Sunday, May 24, 2020
Racism On The Slave - 1262 Words
Racism on the Racist: Examining Racial Discrimination’s Effects on its White Subjects in ‘Benito Cereno’, ‘What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?’ and Playing in the Dark Herman Melville’s short story ‘Benito Cereno’ (1855), Frederick Douglass’ speech ‘What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?’ (1852) and Toni Morrison’s literary critique Playing in the Dark (1993) differ greatly in form and context. Yet each focusses on the binary between white and black Americans, examining the ways by which each of these races perceives and interacts with the other. These racial binaries in the texts demonstrate the ways in which white Americans are affected by their own sense of supremacy, how their culture is shaped by their racism towards African†¦show more content†¦This ignorance is, throughout the short story, referred to as Delano’s ‘innocence’, a trait definitive of a man of the New World, unsullied, unlike Europeans, by the corruption of antiquity. At the story’s opening, he is described as ‘a person of a singularly undistrustful good nature, not liable†¦ to indulg e in personal alarms any way involving the imputation of malign evil in man’ (37). Since the tale is focalised through Delano, the reader is forced to adopt a similar level of naà ¯vetà © as the unsuspicious captain, however the third person narrator gives, from the outset, a warning to the reader about Delano’s unwillingness to see bad. ‘Whether, in view, of what humanity is capable,’ they write, ‘such a trait implies†¦ more than ordinary quickness and accuracy of intellectual perception, may be left to the wise to determine’ (38). This humorous interjection of the narrator’s casts Delano’s reliability in a dubious light. This is just one among many signs that the story’s protagonist might be slow on the uptake. Other signals include the abundance of grey imagery in the opening scene, the sky seeming a ‘gray surtout’ filled with flights of both ‘troubled gray fowl’ and ‘troubled gray vapours’ (37), this indeterminate colour suggesting confusion and the deception of appearances; and the San Dominick’sShow MoreRelatedRacism Without Racists By Eduardo Bonilla Slave849 Words  | 4 Pagesdid; however, I was indeed treated in a different way, which was racist and discriminated. When I read the materials from class, I felt I had experienced the exactly same thing in my life. Segregation, which was written by Eduardo Bonilla-Slave in his book: Racism without Racists, still happened today in my life; marginalization and powerlessness, which were proposed by Iris Young in her book: Five Faces of Oppression, were common problem for all Chinese nonimmigrants. 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In fact, these two ideologies are awfully different. Slavery is the act of forcing humans to be treated property whereas racism is the belief that discrimination based on inherentlyRead MoreSocio-Historical Impact of ‚Äà ºRacism Is the Result of Slavery‚Äà ¹803 Words  | 4 PagesKadeem Jackson U.S. History September 25,2009 Socio-Historical impact of â€Å"Racism Is The Result Of Slavery†Human nature wants to cast people who are like oneself as better than people not like oneself. That bias requires very little encouragement when coupled with the tendency towards selective memory. This impairs the normal empathy that generally prevents people from casually harming their fellows. A little push from greed and viola. It ought to be observed that theRead MoreEpitaph and Dreaming Black Boy1021 Words  | 5 Pagesa) Compare the ways in which these two poems deal with the experience of oppression and racism. b) State which of the two poems you find more disturbing, and give reasons to support your answer. c) Identify and comment on TWO poetic devices used in each poem to highlight the workings of oppression or racism. Dreaming Black Boy and Epitaph are two poems which address the issues of oppression and racism. though they both deal with the same problem, it is handled and discussed differently. Read MoreArgumentive Essay On Racism870 Words  | 4 Pages Hi im Devionna oliver. This is my argumentive essay on racism. I plan to start by saying that the reason i choice this topic was because racism it affects all people. Racism is the act of judging , prejudice, discrimation , or antagonism directed against someone of a different trace based on the belief that’s one own race is superior according to the defenition. There are many examples are what racism can cause such as slavery, individuals to feel superior or inferior of anotherRead MoreRacism Is Defined As Discrimination Against Someone Of A Different Race1302 Words  | 6 PagesRacism is defined as discrimination against someone of a different race based on the beliefs that one’s own race is superior (Oxfo rd Dictionary). Racism has existed since the beginning of time, coming to light during slavery in the sixteenth century and the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s. However, racism is still prevalent in today’s society and is a topic that needs to be further addressed and discussed. According to the article, â€Å"Slavery in America†on the website History, slavery began
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Western Civ Continuous or Discontinuous - 1411 Words
