such positive behavior is observed in the customers by the employees they also become keen to enhance their efforts towards providing better customer satisfactions. When the employees become aware of the exact things they require with respect to handling customers in a better way than they would automatically provide better services to the customers increasing customer satisfacti on (Cummings and Worley 2014). As the employees are the people who directly deal with customers they have to be provided with a proper framework which they can use as guidelines towards providing customer services. If the employees are provided with training in relation to communication they would be able to understand what the customers exactly want from them (Goetsch and Davis 2014). If the employees are provided with information in relation to the products of the company and are trained on how to provide such information to the customers it would automatically increase customer satisfaction. The customers would be able to understand the utility of the product and how it should be used to yield best results and therefore enhancing the experience of the customers (Anitha 2014). When the employees of an organization feel that the company is taking all possible steps to ensure the development of the employees they would also want to give extra effort towards the betterment of the organization (Wilder, Collier and Barnes 2014). The employees would make sure that they give extra effort towards the training and development program so that they can ensure that the customers are satisfied. Moreover it have been found that employee satisfactions is directly related to customers satisfaction that is the satisfied employees provide better customer satisfaction as compared to the employees who are not satisfied (Elnaga and Imran 2013). The critiques of training and development provide that such programs are not economically beneficial for the organizations as they require a lot of investments and are usually time consuming. Training is provided during the time of employment and during such time the employees are not able to do their normal course of work. However it is to be noted in this case that this investment results in long term benefits for the organization and the employees gain all knowledge which helps them to provide better services to the customers. The customers will only be willing to avail the services of the organization only if they are treated with respect and care by the employees as there are plenty of options available to the customers. the customers provide rare chances to rectify a mistake made by the employees therefore it must be ensured by the employees that they are able to provide flawless services to the customers so that they realize that they are getting back their value for money (Anitha 2014) . Effect of digitalization In the age of digitalization it is very important for the employees to know how to use the internet to communicate with the employees and address their needs. The customers have also become accustomed to the internet and usually prefer the source to order food thus it becomes all the more important for the employees to be accustomed to the internet so that they can provide better customer satisfaction. Research questions The appropriate questions which would be addressed by the researcher through are as followers What are is the effect of training and development of employees on customer satisfaction What are the issues which are faced by the employees with respect to training and development programs? What are the ways and areas in which the employees require training to enhance customer satisfaction? What effect does employee satisfaction have towards satisfying the customers? What are the amendments required to the existing training and development programs so that they can address the issue in a better way Research methodologies Research methodology is the manner in which a research is carried out by the researcher. The part will signify the type of data collection method that is primary or secondary which would be used by the researcher to collect data for the research. The part will also discuss the kind of method used by the researcher to analyze the data which has been collected for the research. The part will also describe the process used by the researcher towards the research (McGivern 2013). Research process The researcher will conduct the research according to the followings steps. The researcher will first identify a topic in relation to the current needs of businesses. The researcher will than indentify the significant issues related to the topic The researcher will than collect relevant information through different sources to analyze the issues in question. The researcher will than evaluate and review the information collected for the purpose of this research After an analysis of data has been done by the researcher he would draw an appropriate conclusion in relation to the topic and provide useful recommendations which would help to address the issue. Gantt chart Source: Created by Researcher Data collection method Data collection method is the process in which the researcher collects data for the purpose of the research. Data is usually collected via primary or secondary data collection methods (Treiman 2014). The researcher will be collecting data for the purpose of this research through both primary and secondary methods. Primary data will be collected by the researcher through a series of interviews