Thursday, December 26, 2019
Did Ladies Have A Renaissance Like The Men - 1650 Words
Taking after the Middle Ages in Europe, came the period known as the Renaissance. Renaissance implies resurrection, and it implied the resurrection of antiquated Greek and Roman society for the exclusive class living essentially in Italy around 1350-1650, and incidentally in England in the late sixteenth century, and hardly in France and Northern Europe. Well known from these years were numerous artisans like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, and scholars like Machiavelli and Erasmus. Renaissance researchers believe that current political and monetary practices began in the Renaissance, while medievalists (researchers of the Middle Ages) imagine that the forerunners were at that point present in Medieval Society. (Maulde-La-Clavià ¨re R, 1901, p. 36) Another equivalent purpose of dispute was whether ladies themselves added to and profited from the Renaissance. As the prominent student of history Joan Kelly asked quite a few years back, did ladies have a renaissance like the men d id? Ladies lives all through Europe amid the Middle Ages and Renaissance were unequivocally formed by the irresolute states of mind of a capable Church whose ethical solutions were authorized not just in the confession booth, additionally by the laws of the state. Eve was the villainess of Christian history, the reason for unique sin and of man s fall. God made her from Adam s rib, subordinate. (Brown, 2001, p. 27) Be that as it may, she was enticed by the serpent, and enticed Adam to sexualShow MoreRelatedEssay about Ladies and Gentlemen1311 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Ladies Gentlemen†Meerim Umetalieva Strayer University Castiglione’s The Book of the Courtier is a sort of guide to the qualities expected of ladies and gentlemen of the court. Book of the work is a long conversation on the proper station of the court ladies. The discussion on the Court lady began from an argument over the proper way to tell a joke to a woman. The Court lady was to have cautiousness, continence, and fairness, to shun affectation, be graceful and well mannered, modestRead MoreThe Renaissance: The Dawning of a New Age Essay1627 Words  | 7 PagesThe age known as the Renaissance began in the fourteenth century. The word Renaissance means rebirth, those alive in this era witnessed the dawning of a new age. It began as a literary movement among the educated and upper-class men in northern Italian cities (Wiesner 210). Writers and artists studied Roman models and Petrarch, a Renaissance writer, proposed a liberal arts curriculum in order to recapture the previous glory of Rome. The philosophy of humanism became popular bringing about the curiosityRead MoreGender Stereotypes : Macbeth And The Wife Of Bath1515 Words  | 7 Pagesobstacles due to the well-known gender stereotypes. This triggered the literature authors to w rite a literature in a feminist view, which ultimately had led feminism to predominantly act as a common literary device throughout the medieval ages and the Renaissance. While many authors portrayed women as a weak stereotypical female, some authors such as William Shakespeare and Geoffrey Chaucer challenged this by describing the female characters as strong and ambitious characters. Not only challenging the sexualRead MoreThe Book of the Courtier Essay1457 Words  | 6 Pages so too is a courtier without a Court lady. In The Book of the Courtier Baldesar Castiglione not only included a perfect courtier, he also molded his female equivalent, a Court lady. The Courtier itself was a step by step guide intended to instruct the young, affluent and upwardly mobile in areas of manners, learning, sport and conduct. It was published in 1528, at a high point of humanistic thought and antiquarian chivalric interest in Renaissance Italy. Often overlooked or undervaluedRead MoreCourts hip And Women In The Courtier By Baldassare Castiglione898 Words  | 4 Pagespractices associated with courtship and gender during the Renaissance era. The book’s third volume is a particularly insightful window into 16th century romantic ideals. Throughout Book Three, Baldassare Castiglione builds an elaborate perspective on what makes the perfect court lady, what sexual and social behavior is acceptable, and how an ideal couple (both courtier and court lady) should function. The characteristics of a â€Å"perfect†woman have clearly changed over time, and The Courtier proves thisRead MoreRepresentation of Masculinity the Renaissance Family and Shakespeares Macbeth1233 Words  | 5 PagesRepresentation of Masculinity the Renaissance Family and Shakespeares Macbeth Familiarity with Shakespeares work often leads to awareness to the representation of masculinity, gender roles, and the patriarchal order as these subjects are often greatly reflected in his writing. Renaissance concept of order meant there was a shift from what used to be an Open Lineage Family, to a Restricted Patriarchal Nuclear Family. In turn, Renaissance families saw an increase in obligationsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Play For King James I, The Tragedy Of Macbeth1200 Words  | 5 Pagesequal to those of men (â€Å"Feminism†). Although one can use a feminist lens to interpret Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the historical perspective will provide the most effective means of interpretation for readers. As a modern reader, it is easy to read Macbeth and see elements of feminism come into play. In today’s society where people have become increasingly aware of racial and gender disparities, these aspects of the play have become more clear to the audience. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth shows valuableRead MoreElizabeth Woodville And Anne Boleyn1747 Words  | 7 Pagesdivine a concept of queenship both relevant to the women’s expectations of themselves, and their peers’ expectations of them. The period of the late medieval and English Renaissance greatly enriched the amount of documentation women’s additions to government entered. Without a doubt, this affected the extant characters of the men involved. Rather than chivalric gods, monarchs such as Edward IV and Henry VIII stands out the most in this variation. From the cover of an apologetic text to that of anyRead MoreThe Role Of Gender During The Renaissance Period1466 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Renaissance period, which took place between 1300-1700. The term Renaissance stands for ‘rebirth’, and in this context refers to the increased interest that was taken in learning from Greek and Roman classical writing. Recent exploration by historians into the Renaissance period has seen a fixation on the discussion of the role of gender during the Renaissance. A variety of historians, such as Joan Kelly and Merry E. Weisner, believe that women didn’t experience any form of a Renaissance duringRead M oreHow Did The Renaissance Transform Literature?1009 Words  | 5 PagesJackson Pollock Mr. Vandebunte World Studies 27 October 2014 How did The Renaissance transform Literature? The Renaissance transformed today’s political and cultural themes along with Shakespeare’s plays by changing how they used English or their native language. The Renaissance was a re-awakening from the dark-ages. The word renaissance literally means rebirth. The Renaissance was fueled my soldiers returning from the Crusades. There was a spark of interest in artwork after. It used to be all
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Analysis Of The Article Tweens Ten Going On Sixteen