Is Human Development Continuous or Discontinuous? Human Development is lifelong, continuous and discontinuous and goes in so many different directions throughout a lifespan. It is plastic, multidisciplinary and is embedded in a changing socio-historical context. I truly believe I live in a continuous development pattern, as I believe the rest of us hope our children to follow in our footsteps of continuity. Sigmund Freud addresses continuous versus discontinuous in the understanding of mental illness. We tend to wonder if a mental illness if just an ordinary person taking something to an extreme, or if it is just a matter of degree. I think there is a difference in the way someone with a mental illness experiences reality. There are so†¦show more content†¦According to Augustine’s theory that all children are born in sin and act of free will it is my understanding that Augustine’s theory is a theory of discontinuity. This is because discontinuity is having a life with â€Å"personal decision, freely chosen, that will profoundly change the direction of one’s life. (Module Commentary – Historical Antecedents II) From what I’m understanding Augustine’s theory on discontinuity is that a decision has the ability to significantly impact the outcome of one’s life. According to module commentary research suggests that the past of an individual doesn’t necessarily suggest what the outcome of that person may be. When looking at my life and trying to determine whether my life would be of continuity or discontinuity I have to admit I struggled with the differences. I think that I my life could be either actually. However, after reading the text I would have to say that I would think the majority of my life is continuous in that my life has been full of stages. From infancy to adolescence and then into adult hood these were distinctive stages to which I lived through and made distinctive decisions. I recall events during my childhood such as my parents divorcing that helped me to comprehend and realize that life isn’t perfect. Instead of pitying on the fact that my parents were no longer together and revert back to being an infant
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Juror 8 As A Hero In Rose Reynolds 12 Angry Men - 947 Words
Does anyone know what a hero is capable of doing and what they mean in a persons life? Well a hero has always been admired and idealized for his courage, such as standing up against the world in order to prove their point. As shown in Rose Reynold’s twelve angry men, Juror 8 also known as Joseph Sweeney, has portrayed a role as a hero. As he had valued the life of an young teenager, and believed that they should be rethinking if the son is guilty or not. From my perspective, juror 8, Joseph Sweeney, is a true hero because he had courage to stand up against the world in order to prove his point. Juror 8 has a strong belief in justice, and feels that everyone should be treated fairly .Regardless of what race or gender; everyone should be†¦show more content†¦Whereas if you take the wrong path you will end up facing many problems and struggles. Since I have been a child, I have learned that always do what is right. At times truth may cause a lot of stress, but you should never give up on what is right for you. Being someone who can stand up against the world, and make a decision that is different from others may be very difficult. The whole world, then begins to criticize and torment you, but you do not give up you always fight for whats right. That, has been very well represented by Joseph Sweeney. He knew that at the moment everyone has a different decision, and no one is going to believe him.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effect of Training and Development of Employees
Question: Discuss about he Effect of Training and Development of Employees. Answer: Introduction In this part of the paper the researcher will analyze the various secondary data collected for the purpose of this research. The researcher will analyze the data with respect to the effect of training and development on customer satisfaction available through various books and journal articles. The researcher will discuss the effects of diverse options available to a customer with respect to the selection of products and services. The researcher will further discuss the importance of customer satisfaction on the performance of the businesses. The researcher will also discuss the relationship between training and development of employees and customer satisfactions. Increasing options available to customers Increasing competition in the market place in the modern society demands for customer satisfaction. The customers have various available options which they can freely choose (Krn 2014). Most of the organizations in the food and beverage industry provides similar products therefore the service they provide become a deciding factor based on which the consumers make their choice. Importance of customer satisfaction The customers are the the foundations on which an organization is based on (La and Yi 2015). If customers are not satisfied the organization would not be able to continue with its operations successfully and individuals and groups would be less interested in the products and services provided by them. The matrix in relation to customer satisfaction index is very useful to the managers so with respect to analyzing the business performance. It is one of the most important indicators with respect to loyalty and repurchases intentions of customers. It is the index which differentiates between two organization providing similar products. Customer satisfaction helps the businesses to reduce customers churn along with increasing the life time values of customers. It is a fact that customer retention is cheaper than acquiring new customers therefore it is essential to provide customer satisfaction. A loyal customer can also reject his favorite brand if he is not provided with customer satisf action. It has been observed that customers mainly leave a brand not because of products but because of inadequate satisfaction provided by the organizations to the customers. When an organization provides good level of customer satisfaction it is always stays ahead of its competitors (Cummings and Worley 2014). Relation between training and customer satisfaction If the employees of an organization are trained and are provided with appropriate rewards to ensure that the customers are satisfied there is no reason for which an organization cannot achieve customer satisfaction. The employees having the knowledge of how to satisfy customers along with motivations in form of rewards would put in that extra effort which would make any customer fell good about the services of the company. Customers who are provided with quality service create minimum problems for employees as they are aware of the fact that the employees are giving an effort towards their satisfaction. When such positive behavior is observed in the customers by the employees they also