conducted on selected frontline employees of the McDonalds Australia and randomly chosen customers of the organization. Another interview would be conducted on different sets of employees and customers to verify the result obtained from the first interview. Secondary data would be collected by the researcher through the available books and journal articles to analyze the current trends related to the chosen topic (Miles, Huberman and Saldana 2013). Data analysis method Data analysis methods can be divided into two categories which are qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis. Qualitative data analysis method Qualitative data analysis method is used when the research is based of secondary data and content analysis. Quantitative data analysis method Quantitative data analysis method is used when the research is based on primary data such as interviews and surveys and analysis is done based on numbers and statistics. The researcher will use quantitative data analysis for the purpose of this research as the research is primarily used on interviews and surveys conducted by the researcher on employees and customers of the organization. The data will collected by the researcher would be based on numbers and statistics obtained through the interviews which would be conducted (Palinkas et al. 2015). With respect to primary data the researcher will conduct interview based on two separate focus groups which would be comprised of twenty front line employees of the organization and the second group would consist of fifty randomly chosen customers. The results obtained from the first groups of employees and customer would be confirmed by the researcher by conducting another interview of two separate groups comprising of ten frontline employees and twenty customers Interview questions for the employees The employees comprising of the first focus group would be analyzed by the researcher to determine what changes the employees are have witnessed since the training and development program have been incorporated within the organization. With respect to this the employees would be asked by the researcher that what are the challenges such as time management and understanding the employees are facing in relation to the program (Krueger and Casey 2014). This question would help the researcher to identify the various loopholes in the programs which can then be addressed to yield the best possible results. The researcher would also ask the employees that what are the challenges they faced towards providing quality customer care before the training and development program was incorporated into the organization. This question would help the researcher to understand what are the basic problems faced by the employees towards providing quality customer care and how can such problems be solved by the incorporation of training and development program (Pantouvakis and Bouranta 2013). The researcher would also ask the employees about what benefits they have acquired through the incorporation of the training and development program and the program has been able to provide them with essential tools for dealing efficiently with the customers. This would let the researcher known the positive effect the program is having of the employees and how satisfied the employees of the company are through the program. The researcher will also ask the employees that what are the main issues which the program has been able to address and what are the issues which the employees are still facing difficulties with respect to customer satisfaction. The researcher will be confirmed through this question that what additional inclusion does the training and development policies incorporated by organization needs to enhance customer satisfaction. The researcher will also ask the employees to rate their skills of communication, service, complaint handling, knowledge of products, attentiven ess and time management on the basis of the change observed by them with respect to these skills after the incorporation of the training and development programs (Gounaris and Boukis 2013). The researcher will ask the same set of question to the second group of employees so that he can be confirmed about the results obtained from the interview of the first group. These results would be used by the researcher to provide relevant recommendations so that the training and development program can be used more effectively by organizations with respect to enhanced customer satisfaction. Interview questions for customers The questions which the researcher would ask the customers will be based on the changes the customers have observed after the training and development program for employees have been incorporated within the organization. The customers would be asked whether or not the behavior of the employees have been changed towards them. This would help the researcher know what mental effect the training and development program is having on the employees as it would directly be reflected on their behavior towards the customers (Ullah and Yasmin 2015). The researcher would ask the customers about improvement of services provided by the employees so that he can analyze what effect the program is actually having towards the improvement of services provided by the employees (Frey, Bayn and Totzek 2013). The researcher will also ask the customers whether their brand loyalty towards the organization have been effected after the organization has taken the step to incorporate training and development of