Imagine you were ten years old. What were you doing? Were you in a park? Were you playing with toys? Now look around at ten-year old’s today. There seems to be a noticeable shift. Most of them have some sort of electronic device of their own, whether it be a smartphone or a tablet. That shift becomes even more apparent if you were ten years old, 30 years ago versus if you were ten years old only eight years ago. In the essay â€Å"Tweens: Ten Going on Sixteen,†Kay S. Hymowitz suggests that tweens are growing up too fast. She states that while there are complex causes for this, â€Å"two major and fairly predictable themes emerged: a sexualized and glitzy media-driven marketplace and absentee parents†(Page 203). This and, â€Å"peer group form a vicious circle that works to distort the development of youngsters†¦,†according to Hymowitz (Page 203). It is hard to just blame one thing for causing tweens to grow up too fast, however, these three groups seem to have the biggest influence. Most children’s parents are huge role models for them; they shape how they live their lives. Just like their parents, a child’s peers are who they interact with on a daily basis; they can be very influential. Tween’s peers can be especially influential and especially brutal, and judgmental. Another thing seen by tweens on a daily basis is media and advertising. There are provocative ads everywhere. It would be very hard to miss them, even if you wanted to. A well-known media and advertising concept areShow MoreRelated65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words  | 190 PagesBUSINESS SCHOOL HARVARD SUCCESSFUL 65 APPLICATION SECOND EDITION E S S AY S APPLICATION BUSINESS SCHOOL HARVARD SUCCESSFUL 65 ECSNS A IYI O N S SE O D ED T With Analysis by the Staff of The Harbus, the Harvard Business School Newspaper ST. MARTIN’S GRIFFIN NEW YORK 65 SUCCESSFUL HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL APPLICATION ESSAYS, SECOND EDITION. Copyright  © 2009 byThe Harbus News Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of AmericaRead MoreImpooving Employee Performance72019 Words  | 289 PagesFinal Word Selected References Index About the Author 66 79 104 118 128 142 163 179 243 245 247 000 Foreword I was going through the attic recently, sorting through some ancient ï ¬ les. In a pile of old magazines I ran across a tattered copy of ASTD’s Training and Development Journal from 1971. I had saved it because in it was the ï ¬ rst article I ever wrote about performance management. As I thumbed through it, I noticed that the masthead listed ASTD’s regional vice presidents.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
An Analysis Of The Poem If You free essay sample
An Analysis Of The Poem? If You Should Travel? By Countee Cullen Essay, Research Paper In the verse form? If You Should Travel? , Countee Cullen emphasizes on the apprehension of human joys and sorrows. The importance of joy is shown utilizing different illustrations of joy such as love and dream. Both stanzas include a individuals feeling or reactions towards joy during the happy minutes every bit good as the feelings after the joyous minute is over. In this verse form, Cullen conveys several different messages. One of the subjects of the verse form is that one neer realizes what one have until it is lost. In this instance it refers to joyous minutes. The 2nd stanza the poet besides tells the reader that joy makes a long permanent memory in 1s head which is seen in the individual? s personality or? the glow on the [ individuals ] face? ( 2. 7-8 ) . Although, Cullen does non advert whom the love is towards in the first stanza and what the dream is about in the 2nd stanza the reader can construe that every bit is said in a positive mode. We will write a custom essay sample on An Analysis Of The Poem If You or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Using a authoritative illustration of metaphor, love is compared to the visible radiation that brightens a twenty-four hours merely the manner in which joys brightens people? s lives. The gently passing of the twenty-four hours without writer recognizing its traveling indicates to us that the joy is non given much importance in the individual? s life. The subject, a individual neer realizes what he has until it is lost, can clearly seen when the poet says, ? We would non cognize, but for the dark, When [ the joy ] has slipped off? ( 1. 3-4 ) . The poet convey the message that people normally would non experience the joy until the joy is slipped off and the individual is struck by the darkness of the sorrow. In the 2nd stanza joy is given a much more positive response. Joy in this stanza is referred to as a pleasant dream. The non realisation of the passing of the joys is said in this stanza. Here the poet says the joy does non go forth a physical consequence on the individual and that the dream has merely left a glow across the dreamers face. This shows the 2nd subject of the verse form that joy makes a long permanent memory in 1s head when referred to the glow on the dreamers face. This verse form makes the reader recognize the importance of joy before it is gone. The verse form besides mentally prepares the reader to the sorrows that are struck after the joyful minutes are over. The tone of the verse form is positive. The sort of temper this verse form creates is neither dejecting nor really exciting. This verse form might strike a reader as really inactive due to the usage of phrases like? The gently go throughing twenty-four hours? ( 1. 2 ) or? Go softly ; a dream? ( 2. 5 ) . The rhyme strategy of the verse form is a B a B. The verse form? If You Should Travel? is an magnificently lyriced verse form about an apprehension of human joys and sorrows. The positive point of position of the poet is a plus along with the good usage of imagination like love and dream. Overall, the subject, the rime strategy, the pleasant imagination, the tone, and the temper all work together in the verse form.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Tran Thi Hong Mai Essays - Biology, Cloning, Molecular Biology
Tran Thi Hong Mai 1632300014 WRT 122 Final essay Cloning should be allowed The idea of the possibility of cloning has long interested scientists from all over the world. "Cloning technology was invented during the twentieth century and now is poised to help define the twenty-first" (Levine, 2007). According to Biology Online (n.d.), "Cloning is the process of creating an exact copy of a biological unit (e.g. a DNA sequence,cell, ororganism) from which it was derived, especially by way of biotechnological methods." In today's world, cloning has extremely beneficial effects in humans' lives, so "Cloning research on human cells has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of several medical problems in the future" (Paul, 2016). For example, cloning helps cure numerous medical conditions, assists infertility family, and creates high quality and extraordinary person. In fact, cloning should be allowed. Cloning helps cure numerous medical conditions. Johnson (2001) stated that "research on embryonic stem cells is therefore considered by many scientists to be instrumental in developing a diverse supply of tissues to be used in the treatment of a variety of health problems including AIDS, diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, spinal cord injuries, and heart disease" (Nisbet,2014). Furthermore, one of the most beneficial aspects to cloning is the ability to duplicate organs. In 1998, Forster found the following "that cloning technology may be beneficial for producing replacement skin, cartilage, or bone tissues for bum and accident victims and/or nerve tissue for spinal cord injuries." For example, "The objective of therapeutic cloning is to produce pluripotent stem cells that carry the nuclear genome of the patient and then induce them to differentiate into replacement cells, such as cardiomyocytes to replace damaged heart tissue or insulin-producing cells for patients with diabetes" (Lanza, Cibelli, West, 1999). Another instance is that "Creating an artificial implantable kidney would be an epic advance in medicine and could address a chronic shortage of donor kidneys needed for transplant" (Artificial