become keen to enhance their efforts towards providing better customer satisfactions. When the employees become aware of the exact things they require with respect to handling customers in a better way than they would automatically provide better services to the customers increasing customer satisfacti on (Cummings and Worley 2014). As the employees are the people who directly deal with customers they have to be provided with a proper framework which they can use as guidelines towards providing customer services. If the employees are provided with training in relation to communication they would be able to understand what the customers exactly want from them (Goetsch and Davis 2014). If the employees are provided with information in relation to the products of the company and are trained on how to provide such information to the customers it would automatically increase customer satisfaction. The customers would be able to understand the utility of the product and how it should be used to yield best results and therefore enhancing the experience of the customers (Anitha 2014). When the employees of an organization feel that the company is taking all possible steps to ensure the development of the employees they would also want to give extra effort towards the betterment of the organization (Wilder, Collier and Barnes 2014). The employees would make sure that they give extra effort towards the training and development program so that they can ensure that the customers are satisfied. Moreover it have been found that employee satisfactions is directly related to customers satisfaction that is the satisfied employees provide better customer satisfaction as compared to the employees who are not satisfied (Elnaga and Imran 2013). The critiques of training and development provide that such programs are not economically beneficial for the organizations as they require a lot of investments and are usually time consuming. Training is provided during the time of employment and during such time the employees are not able to do their normal course of work. However it is to be noted in this case that this investment results in long term benefits for the organization and the employees gain all knowledge which helps them to provide better services to the customers. The customers will only be willing to avail the services of the organization only if they are treated with respect and care by the employees as there are plenty of options available to the customers. the customers provide rare chances to rectify a mistake made by the employees therefore it must be ensured by the employees that they are able to provide flawless services to the customers so that they realize that they are getting back their value for money (Anitha 2014) . Effect of digitalization In the age of digitalization it is very important for the employees to know how to use the internet to communicate with the employees and address their needs. The customers have also become accustomed to the internet and usually prefer the source to order food thus it becomes all the more important for the employees to be accustomed to the internet so that they can provide better customer satisfaction. Research questions The appropriate questions which would be addressed by the researcher through are as followers What are is the effect of training and development of employees on customer satisfaction What are the issues which are faced by the employees with respect to training and development programs? What are the ways and areas in which the employees require training to enhance customer satisfaction? What effect does employee satisfaction have towards satisfying the customers? What are the amendments required to the existing training and development programs so that they can address the issue in a better way Research methodologies Research methodology is the manner in which a research is carried out by the researcher. The part will signify the type of data collection method that is primary or secondary which would be used by the researcher to collect data for the research. The part will also discuss the kind of method used by the researcher to analyze the data which has been collected for the research. The part will also describe the process used by the researcher towards the research (McGivern 2013). Research process The researcher will conduct the research according to the followings steps. The researcher will first identify a topic in relation to the current needs of businesses. The researcher will than indentify the significant issues related to the topic The researcher will than collect relevant information through different sources to analyze the issues in question. The researcher will than evaluate and review the information collected for the purpose of this research After an analysis of data has been done by the researcher he would draw an appropriate conclusion in relation to the topic and provide useful recommendations which would help to address the issue. Gantt chart Source: Created by Researcher Data collection method Data collection method is the process in which the researcher collects data for the purpose of the research. Data is usually collected via primary or secondary data collection methods (Treiman 2014). The researcher will be collecting data for the purpose of this research through both primary and secondary methods. Primary data will be collected by the researcher through a series of interviews conducted on selected frontline employees of the McDonalds Australia and randomly chosen customers of the organization. Another interview would be conducted on different sets of employees and customers to verify the result obtained from the first interview. Secondary data would be collected by the researcher through the available books and journal articles to analyze the current trends related to the chosen topic (Miles, Huberman and Saldana 2013). Data analysis method Data analysis methods can be divided into two categories which are qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis. Qualitative data analysis method Qualitative data analysis method is used when the research is based of secondary data and content analysis. Quantitative data