their employees to provide better customer satisfaction (Lee, Back and Chan 2015). This would be done by the researcher as brand loyalty is directly proportional to customer satisfaction. Research outcome The main purpose of this research is to bring out the fact that training and development of the employees directly influence customer satisfaction. The research would be very helpful, for business organizations that provide products and services to customers on daily basis and where customer handling is a prime concern. The organization would than not hesitate to incorporate training and development programs within them as they would be aware of the benefits derived through such inclusions. The research will also provide recommendations which would help the organization who have already incorporated such programs within them to implement them in a better way in order to derive maximum benefit out of them. The research would also help the employees of such organizations to gain handy experience in relation to customer satisfaction which would also provide them with personal development. The research would also strengthen the fact that employee satisfaction is directly proportional to the way in which employees provide services to the customers. References Anitha, J., 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Eisingerich, A., Merlo, O., Heide, J. and Tracey, P., 2016. Customer satisfaction and purchase behavior: The role of customer input. InLooking forward, looking back: Drawing on the past to shape the future of marketing(pp. 220-220). Springer International Publishing. Elnaga, A. and Imran, A., 2013. The effect of training on employee performance.European Journal of Business and Management,5(4), pp.137-147. Ferrell, O.C. and Fraedrich, J., 2015.Business ethics: Ethical decision making cases. Nelson Education. Fornell, C., Morgeson III, F.V. and Hult, G.T.M., 2016. Stock returns on customer satisfaction do beat the market: gauging the effect of a marketing intangible.Journal of Marketing,80(5), pp.92-107. Frey, R.V., Bayn, T. and Totzek, D., 2013. How customer satisfaction affects employee satisfaction and retention in a professional services context.Journal of Service Research,16(4), pp.503-517. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Gounaris, S. and Boukis, A., 2013. The role of employee job satisfaction in strengthening customer repurchase intentions.Journal of Services Marketing,27(4), pp.322-333. Krn, S., 2014. Analysing customer satisfaction and quality in constructionthe case of public and private customers.Nordic journal of surveying and real estate research,2. Krueger, R.A. and Casey, M.A., 2014.Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research. Sage publications. La, S. and Yi, Y., 2015. A critical review of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, relationship marketing, and customer relationship management.Journal of Korean Marketing Association,30(1), pp.53-104. Lee, J.S., Back, K.J. and Chan, E.S., 2015. Quality of work life and job satisfaction among frontline hotel employees: A self-determination and need satisfaction theory approach.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,27(5), pp.768-789. McGivern, Y., 2013.The practice of market research: an introduction. Pearson Higher Ed. Miles, M.B., Huberman, A.M. and Saldana, J., 2013.Qualitative data analysis. Sage. Palinkas, L.A., Horwitz, S.M., Green, C.A., Wisdom, J.P., Duan, N. and Hoagwood, K., 2015. Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research.Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research,42(5), pp.533-544. Pantouvakis, A. and Bouranta, N., 2013. The link between organizational learning culture and customer satisfaction: Confirming relationship and exploring moderating effect.The Learning Organization,20(1), pp.48-64. Saeidi, S.P., Sofian, S., Saeidi, P., Saeidi, S.P. and Saaeidi, S.A., 2015. How does corporate social responsibility contribute to firm financial performance? The mediating role of competitive advantage, reputation, and customer satisfaction.Journal of Business Research,68(2), pp.341-350.. Treiman, D.J., 2014.Quantitative data analysis: Doing social research to test ideas. John Wiley Sons. Ullah, I. and Yasmin, R., 2015. The influence of human resource practices on internal customer satisfaction and organizational effectiveness.The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce,2013. Wilder, K.M., Collier, J.E. and Barnes, D.C., 2014. Tailoring to customers needs: Understanding how to promote an adaptive service experience with frontline employees.Journal of Service Research,17(4), pp.446-459.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Asian Avian Virus Essays