kidney, n.d.). Therefore, patients do not need to wait for organ donation from others and less have to suffer. Cloning help people avoid outbreaks of chronic diseases and living longer by artificial organs. Cloning assists infertility family. For example, in 2002, National Research Council argued that "Infertile couples who wish to have a child that is genetically identical with one of them, or with another nucleus donor" (p.27). In addition, "Other individuals who wish to have a child that is genetically identical with them, or with another nucleus donor" (National Research Council, 2002, p.27). "It is estimated there are 12 million infertile Americans. The majority cannot be helped by any current method of assisted reproduction to have a baby that is biologically theirs" (Cloning for, 1998). Furthermore, people will be not worry about the ethics of cloning in this case because "The national bioethics advisory commission (1997) feels it is worth stressing that any children born as a results of this technique should be treated as having the same rights and moral status as any other human being" (Paul,2000. p.3). The important thing is that "with genetic parenthood, the same-sex famil y would look more like the heterosexual family, and that could help diminish societal stigmatization of homosexual individuals" (Orentlicher, 2000). Thus, cloning can cure infertile to be happier. Cloning can create high quality and extraordinary person. "An important consequence of these models is that if ability is genetically heritable, cloning tends to increase the proportion of high ability people in society" (Paul, 2002). For example, Lederburg (1966) and McKinnell (1979) stated that "looks to benefits to the broader society from being able to replicate extraordinary individuals a Mozart, Einstein, Gandhi, or Schweitzer. Cloning them would produce individuals with the same genetic inheritances" (Brock, n.d.). In fact, we use factitious intelligence and technology to store the celebrity's behavior then form a body with the brain of the deceased (Bocanegra, n.d.). If it not create people in some countries like Japan, Germany or Switzerland, "a shrinking working age population and low population growth would mean that there would be fewer workers and consumers, leading to lower investment and manufacturing of goods and services" (Salman, 2015).From this, Kilner (2002) state d that, "Other clones could be produced with unusually high or low mental capacities that would suit them well to do
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on Teenage Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
TEENAGE OCD Many teens suffer from a variety of disorders. These disorders include eating disorders, social disorders, behavioral disorders, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD. In OCD, it is as though the brain gets stuck on a particular thought or urge and won’t let go. This can persist throughout a person’s life; gradually worsening.OCD has a few different forms, including the fear of dirt and germs, compulsive hoarding, disturbing mental images of aggressiveness, and most commonly, rituals of counting or arranging objects. For teenagers this is a major problem because the compulsions can cause interference with daily life. For example, one obsessive disorder, which affects some teens, called Body Dysmorphic Disorder, can have a person staring into a mirror for hours at a time, trying to fix something which they feel is unattractive. This can create excessive concerns about someone’s personal appearance, which can consume major amounts of time. Doing so could possibly cause a teen to be late for school or work. Another compulsion teenagers face is the constant washing of the hands. They may feel that their hands are covered in germs and contamination, which causes them to wash their hands uncontrollably. This can cause their hands to become raw, and they may avoid touching door handles or commonly used things, for fear that they may catch diseases or infections. Teenagers commonly keep these disorders secret, because they are afraid that they will be seen as weird by their peers. There are a few different types of treatments for OCD. One is called Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. In CBT, you are exposed to things which you fear, so that eventually your fear subsides. For example, if a patient is afraid of germs on their hands, the doctor may have the patient try and touch things that would normally raise high amounts of anxiety. Medication can also be used to help a teen deal with OCD. While rese... Free Essays on Teenage Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Free Essays on Teenage Obsessive Compulsive Disorder TEENAGE OCD Many teens suffer from a variety of disorders. These disorders include eating disorders, social disorders, behavioral disorders, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD. In OCD, it is as though the brain gets stuck on a particular thought or urge and won’t let go. This can persist throughout a person’s life; gradually worsening.OCD has a few different forms, including the fear of dirt and germs, compulsive hoarding, disturbing mental images of aggressiveness, and most commonly, rituals of counting or arranging objects. For teenagers this is a major problem because the compulsions can cause interference with daily life. For example, one obsessive disorder, which affects some teens, called Body Dysmorphic Disorder, can have a person staring into a mirror for hours at a time, trying to fix something which they feel is unattractive. This can create excessive concerns about someone’s personal appearance, which can consume major amounts of time. Doing so could possibly cause a teen to be late for school or work. Another compulsion teenagers face is the constant washing of the hands. They may feel that their hands are covered in germs and contamination, which causes them to wash their hands uncontrollably. This can cause their hands to become raw, and they may avoid touching door handles or commonly used things, for fear that they may catch diseases or infections. Teenagers commonly keep these disorders secret, because they are afraid that they will be seen as weird by their peers. There are a few different types of treatments for OCD. One is called Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. In CBT, you are exposed to things which you fear, so that eventually your fear subsides. For example, if a patient is afraid of germs on their hands, the doctor may have the patient try and touch things that would normally raise high amounts of anxiety. Medication can also be used to help a teen deal with OCD. While rese...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Meanings of the German Verb Ausmachen