analysis method Quantitative data analysis method is used when the research is based on primary data such as interviews and surveys and analysis is done based on numbers and statistics. The researcher will use quantitative data analysis for the purpose of this research as the research is primarily used on interviews and surveys conducted by the researcher on employees and customers of the organization. The data will collected by the researcher would be based on numbers and statistics obtained through the interviews which would be conducted (Palinkas et al. 2015). With respect to primary data the researcher will conduct interview based on two separate focus groups which would be comprised of twenty front line employees of the organization and the second group would consist of fifty randomly chosen customers. The results obtained from the first groups of employees and customer would be confirmed by the researcher by conducting another interview of two separate groups comprising of ten frontline employees and twenty customers Interview questions for the employees The employees comprising of the first focus group would be analyzed by the researcher to determine what changes the employees are have witnessed since the training and development program have been incorporated within the organization. With respect to this the employees would be asked by the researcher that what are the challenges such as time management and understanding the employees are facing in relation to the program (Krueger and Casey 2014). This question would help the researcher to identify the various loopholes in the programs which can then be addressed to yield the best possible results. The researcher would also ask the employees that what are the challenges they faced towards providing quality customer care before the training and development program was incorporated into the organization. This question would help the researcher to understand what are the basic problems faced by the employees towards providing quality customer care and how can such problems be solved by the incorporation of training and development program (Pantouvakis and Bouranta 2013). The researcher would also ask the employees about what benefits they have acquired through the incorporation of the training and development program and the program has been able to provide them with essential tools for dealing efficiently with the customers. This would let the researcher known the positive effect the program is having of the employees and how satisfied the employees of the company are through the program. The researcher will also ask the employees that what are the main issues which the program has been able to address and what are the issues which the employees are still facing difficulties with respect to customer satisfaction. The researcher will be confirmed through this question that what additional inclusion does the training and development policies incorporated by organization needs to enhance customer satisfaction. The researcher will also ask the employees to rate their skills of communication, service, complaint handling, knowledge of products, attentiven ess and time management on the basis of the change observed by them with respect to these skills after the incorporation of the training and development programs (Gounaris and Boukis 2013). The researcher will ask the same set of question to the second group of employees so that he can be confirmed about the results obtained from the interview of the first group. These results would be used by the researcher to provide relevant recommendations so that the training and development program can be used more effectively by organizations with respect to enhanced customer satisfaction. Interview questions for customers The questions which the researcher would ask the customers will be based on the changes the customers have observed after the training and development program for employees have been incorporated within the organization. The customers would be asked whether or not the behavior of the employees have been changed towards them. This would help the researcher know what mental effect the training and development program is having on the employees as it would directly be reflected on their behavior towards the customers (Ullah and Yasmin 2015). The researcher would ask the customers about improvement of services provided by the employees so that he can analyze what effect the program is actually having towards the improvement of services provided by the employees (Frey, Bayn and Totzek 2013). The researcher will also ask the customers whether their brand loyalty towards the organization have been effected after the organization has taken the step to incorporate training and development of their employees to provide better customer satisfaction (Lee, Back and Chan 2015). This would be done by the researcher as brand loyalty is directly proportional to customer satisfaction. Research outcome The main purpose of this research is to bring out the fact that training and development of the employees directly influence customer satisfaction. The research would be very helpful, for business organizations that provide products and services to customers on daily basis and where customer handling is a prime concern. The organization would than not hesitate to incorporate training and development programs within them as they would be aware of the benefits derived through such inclusions. The research will also provide recommendations which would help the organization who have already incorporated such programs within them to implement them in a better way in order to derive maximum benefit out of them. The research would also help the employees of such organizations to gain handy experience in relation to customer satisfaction which would also provide them with personal development. The research would also strengthen the fact that employee satisfaction is directly proportional to the way in which employees provide services to the customers. References Anitha, J., 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014.Organization development and change. 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