Asian Avian Virus Essays Asian Avian Virus Paper Asian Avian Virus Paper Avian (bird) Influenza (flu) is a virus or infection that originated from birds, hence the word avian. This is a type of disease that is natural among poultry like ducks and chickens since they have the virus living in their intestinal organs. Avian influenza is a disease that is highly contagious and fatal among birds. The virus runs in the birds saliva and in their feces. Domesticated birds get infected when they get in contact with surfaces contaminated by the sick birds or when they get in contact with a sick one. This disease among the fowls has may kinds. There are approximately 16 types that have been classified, and the most fatal one is called highly pathogenic avian influenza (Bupa, 2005). This virus normally happens in the species of birds, and until the late 90s they never believed that it can affect humans who maintain a close proximity with these birds. There have been several reported occurrences of human infection since the late 90s. The process of this bird disease being transferred to humans has been dubbed as species jumping. The reason why avian influenza can infect people is because of the possibility that the avian flu virus has combined with the human influenza thereby creating a new specie of virus that is easily transferable and fatal (Bupa, 2005). Is it a responsible behavior on the part of scientists to rouse fears in the public before the situation progresses? Explain your viewpoint. The role of scientists and doctors alike is to give facts and informations based on their scientific and medical findings. There have been violent reactions claiming that these scientists have instilled fear and panic amongst the public with regard to the avian flu disease. I do not think that it was their intention to cause panic and turmoil among the people. They have an ethical and medical obligation to disclose whatever detail they can find and give the information out to the public as a precautionary measure. The reaction of the people upon receiving the news is beyond their control. It is my opinion that they are just simply doing their job in laying out the minutest detail even before the situation progressed because had they not divulged what they know, they will be sooner or later blamed by the public for withholding such valuable information concerning the public health and the general welfare. Whether they reveal information or not, they will still receive criticism from the public. Thus, I think that telling the public every detail about their findings would be a better choice rather than concealing information that the people should know- only to find out later that many people have been infected with a disease that they should have avoided had they been informed how to do so earlier. Advantages of Early Warning Early warnings about a possible outbreak of a disease of any kind or about calamities in general create a handful of advantages. For one, warnings enable the public to be well-informed of what is happening around so that they can decide what to do about it. Having knowledge beforehand of an upcoming epidemic may give people an upper hand when it comes to preparing for safety and making precautionary steps to protect their family. The old saying that prevention is better than cure never goes out of style and it can be best applied in this scenario. If people have been forewarned, then they can avoid getting that kind of sickness in the first place. Disadvantages of Early Warning The most common disadvantage of early warnings is the over-speculation that it may cause the public. Some people have a tendency to overreact and be anxious. They start to paint pictures in their head that are too far-fetched from the early warning that has been delivered to them. The situation that is most dreaded by many is the panic and fear that people may feel upon receiving the news. Panic is very contagious and it would cause a great deal of inconvenience to many if However, while these warnings produce so much tension on others, it may also cause disbelief in some. It is the belief of others that the scientists are making the public worried and confused over nothing, and since they can make warnings, they probably have the solution for these occurrences; they just do not want reveal that yet. It is true indeed that the human mind can never be over or underestimated in all instances when it comes to all kinds of reasoning. References Bupa. (2005, October 18). Hot Topic- Avian Flu (Bird Flu). Retrieved August 3, 2009, from /270104avianflu.html.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Ideas of Yet Unknown Origin essays
Ideas of Yet Unknown Origin essays A Critical Analysis of David Humes Of the Origin of Ideas The second sort of philosophy, practiced by Aristotle and Locke, among others, is abstruse and accurate. It studies the human being as a reasoner rather than doer. Its issue is metaphysics, which yields the most general first principles of things. Unfortunately, it is not popular for several reasons. One is that the deep thinking it requires plunges people into melancholy. Hume himself was afflicted with this depression, which he found he could only relieve by socializing with his friends. Another is misunderstanding. Abstruse philosophy is seen as a cover for ignorance or superstition. The solution is to keep the spirit of accuracy but make it easy, not abstruse. Such was Hume's goal. David Hume, seemingly striking the anvil between the descent of the popular philosophical pursuits of the day and the birth of Newtonian Science, was an outstanding philosopher not because of his achievements, but because of his mode. He was a dedicated historian particularly to Great Britain, and compiling various volumes, he maintained a soldiers strife, but ironically died the year of 1776. His closest critics called him irrational, a man of positivism, and worst, an atheist, which was near damnable in his days, but commitment to his pursuit of empirical truths have come to revere his name since. Compared to the brilliant Roger Bacon because of his similar use of the English language as his main utility, and of the same likes as Locke and Berkeley in his progression towards mapping out humanitys mental geography, Hume came to oppose Plato and Descartes concluding that sensory perceptions were the most certain of our experiences. Within one of David Humes greatest works, An Enquiry Concerning the Human Understanding, in Section II: Of the Origin of Ideas, he expresses a more concise and simplified version of John...