The Meanings of the German Verb 'Ausmachen' The German verb machen is a very common regular verb with the basic meaning of to make or to do. It gets plenty of mileage all by itself, but by adding the prefix aus-, machen turns into something even more interesting - and takes on many more meanings. (It can add other prefixes, notably an-, but well concentrate on aus- here.) Understanding German verb prefixes is an important part of learning German vocabulary and German verb conjugation. As we shall see with ausmachen, a prefix can make BIG changes in the meaning of a German verb. Although the essential meaning of aus (which is also a dative preposition) is out and ausmachen can mean turn off/out (the light) or put out (a fire), that is only one of its many meanings (in German or English). Lets examine this versatile verb, which has no fewer than ten different meanings, depending on the context. The ten basic meanings listed below are generally ranked in the order of how frequently the verb is used in that meaning, but this is not an exact science. Each meaning also has one or more German synonyms listed along with the English meaning. Ausmachen (là ¶schen) English Meaning: to put out, extinguish, douseExample: Kannst du die Kerzen bitte ausmachen? (Can you please douse/extinguish the candles?) Ausmachen (abdrehen, ausschalten) English Meaning: to switch off, turn off(Note: The opposite is anmachen to switch on, turn on another verb with several different meanings.)Example 1: Machen Sie bitte das Licht / den Fernseher aus! (Please turn off the light / the TV.)Example 2: Sie mà ¼ssen das Gas zuerst ausmachen, bevor sie die Reparaturen machen kà ¶nnen. (They have to turn off the gas before they can make the repairs.) Ausmachen (stà ¶ren, rgern)(etw macht jdm etw aus) English Meaning: to bother (sb), mind, object toExample 1: Macht es Ihnen etwas aus, wenn ich rauche? (Do you mind if I smoke?)Example 2: Es macht mir nichts aus, ihm zu helfen. (I dont mind helping him.) Ausmachen (ermitteln, entdecken)(etw/jdn) English Meaning: to make out (sth/sb), spot, determineExample 1: Ich kann ihn nicht ausmachen, weil es zu dunkel ist. (I cant make him out because its too dark.)Example 2: Es ist noch nicht ausgemacht, dass er seinen eigenen Putsch politisch à ¼berlebt. (It hasnt yet been determined that he will survive his own coup politically.) Ausmachen (ins Gewicht fallen) English Meaning: to make a differenceExample 1: Was macht es schon aus? (What difference does it make?)Example 2: Es macht gar nichts aus! (It makes no difference at all!) Ausmachen (vereinbaren) English Meaning: to agree to, agree on, set up (appointment)Example 1: Wir mà ¼ssen nur noch ausmachen, wo wir uns treffen. (We just need to agree on where well meet.)Example 2: Wie ausgemacht, habe ich das Auto am Flughafen gelassen. (As agreed, I left the car at the airport.) Ausmachen (austragen) English Meaning: to sort (sth) out, settle (a case, a dispute, an issue, etc.)Example 1: Das mà ¼ssen wir mit ihm ausmachen. (We have to sort that out with him.)Example 2: Kà ¶nntet ihr diesen Streit nicht unter euch ausmachen? (Cant you guys settle this argument among yourselves?) Ausmachen (auszeichnen) English Meaning: to be (all) about, be the essence of sth, make (up) sth, make sth specialExample 1: Was macht das Leben aus? (What is life all about?)Example 2: Arbeit / Liebe macht das Leben aus. (Work/love is what lifes about.)Example 3: Ihm fehlt alles, was einen richtigen Manager ausmacht. (Hes missing everything that goes to make a real manager.) Ausmachen (betragen) English Meaning: to amount to, add up to, come toExample: Der Zeitunterschied macht neun Stunden aus. (The time difference is/amounts to nine hours.) Ausmachen (ausgraben) English Meaning: to dig up (dialect, regional)Example: Sie haben die Kartoffeln ausgemacht. (They dug up the potatoes.)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research, Evidence and Nursing Practice Assignment
Research, Evidence and Nursing Practice - Assignment Example Conditions used to make comparisons included untapped, therapeutic taping protocol and neutral taping protocol. (3) Authors utilized within-subjects study design, which entailed subjecting 18 participants to the three conditions at random coupled with assessing pain and observed disability. (4) Research’s scope encompassed assessing the extent of pain in each case and disability whereby the latter comprised of hindrance to the necessary knee mobility. Knee’s mobility tests used were walking speed, stepping ability, rising time and go tests. (5) Research’s content avails adequate information helpful in managing Maude’s predicament, which in this case entails reducing pain. Therefore, therapeutic taping will be of great help to her not only through reducing pain but also in preventing knee’s swelling. (6) Limitations in this study embrace â€Å"carryover effects†, use of small cohort and inadequate interval period between the tests. (7) The stu dy concluded therapeutic taping was inexpensive strategy compared to numerous approaches used in managing of knee OA. Justification (8) The study offers adequate information regarding managing of knee pain and disability (Hinman, Bennell, Crossley & McConnell, 2003). ... es its remedies with other approaches used in treating and managing knee OA whereby the researchers conclude both Therapeutic knee tape and neutral tape are cheaper. The other reason considered in selecting this article was its inexpensive remedy strategy aimed at reducing pain, whereby the people irrespective of their status can adequately afford. Therefore, its contribution in the medical field will encompass equipping medical personnel with adequate knowledge concerning varied and cheaper ways, which they will advise their patients to embrace. This is especially in managing Knee OA among the victims whereby with necessary training ailing people can adequately execute therapeutic taping in their homes. This will reduce high chances of disability commonly associated with Knee OA especially among the old people who in most cases tend to prefer sedentary life like in Maude’s case. Therefore, practitioners after advocating therapeutic taping to the people with Knee OA will compe l them to be active through their relatives, hence reduce numerous chances of disability observed among people taking medicinal approaches. This is an essential intervention, which practitioners can combine with medicinal approaches in reducing pain experienced by Maude. In addition, despite the authors in this article citing certain limitations that may hinder effective testing under each condition, its analysis is meticulous. This is evident in the already analyzed tests and clear presentation of statistical data in form of tables and graphs bearing evidences of diverse remedies’ outcomes under study. (1) Roddy, E., Zhang, W. & Doharty, M. (2005). Aerobic walking or strengthening exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee? A systematic Review. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 64. 544- 548.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Examining a chosen area of media law that relates to the processes or Essay
Examining a chosen area of media law that relates to the processes or business practices involved in magazine publishing - Essay Example This paper aims at discussing the levels to which the law gives such individuals right to privacy. This will be in relation to the right and freedom given to the magazine publishers by the constitution. The intellectual property right is the right given to an individual to control any of his or her intellectual creations. Mostly violation of this right by magazine publishers through publication of these creations without the owner’s permission this may involve the inclusion of photographs a written work by individuals the on the public eye. If a magazine publisher chooses to use any person material without their consent, this would be termed as a violation of intellectual property rights (Phillips & Firth 1999:84). Some of the victims of such violation are photographers, visual artists, and literal creations. If magazine publishers would use images of works by famous photographers without their assent, they would be guilty of violation of this right. However, the magazine can always use these creations by getting in touch with the persons involves and getting either written or verbal assent for the use of these creations. Another form of intellectual property right mostly abused by magazine publishers is the trade secrets. The trade secrets include confidential information that a business or a person uses to get an advantage over their competitors. This information might negatively involve the parties involved if the information gets to the public. A perfect replica of such an incident is one where maybe an artist had a formula or a manner in which he came up with his work. If a magazine publisher publishes this information without the consent of the artist, then the artists’ privacy would have been invaded. The magazine publisher, however, has the right to print this information if the secret of trade violated human rights in any way. The law protects individuals from exploitation just to some limit. Contract law is a section of law that is funda mental for the making of oral and written agreements. These kinds of agreements usually have an association with exchange of goods and services, money, and properties. It entails topics such as the nature of responsibilities, limitation of actions, freedom of contract, privacy of contract, termination of contract and covers also agency relationships, commercial paper, and contracts of employment. In this case, the contract would involve the publisher and the public figure. Such agreement always involves information on the nature of co-existence between the two parties. Magazine publishers sometimes use information about some of the public figures to come up with some of their article. There are cases where the magazine publishers have an agreement of exclusion of some of the information. In such an incidence, it would be a breach of contract if the magazine publishers goes ahead and publishes the information The law of libel protects each and every person from defamation in whatever means. Libels refer to written defamation. This may take place if a magazine publisher decides to publish a story that defames. If it would be proved that the information on the publication is not true, then the publisher will be guilty of defamation. Defamation always takes place as a result of gossip or speculations. When this takes place, the victim usually experiences hatred, shame, disgrace, contempt or ridicule. In some cases, the victim can even experience all the mentioned outcomes. Victims of defamation; however
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How to score that perfect 6.0 on GMAT AWA Essay Example for Free
How to score that perfect 6.0 on GMAT AWA Essay This guide is meant for essay-phobes who dread the blank screen with the blinking cursor and/or people who simply want to score well (or full) on the GMAT. As far as my qualifications are concerned, I recently gave the GMAT and with good confidence scored a full 6 on my GMAT AWA, despite being an essay-phobe myself. To get started, you should read Chineseburneds article on AWA Writing here - The idea of his article is to form a template and it suggests some supporting words for you to use while writing your essay. This idea forms the meat of my strategy, and theres no point in me reproducing the material in this already well-known reference article. Also, note that the Issue essay has been discontinued much to my relief, and this guide will focus exclusively on the Argument essay. I actually waited a whole year so I could give the Next-Gen GMAT rather than the old GMAT with 2 essays, and I must say this pathetic strategy paid off 780 + 6 AWA + 8 IR on my first attempt. I do believe the Quant and Verbal scores would have been negatively affected due to the energy drain caused by the 2 essays. Im only going to build on the tips given by Chineseburned, add some more tips and make it EASIER for you to follow. Now that youve read the article, its time to jump into some more tricks: Three things to remember: 1) Remember that the argument essay is more science than art. You need to use connecting words to build up your argument. (Moreover, for example, to illustrate, ; do not use etc unless absolutely necessary, it looks like an open ending make your argument sound robust and confident) People suggest writing about 500 words per essay the reason being unless youre a good writer, its difficult to convey what you want to say minimally. Take a look at the score 6 essay in the Official Guide can you pull off an essay like that? If yes, you dont need this guide I should be taking tips from you. If you cant, read on. A good 500+ word essay usually shows that you can whip up ideas and write atleast well about your ideas in the 30 mins. Its also useful to remember that the GMAT asks for a draft version, not a very awesome finalized essay. So, a bit of structure, good grammar and 3 argument loopholes (2 or 4 is fine, but 3 is a good number to stick to) are all the things that you need to write your essay. 2) Its also useful to keep in mind that one of your raters is an algorithmic e-rater. You can test yourself against the official e-rater by buying the GMAT Write pack from I did do this because I wasnt feeling too sure about my scores, and I feel more confident if I know what to expect beforehand. I do suggest you do the same, because its one thing to write an essay and another to see your actual score. The thing here is good structure and grammar with connecting words in a 500+ word essay is almost guaranteed to give you a 6 its how the e-rater seems to be programmed. On top of that, from what Ive read, the human graders seem to be so overburdened with essays to check that they too follow an algorithm almost the same as the e-rater; a longer essay is sure to score better than a shorter one. 3) Don’t worry about making too much sense in the essay. The e-rater can’t validate your facts and figures – it can only read structure. And the reader cannot verify any of them either – trust me, he doesn’t have the time or the inclination nor is he supposed to do so. All they need is structure, grammar and a well substantiated argument. Feel free to conjure examples out of thin air so long as they substantiate your argument. As I’ll explain later, the examples form the bulk of the essay. What does this mean for you? Aim for 500+ words and Im going to show you exactly how to do that. How to write a 500 word essay in 30 mins? After writing my first 2 essays, I realized I was finding it difficult to vomit 500+ pretty words in 30 mins I needed a shortcut. This section is organized in chronological order from a time management perspective. My time breakup was very simple – 1. Type out your template with full introduction and conclusion. Yes, I cheated. I had a 100+ word intro-conc template ready to vomit without even reading the question! And now I have conclusive proof that this strategy works! That should take approximately 3-4 minutes to type. Voila! No more blank screen ï Å , plus you’re free to attack the question and who cares if you even forget the template at this point? Here’s my template: (MS Word word count: 126) â€Å"The argument that omits some very important considerations that are necessary to get a full 360-degree view of the described scenario. The argument does not provide substantive evidence to be able to prove or even support the main conclusion from the given premises. First, the argument readily assumes that†¦ Second, the argument claims that†¦ Lastly, the argument fails to account for the fact that†¦ In summary, the argument is extremely flawed because of the above-mentioned reasons and hence comes across as weak and unconvincing to the reader. If the author had mentioned all the relevant facts that are essential to objectively assess the situation under consideration, the argument would have been much stronger. Without this information, the argument remains unsubstantiated and open to debate.†I must mention that this was close to what I wrote on some of my first practice essays, which helped me memorize it easily. Whatever template you use, just remember to restate the argument in the introduction and keep the other parts independent of the actual argument. Dont fill in the part till the next step. Just mark it with a or whatever and come back to it after reading the question. 2. Now that you’ve typed out your template, take 3-4 mins to read the question and JOT DOWN 3 loopholes. Write them down on your scratchpad, do not memorize. 2B. Fill in the part in the introduction. 