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Mythology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mythology - Essay Example The beliefs and traditions that I can trace to my own ancestry are related to marriage, burial and roaming out at late night. The marriages that are conducted between two individuals are to be adjusted by elders, as it is believed that a marriage that is not arranged by elders will bring misfortune to the family. In addition, it is considered that the bride should be in white dress compulsorily as any other dress is not suitable for a bride and can bring disastrous results for the future lives of bride and groom. As far as burial is concerned, it is essential that all people should be dressed in black to indicate that they are sorrowful. For a death ceremony, black color is regarded as appropriate as it shows that everybody will be deprived of any color when death will come to him/her. Due to the beliefs that my family keeps, my family always regards that elders should be involved in all kind of decision making to avoid any kind of misfortune for the whole family. Misfortune can be related to the gods of fortune. My family never allows anyone to go out at late nights because it is regarded that evil and witchcraft are common at nights and can be harmful for anyone. This can be associated to gods of evil and witchcraft. 2. Are myths true? Literally? Whether true or not, do they have metaphoric truth to them? What is the relationship between myth and religion? Can on myth be more true than another? Can anyone claim absolute truth, and if so, how? Mostly myths are not true. However, those, which are associated to religion such as birth of Adam and Eve and their forced departure from heaven on the basis of their disobedience cannot be considered wrong as this is a true myth. Those myths that talk about gods and goddess such as sun god, goddess of love, goddess of evil, etc. are not true and are the outcome of those beliefs that ancient people used to keep because of their lack of knowledge concerning the phenomena of the universe. Metaphors and myths are related
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Energy Sources of the Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Energy Sources of the Future - Essay Example With such discoveries and inventions like this on the horizon, it does feel like that our futures may have very little reliance on fossil fuels. Below is the list of the top three alternative power sources which can be used to replace fossil fuel (McLamb Eric). 1. SOLAR ENERGY: Solar energy, as we know, is linked with the sun and solar power is the conversion of sunlight. Solar seems to be one of the best replacements that we can have for current fossil fuel usage as it lasts for an indefinite time period and is one of the fastest growing energy sources. As days pass by solar cells are becoming more effective, transportable and flexile which enables to allow easy installation. Replacing solar energy with fossil fuels has lots of benefits. If we consider, solar energy’s use in electricity, we would notice that solar power is economically very beneficial for the people, which means that intra-continental electricity is feasible economically and works well in most regions. (Engle bert; McLamb Eric). In 2011, the International Energy Agency said, â€Å"The development of affordable, inexhaustible and clean solar energy technologies will have huge longer-term benefits. It will increase countries’ energy security through reliance on an indigenous, inexhaustible and mostly import-independent resource, enhance sustainability, reduce pollution, lower the costs of mitigating climate change, and keep fossil fuel prices lower than otherwise. These advantages are global†(Englebert Anne). Worldwide energy insecurity can be solved by solar energy which is one of the most rising sustainable resources. According to Ausra’s, executive vice president John O’Donnell, a storage system which is 93% efficient has made the utilization of solar thermal technology after the sunsets possible. In solar thermal plants, in order to store energy we do not have to convert it into any other form as they don’t rely on battery technology hence they are h ighly efficient. The electric current is generated when flat moving reflectors or parabolic mirrors focus solar energy to generate heat which in turn generates steam, which turns turbines so even if we need electricity at night we can store the heat from the sun for generating electricity later (Lozanova). According to the European Photovoltaic Industry Association, solar power could provide energy for more than one billion people by 2020 and 26 percent of global energy needs by 2040 (McLamb). 2. WIND ENERGY: Actually, wind energy is a form of solar energy because wind is basically formed when the atmosphere heats or cools down causing air and its layer to rise and fall and move over each other which results in wind currents. Wind power can create electricity by the basic principle of it passing through turbine which in turn converts them into electricity. Wind â€Å"farms†consist of hundreds of wind turbines which are spread over huge areas of land for collecting commercial wind energy. Replacing wind power with fossil fuels is very beneficial too because wind power is renewable, widely distributed, clean and does not produce greenhouse gas emissions when its used and it also