3. All that remains is for you to expand your points into 3 paragraphs which we already started in the template. You’ll need about 400 words. I found this difficult initially, but then, as usual, I came up with a trick – elaborate your examples. They are your saviors. Below is one of my last GMAT Write essays note the length of the â€Å"example†sections marked in red. Essay prompt: The following appeared in a memorandum from the director of research and development at Ready-to-Ware, a software engineering firm. â€Å"The package of benefits and incentives that Ready-to-Ware offers to professional staff is too costly. Our quarterly profits have declined since the package was introduced two years ago, at the time of our incorporation. Moreover, the package had little positive effect, as we have had only marginal success in recruiting and training high-quality professional staff. To become more profitable again, Ready-to-Ware should, therefore, offer the reduced benefits package that was in place two years ago and use the savings to fund our current research and development initiatives.†My essay response: â€Å"The argument that Ready-to-Ware should decrease its benefits package for professional staff omits some very important considerations that need to be addressed to get a full 360-degree view of the situation under consideration. The argument does not provide substantive evidence to be able to prove or support the main conclusion from the given premises. First, we need to consider if the decline is profits has occurred solely due to the increase in employee compensation. There could be multiple reasons for the decrease in the companys profits over the past two years. For example, the company might have one of its major customers to a rival, thus putting pressure on the revenues. If this single customer were responsible for more than 50% of the companys revenues, a severe drop in profits is to be expected. Another scenario would be if too many competitors have entered Ready-to-Wares target space, in the process putting pressure on the company to provide considerable discounts to current and prospective customers to maintain and gain market share. This is the same scenario that drove out profits from the auto industry in the 1980s. With too many car manufacturers hogging the same target consumer market, the downward pressure on car prices virtually eliminated the car manufacturers profits. One more example of a profit-declining scenario would be a ramping up of taxes by the government to cover its budget deficit. Companies usually tackle such problems by shifting headquarters to a more tax-friendly location. Hence, the argument fails to convince the reader that the fall in profits was specifically due to the increase in employee benefits and not due to any other cause. Second, the argument claims that Ready-to-Ware had problems retaining high-quality professional staff even with the increased compensation package. However, the author fails to mention the competitiveness of Ready-to-Wares benefits package in comparison to industry standards. Here, there is a good possibility that Ready-to-Wares package was very incompetitive to begin with, thus explaining the companys low employee retention rates. Even with the increased benefits package, we cannot be sure that Ready-to-Ware is providing enough incentives to its professionals to stick with it when faced with any of its rivals offers. For example, if Ready-to-Wares original compensation package totaled $30,000 in value, whereas its rivals were offering $50,000 on an average at that time for the same job position and responsibilities, it becomes quite clear why the company had problems retaining its professional employees. Again, if the increased compensation package equals $40,000 as a sum total of all benefits, it is still not sufficient to satisfy employees who can see the better opportunities offered by its competitors, and that too without considering the fact that the the average job salary in the industry might already have risen above the original $50,000 to adjust for inflation. Lastly, the argument fails to take into account the negative effects of reducing the package. If the company is already facing employee retention issues, this problem might only be exacerbated by the decrease in benefits. Employees might leave the company is hordes, leaving their positions unmanned, and at the same time creating a two-sided problem for the company which might not be able to attract new employees due to their low salary offering. In the worst case scenario which in this case I believe is actually realizable, that company might go out of business and have to liquidate itself. In summary, this argument is extremely flawed and unconvincing for the abovementioned reasons. The author fails to take a complete view of the situation and omits some very important considerations required to assess the merits and issues in this situation. If only the author had taken all the above points into account and omitted the counterarguments, the line of reasoning would have been considerable strengthened. â€Å" Notice how the examples have been stretched out and well-developed? It’s easy to do once you practice a few times. Start telling a story in the example, and many a times you’ll find it’s actually more difficult to stop writing than to keep extending. Practicing a few times will give you a good sense of how long each paragraph should be. In most of my essays, the lengths of the 3 body paragraphs decrease from top to bottom – it’s just because I like it that way. How you want it to look is up to you. Don’t bother to put your 3 points in any order – each can be substantiated well beyond 100 words – your brain will take care of that. To reiterate – conjure examples out of thin air as long as they help strengthen your argument. It’s not cheating, it’s just common sense. A good essay takes time – give me a day and I’ll cook you a feast you’ll never forget; give me a half hour and I’ll microwave leftovers. If I had more time to write that essay above, I’d NEVER EVER have formatted it the way I have done and it’d have come off WAY BETTER than it currently is – and that will be true for your essay too, it’ll be far from your perfect work. But who cares as long as it gets you that 6, eh? And the time allotted for this step? Just make sure you finish your essay by the 29th minute. If you aim for the 29th minute, you might need 30 seconds extra and you’ll have a buffer. I tried to finish it by the 30th minute once when practicing and ended up leaving an open sentence when software abruptly ended my essay session. It’s best to finish by the 29th minute. 4. DO NOT reread. Relax. Trust the template and trust what you’ve filled in the blanks. Rereading will only lead to anxiety and might screw up your later sections. There WILL be mistakes in your essay. Remember – it’s a draft, you’re allowed some grammatical, spelling or punctuation mistakes. Practice Practice makes a man perfect. And women too. Sorry for that clichà ©, but none of this will be helpful unless you write your own essays to get the hang of it. Depending on your confidence level, you’ll need to write 4-8 essays to get comfortable with typing it all out in 30 mins without a hitch. And again, if you want to get really confident about your scores, just get a GMAT Write package – it’s much more satisfying to actually see your essay graded by the actual e-rater algorithm. GMAT Write also gives you a breakup of your score, so it’ll be easier for you to hit the deficient areas if any. On the day of the GMAT Trust your template. Don’t question your method just because it’s mechanical. Remember – you’re running a marathon and this is just the first 1/7th of it. Conserve your energy. Just follow what you’ve planned without questioning. And once the essay is done, forget about it. Concentrate on the sections you’re doing. This article might be about scoring a 6 but most schools don’t care as long as you score a 4+. The high score is just to satisfy your big ego. Best of luck for your GMAT and Id love to hear any feedback!