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Effects of Raising Interest Rates on Inflation
Effects of Raising Interest Rates on Inflation What causes inflation? How is inflation bad for the economy? How can raising interest rate lower inflation? (1000) Introduction Inflation is defined as continuing rise in the general level of prices, such that it costs more to purchase a typical bundle of goods and services that is produced or consumed or both. In simple words, inflation leads to a decline in the real value of money. Sloman (2006) explains that the rate of inflation measures the annual percentage increase in prices. Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is published every month, is used to measure the rate of change in consumer prices. Undoubtedly, inflation is an undesirable condition for an economy. Prior to discussing the consequences of inflation in the economy, it is important to understand the causes of inflation. Inflation may be caused by demand side factors or supply side factors. As it can be seen from the above diagram in the case of demand pull inflation the AD curve shifts to the right because of an increase in demand which leads to an increase in output. Thus it is associated with a booming economy. The suppliers will only be willing to supply more at a higher price therefore increase the level of price. Whilst in the case of cost push inflation, there is an increase in price as a result in an increase in the cost of production independent of aggregate demand. This may occur as a result of increase in wages, or it might be that import price has increased irrespective of an increase in demand. There might be an increase in the level of taxes as well. Therefore any factor which contributes to an increase in the cost of production which leads to a rise in inflation causes cost push inflation. As a result of which there is a shift in the AS curve to the left. The suppliers will not bear the increased cost of production and instead will shift the price to the consumers by increasing prices and as a result fuelling inflation. Amongst several harmful effects highlighted Gwartney et. al (2000) argued that inflation distorted the information delivered by prices. They further stated that people responded to high and variable rates of inflation by spending less time producing and more time trying to protect themselves from inflation. Furthermore, inflation results in increased uncertainty which reduces the level of investment. A reduced level of investment would hamper economic growth, which further restricts people having a better standard of living and may also lead to unemployment. Further criticisms are that inflation redistributes income away from those on fixed incomes and those in a weak bargaining position to those who can use their economic power to gain large pay, rent or profit increases. Higher levels of inflation also worsens balance of payments position, a higher rate of inflation makes a country’s export less competitive in world markets and imports become cheaper and more attractive. Bes ides, extra resources are used to cope with the effects of inflation. Increasing interest rates has been one of the solutions offered to combat increasing level of inflation. Inflation has for long been considered a monetary phenomenon and economists believe that inflation can best be tackled by adopting the monetary policy approach. The UK economy recently has been a good example of such measure. Inflation was 3.79% well above the 2% target and after the increase in interest rate in the past months to 5.5% and also an anticipated increase in interest rate has led the inflation rate to fall to 2.8% in April (Website: BBC). In the UK Bank of England sets the interest rates which controls the money supply and in turn controls inflation as well. The UK government follows a target and instrument approach to keep inflation under control. Increasing interest rates with a view to controlling inflation works in a manner that it reduces the money supply. People have an incentive to save rather than spend, therefore controlling the increasing rise in prices. Thi s measure is a useful approach though the government should be careful to not continuously raise interest rates and curb spending because it would then adversely affect aggregate demand thereby slowing economic growth. Besides interest rates, the government could also opt for fiscal policy measures by increasing level of taxes or may be reducing government spending and in that manner controlling supply of money, To tackle cost-push inflation, government could provide tax relief or provide subsidies to firms so that the cost of production reduces which could lead to the producers maintaining the level of prices rather than increasing them. Some economists have also stated that costs of inflation may be mild if the inflation is kept in single figures. Conclusion From the preceding paragraphs it can be said that increased level of inflation is not a desirable situation for an economy. However, a certain level of inflation is required in the economy to incentivise producers to produce more and better variety of goods and services. Inflation poses to be a problem when the level of increased prices dampens exports, reduces the competitiveness of a country and starts affecting the economic growth of the country by creating uncertainty and therefore leading to reduced level of investments. However, fiscal and monetary policy measures can be taken to control the increasing level of inflation. Increasing interest rates, leads to a restricted flow of money supply, resulting in reduced level of spending, saving more, demanding less of goods and services and therefore leading to a slower increase in price levels. Fiscal policy measures could also be used to combat inflation. More importantly for an economy to grow reducing levels of inflation is an imp ortant macroeconomic objective. In conclusion it can be said inflation can be adversely affect levels of economic growth if allowed to go out of hand and increasing interest rates is undoubtedly one of the ways, though not the only way, to tackle inflation. BIBLIOGRAPHY Dornbusch, R., Fisher, S., Macroeconomics, (2000), Eighth Edition, Mc-Graw Hill Education Griffiths, A. and Wall, S., Applied Economics, (2001), Ninth edition, FT Prentice Hall Gwartney, James D., Stroup, Richard L., and Sobel, Russell S., Economics Private and Public Choice, (2000), Ninth Edition, The Dryden Press. Sloman, J., Essentials of Economics, (2004), Third edition, FT Prentice Hall Howells, P and Bain, K, The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance, (2002), Prentice Hall Journals and Articles Carlstrom, Charles., Money Growth and Inflation: Does Fiscal Policy matter?, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, April 15, 1999 Internet and Other Sources:
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Motivation other than Money in the Workplace Essay -- Business Managem
The Motivation of Money Many people believe that they are motivated by earning money, but this is not always completely true as there are many other factors such as the conditions of the workplace and the need to be appreciated. There are many arguments that are both for and against money being the key motivator in the workplace. Some argue that being paid a good salary is important in attracting employees to a job and helps to keep them in the job. Although this money can become less of a motivator once the employee has been working for a time and the pay has become routine and expected. Although money may not be the only motivator in the workplace, it is the basis for the attitudes and behaviours of employees. If an employee feels they are being well paid and rewarded financially for their hard work and any extra effort, then they will be more likely to work hard and strive to gain these financial rewards. However if an employee is unhappy with the money that they are receiving for their work then it will be very difficult for them to be motivated in their work. One other view that supports money being a key motivator is that people feel that they are highly valued if they are receiving a decent salary. The higher their salary the more valued they feel within the organisation and so the more likely they are to work hard in their job and be motivated in their work. Cash awards can be a very effective way of motivating employees to meet targets and excel in their work. McGregor's theory of the reasons why people work shows that using these sorts of 'carrot' methods of motivating employees are often successful with the Th... needs have been met at a lower level before moving upward. For example, a person will not be motivated by love until they have had both their physiological and security needs met. Maslow's Model So in conclusion it is not always money that motivates, as although for a lot of people it is money that drives them this is not always the case. Money does however provide people with the ability to make choices and improve their quality of life. In order to motivate people, you need to find out what their wants are. It may be money, but this may not always be the case. People are motivated by a variety of items. It is the responsibility of the manager to find people's individual wants. In order to have motivated workers it is important for a manager to try to meet and attempt to satisfy these needs in some way.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Journal Entry African American Essay
Hello my precious unborn child. I am not really sure where to begin. The doctor is saying that I might not make it through this pregnancy but they will make sure you live to see this crazy world that we live in. I want to make sure that you understand your history and where you come from! What a journey our family has been through. They just don’t make it easy for an African American Family. Here we are and we have struggled just to make it here to the Deep South. We settled here in Ole Miss just like lots of other black folks and you would think that after they freed us from slavery they could just leave us be. I guess I should tell you a little about who we are and what we have been through so you have a clearer understanding. Well it started when we got here. Brought over on ships, our family was slaves to the white folk right here in Mississippi. There have always been stories told. Why, I remember when I was a little girl my grandma telling us the story of Nat Turner. (1998) He went on a rebellion right here in the South. He was on a mission fighting for what he believed in. He may not have gone about it the right way but he fought until his death on October 30, 1831. After that it seemed to be one person after the next until finally Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. This was issued in 1863. (1998)This was a valiant attempt at freeing the slaves here in the United States but it technically only freed slaves in the states that were under the jurisdiction of the Confederacy. You would think that would make things better. Nope! There was a 12 year period after that that they worked hard on trying to make things fair for us. Your great-great-grandma was around through the reconciliation period. She said that we were finally awarded citizenship and in 1870 an amendment went in that stated you could not deny us the right to vote because of our race. (1998) My great-Grandma told us that just when things started looking up†¦It got worse. The Democrats came in and changed everything. They started doing every thing that they could to put us back to having no rights. But we as a race stayed as strong as we could. What you have to remember is that making our way in this world has been and remains a consistent struggle. We made leeway though! A young lady buy the name of Sophia Packard and Harriet Giles were able to establish a college for the â€Å"Negros†as the white folk like to call us. This was the first college for African American females. Spelman College’s goal at the time was merely to teach black women to read and write. And that they have done. But here I sit in 1963. A 33 year old female who isn’t sure what is going to be in her future. They call us free. I have to ask myself daily though, â€Å"Am I really free? †I mean we have separate schools. We eat in separate restaurants. (2010) They give us totally different bathrooms to use and all this is because of the color of my skin. I look at this world and I think to myself, â€Å"I put my clothes on the exact same way as everyone else. †Should the color of our skin really make things so much different for us? Every single day we have leaders out there fighting for what is fair and what is right. Take Martin Luther King for instance. (2007) He is on a mission. He is part of a group called the SCLC. (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) He has made major strides. I mean in Montgomery Alabama the black folks get to ride on the same buses with the same rights as the white folks. I can only hope that by the time that you grow up and are able to read and understand all this that you look at all this and have a hard time believing it. As I sit here and write to you and I look across the street of this tiny little home I live in I see the neighbors and in their front yard is a cross that someone has lit on fire. Why, because today he walked a white girl to school. Rumors started and now everyone knows that this little girl likes him. Yet he is being punished for it. It shouldn’t matter. If there is one thing that you need to know and one thing that I can teach you through this letter it is to be you. Know yourself. Never let anyone tell you that you can not do something. Most importantly, remember that loves has no boundaries. It sees no color. It does not understand hate. It does not segregate nor does it discriminate. I hope that you never have to endure the hardships that we have to endure during these trying times. Always remember to live with no regrets and never look back! I love you with all my heart-. Momma Works Citied Page African American Slavery (1998) Long Island University Retrieved from http://www. liu. edu/cwis/CWP/library/aaslavry. htm#turner Timeline Search for African American History (2010) Google Search Engine http://www. google. com/search? q=african+american+history&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=p&tbs=tl:1,tll:1850,tlh:1899&ei=lrPUS9avLoK78gbfpL3qDw&oi=timeline_histogram_nav&ct=timeline-histogram&cd=8&ved=0CIcBEMkBKAg History of African Americans Information Please Database. (2007) Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved from http://www. infoplease. com/spot/bhmtimeline. html.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Sex Strict Dimorphism Or Sexual Haploid - 1620 Words
Sex: Strict dimorphism or sexual multiplicity The discussion of genes and gender and the respective roles they play in determining sex and identity have been widely discussed in recent decades. The idea that biology can solely determine ones sex, wherein no external factors impact that determination requires further discussion. The topic of whether there are strictly two distinct genders represented in society has been recognized largely as a western cultural viewpoint. While not everyone agrees with this viewpoint, one biologist that plays a role in this discussion is Anne Fausto-Sterling. She is an expert in gender development and wrote extensively on the subject of gene and gender. In this paper I will discuss Fausto-Sterling’s view on sex and gender, and how she undermines the idea of strict universal dimorphism. Being that sexual dimorphism is the favored view of most in the scientific community, this discussion comes with some controversy. She states that with the understanding of intersexed individuals in so ciety, we as a society must abandon the idea that there are only 2 sexes. In order to best understand what determines sex we must start at the very beginning. In the terms of philosophy, sex is defined in the literature as the biological designation of an individual as either male or female. Biologically speaking, it is widely accepted that all we have to do is look at the complement to the 23rd chromosome to determine the sex of an individual. But
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