Friday, November 15, 2019
Stages Of Group Development :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Stages Of Group Development Group development is broken down into five stages. These stages are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. The following is a description of how our group passed through each of these stages. Forming In the first stage our group was formed. Each member of our group introduced themselves. We basically made small talk in an effort to relieve some of the initial awkwardness. We discussed our expectations of the project; we then talked about when and where our meeting would be. We had to figure out when all of the group members were available and to find a convenient place to meet that was accessible by all members. Storming In the storming stage our group members began to take on specific roles. Mandy and Cory seemed equally capable of taking on the leadership role. As we each tried to establish our own identity within the group, we found out what was expected of us from other members. We didn’t have an official leader, but if one person had to be named I’m sure all of the group would agree on Mandy. Norming During this stage are we pooled our individual thoughts and expectations together. We discovered that we were all in agreement on how the project should be executed. Discussions concerning the project went smoothly after this point and more progress was made. In this stage I discovered that I had a higher degree of cohesiveness with Mandy than with other group members. This could be due to the fact that Mandy and I were the only female members in the group. It could also be due to the fact that Mandy was the group â€Å"leader†and I looked to her for information on group meetings. Performing In this stage our group shifted from discussing and establishing objectives to actually taking the actions necessary to accomplish them. We finished our surveys and began to pass them out to be completed. Each member of our group was responsible to carry out the task effectively and within the designated time limit.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Education in Mizoram Essay
Education is the most vital process that contributes to all round development of a society. It not only brings about the best in human personality, but can also be the medium of peace and progress of a nation. Education is a critical factor in improving the quality of life of the people, in eradicating poverty and accelerating economic growth. It is the lifeline of any modern day civilization or country. â€Å"Without education, we cannot see beyond ourselves and our narrow surroundings to the reality of global interdependence. Without education, we cannot realize how peoples of other races and religions share the same dreams, the same hopes. Without education, we cannot recognize the university of human aims and aspirations. †– Kofi Annan. Mizoram is among those states where education was first initiated and popularized by the British. Missionaries were responsible for the growth and institutionalization of education in the state. The first educational institution in Mizoram was initiated by the missionaries in the Aizawl region in 1897. The educational scenario in Mizoram today as viewed from the angle of literacy is very promising – at 91. 58% and stands 2nd among the states in India, next only to Kerala, according to the 2011 Census. It is really not a figure we can much be proud of as education should be viewed from the angle of its contribution in improving the quality of life of the people and thereby eradicating poverty and accelerating economic growth, in which Mizoram is lagging behind. The main issue is that the current educational system is not able to produce employable graduates who can compete with graduates from other parts of the country. This results in the increase in unemployed graduates every year. STATE EDUCATION REFORMS COMMISSION-MIZORAM Educational system of any society needs regular changes and reforms in the light of the emerging issues, concerns and challenges. Recently, Mizoram has set up a State Education Reforms Commission with a view to promote qualitative change and reforms in the field of education. The report of the commission is an important guide towards restructuring the education system of Mizoram. The report suggests that in tune with the provisions and spirit of ‘Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act of 2009’, the school education in the state may be readjusted. The national programmes like the SSA need to be implemented in letter and spirit. The report puts particular emphasis on pre-school education and recommends that institutions like SCERT may step in to help the state in this respect with documentation and research. The report emphasizes on the merits and applicability of open and distance learning system in supplementing the conventional and classroom based formal education and also in providing avenues for vocational education in the state. It may be pointed out here that the north-east region in general and Mizoram in particular could be developed as India’s hub for quality handicrafts and forest-based products. The report deals with some of the basic concerns of curriculum. In this connection, extra emphasis may have to be given on science and mathematics education with the application of innovative methods, kits and practices. The report also points out that with a view to achieve all-round development of the students, school curricula should have definite components of health and physical education, art education and work education. The report makes a particular reference to the provisions under Section 29 of the Right to Education Act 2009 and suggests there should not be any public examination for the students from Class I to VIII but with a continuous process of monitoring and comprehensive evaluation. A system of grading replaces the marking system. This system is currently being introduced in most private and govt. schools today with great enthusiasm from the teachers, parents and the students. The report suggests that there is an urgent need to boost enrolment of students in the colleges. As such, it recommended that so of the unviable colleges with poor enrolment records may be merged with other better functioning adjacent colleges. It also suggested that about 20% of the annual budget of higher education may be earmarked for infrastructural and instructional development in the colleges. The issues concerns and challenges of teacher education are also discussed in the report. It suggests that the existing may be strengthened with the help of additional inputs like infrastructural facilities and human resources. The report suggests upward mobility of teachers. It supports the idea of lifting of ban on new recruitments and avoidance of contractual appointment of teachers as far as practicable. The report suggests that the government should encourage professional development of school and college teachers by providing facilities like study leave, research grants, etc. SSA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a comprehensive and integrated flagship programme of Government of India to attain Universal Elementary Education (UEE), covering the entire country in a mission mode. SSA has been launched in 2001-2002 in partnership with the State Governments and Local Self Governments. The programme aims to provide useful and relevant, elementary education to all children in the 6 – 14 age group by 2010. It is an initiative to universalize and improve quality of education through decentralized and context specific planning and a process based, time bound implementation strategy. The programme lays emphasis on bridging all gender and social category gaps at elementary education level with time bound objectives. Its intention is clear from the name itself – Sarva meaning all, Shiksha meaning education, and Abhiyan meaning campaign. SSA adopts, â€Å"the bottom-up†process of planning, wherein the felt needs of the served communities and educational needs of learners are well taken care of and the plan fits into the broad framework of SSA. In view of the fact that the desired improvement and sustenance of the improved efficiency level cannot be achieved without the active involvement of the community in the schooling system, SSA has emphasized the involvement of local people and stakeholders in planning. This also ensures reflection of local specificity, which is essential for achieving the goals of the programme. For a brief understanding of the activities of the SSA mission, it is important to highlight some of its objectives – * The programme seeks to open new schools in those habitations which do not have schooling facilities and strengthen existing school infrastructure through provision of additional class rooms, toilets, drinking water, maintenance grant and school improvement grants. * Existing schools with inadequate teacher strength are provided with additional teachers, while the capacity of existing teachers is being strengthened by extensive training, grants for developing teaching-learning materials and strengthening of the academic support structure at a cluster, block and district level. * SSA seeks to provide quality elementary education including life skills. SSA has a special focus on girl’s education and children with special needs. SSA also seeks to provide computer education to bridge the digital divide. ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY. The role of the civil society is very important for the realization of universal elementary education. For the success of the SSA Mission, the common people, voluntary organizations, NGOs, etc. has an important role to play. With reference to the Aizawl District, there are the voluntary organizations like the Y. M. A. and M. H. I. P. which had signed an agreement with the SSA for working together for the realization of the goals and objectives of the SSA Mission especially in the areas like identification of Out Of School Children, Children with Special Needs, promotion of Girls Education, and more. The SSA and these voluntary organizations work together in creating awareness and also to change the mindsets of the people against the Children with Special Needs. Also, the Mizoram Presbyterian Church works constructively with the SSA in the promotion of its goals. It is through these organizations that the common people play an important role in the SSA Mission. CONCLUSION Achievements made by Mizoram in the field of elementary education, as a result of intervention of SSA, are very much appreciable. Enrollment and retention rate are appreciably high. Dropout rate and the number of out of school children are also very low as compared to other states of the country. A good number of new school buildings have come up and existing school buildings have improved a lot. Schools have become much more attractive places for children with the installation of outdoor play equipments such as colorful slides, see saw and swings. Children seem to enjoy the Mid Day Meal provided to them on daily basis and poor and working parents are greatly relieved from their burden. Schools with inadequate number of teachers have been equipped with additional teachers. We can, therefore, conclude that quantitative expansion and improvement have been achieved to an appreciable extent in Mizoram due to the intervention of SSA. However, Mizoram has only reached the stage where quantitative expansion and improvement has been achieved. A time has come when Mizoram has to give due attention and priority to qualitative improvement. Improved infrastructural facilities, high rate of enrolment retention, low rate of drop out and out of school children are not the ends but the means to realize the goals of qualitative elementary education. The state government and the SSA authorities should not be complacent with the achievement of only quantitative expansion of elementary education; rather they should take care of aspects which can provide quality education to children in the primary and upper primary schools.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Down the Road: My Personal Authentic Leadership Journey Essay
Born in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, where arms and ammunition for armed forces of Pakistan are made and distributed to different locations of the country, my leadership timeline reflects that leaders are moulded by the events they encountered and overcome to become who they are today. My story begins with a father whose sole goal in life was to provide us the education that he knew was vital to our aim to be successful as role models and leaders. Because education is not all about â€Å"book†learning, my family paid special attention to educating us about morals and ethics. Via religious education, I found the virtue of being a good man with a healthy belief system. To a leader you need to have a strong foundation in values and how those values shape our every activity. Discussion Because of this emphasis on education, I found myself even more drawn to furthering my own knowledge and uncovering my strengths and weaknesses as a contributing member of society. I saw my father as a role model who placed his family’s needs above his own. By moving out of his native village, he took the first steps towards providing his children with the best possible opportunities to get good standard education and develop high moral values and ethics in their personalities. As my father is well educated, he expected that his children too reach their full potential. Unfortunately, during my higher curriculum courses I performed poorly and was forced to work even harder to improve myself. Upon reaching college, I selected to be a class representative because I saw myself as having both good interaction skills as well as the aptitude for solving problems between individuals. This was the first time that I realized that my goals to become a good leader were indeed possible and attainable. In hindsight, I see that this interaction was the basis for some leadership traits (http://www. stewart-associates. co. uk/leadership-models. aspx). For example, during conflicts I rose to the occasion and alleviated group stresses, persistently overcame dilemmas, cooperated with my fellow classmates in solving problems, was seen as a dependable role model for lower class men, and easily adapted to situations when required. This initial experience began to give me the confidence that I needed to feel that I could successfully aid my fellow college students and being a strong representative of their requests and voices (http://www. buzzle. com/editorials/9-3-2004-58861. asp). It was only due to this confidence that I persistently applied for admission to several universities in Pakistan even though I had failed to obtain admission into any high ranking universities. To my parents, this was an embarrassment and the shame that they felt tore at my heart but though I was upset I realized I was not de-motivated. Instead, I adapted and improvised to the situation and selected to do my last year in college once again so as to receive higher marks. My self-restructuring efforts paid off and I achieved higher marks than anyone had expected from me. These implemented efforts are once again the markings of a young leader and can be visually seen in the graph below: Image taken from : (http://images. google. com/imgres? imgurl=http://api. ning. com/files/pAqrWCqLQC2AgQvsxfBsUXwOyx42-xPKmO6TQFFNQ5tMD1CBzFkfU7rWUpMX6Siqa6k*LAJmr*e4wYGKq7zMGn6UmTHdk6fy/Leadershipmodel. gif. jpg&imgrefurl=http://mylinkingpowerforum. ning. com/xn/detail/u_3jluv5gj6mp9a&usg=__AwGvnrelt3BvpCbfy005kjVXiE4=&h=278&w=320&sz=13&hl=en&start=10&um=1&tbnid=7oYMmH6hwuxfUM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dleadership%2Bmodel%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26um%3D1) My hard work would never go to waste and this renewed energy gave me the needed push to start my higher education at some good university. This effort ties in to the leadership model reflected by T. McGregor (1906-1964) which specifies that managers â€Å"tend to make two different assumptions about human nature. These views he explored in his theory X and theory Y†where in theory Y he states that â€Å"The expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest. †(http://www. stewart-associates. co. uk/leadership-models. aspx) My effort had indeed paid off and my father was able to send me to the UK for my higher education. It was hard, after starting the application process, Sept 11th occurred and the British embassy in Pakistan elected to close down it’s visa division for 6 months; which forced me to postpone my studies until Oct 2002. In spite of this delay, my only recourse was to kept up the hope and continue my computer course, IELTS, and TOEFL studies until April of 2002. I believe that this element of hope despite such hardships falls under the concept of a required â€Å"trait leadership†because without hope you will not feel the drive to continue on in projects, goals or objectives. While research may have shown that there are no consistent traits which make a leader there is merit to the argument that a â€Å"hope-less†leader will not be a successful one (http://www. leadership-studies. com/documents/mgmt_standards. pdf). So here I was in April of 2002 in the UK, and excited to being a new life on my own but fully aware of the hardships that I would encounter faced with a different culture. This driving difference would force me into getting a place to live, finding myself a job, and saving while I took time off from my college, Financial Training Company (FTC). I was lucky to find a living place with my childhood friends who were very supportive and I also found a job at Burger King, a local fast food restaurant. I started my Associate Accounting Technician (AAT) qualification and completed this qualification by December 2004. It was during this time that I also made several mistakes and suffered from heavy losses, both on a socially and financially level. It was not easy adapting but I learnt from any mistakes that I made. I learnt how to deal my 5 friends (both younger and older than me) living together and how to explain and assert myself when needed. I also learnt how to juggle the complexities associated with both working and going to school full time because in March of 2003 I was forced to get a job at Sainsbury’s local store. After working for Sainsbury’s for six months, I had an opportunity to step up as a supervisor and take on more responsibilities. During the interview process, I was the lucky candidate selected to become a supervisor. There were interviews held for this position and I was the successful candidate. This was very encouraging for me as my hard work and commitment to this job had paid off. The managers checked my performance track record and they found me to be perfect fit for this role. I was taken aback when they decided that I would have to undergo more training prior to being able to run a shift by myself as manager. During this period, I completed a 3 month training only to find that upper management itself changed. So here I found a challenge: when the new managers arrived at the branch they refused to promote me and official stated that I would need training for another 4 to 6 months. At that time, this became a very depressing situation for me. Even though I had passed all required tests for the position, it was under the manager’s end discretion to allow the promotion or not. Though I was disappointed, I did not lose hope and continued to struggle to my end goal. It took me another six weeks to prove myself as a good team leader who had the necessary capabilities to lead by example. That was a victorious moment for me when the store manager called me in the office and signed my promotion certificate. Due to my exposure at Sainsbury to various leadership models and techniques, I felt especially drawn to the concept of the action centered leadership structure. Via this model, I was introduced to the value of having a leader who performs activities and through these actions shows his or her employees the significance of balancing the needs of the employees with the requirements and expectations of the team. I came across many managers with different leadership styles; e. g. manager or morning shift used to prefer shop faced up and tidied while the one running the evening shift always focussed more on tills and customer service activities. For me, I saw that the true objective of an action plan is to effectively gauge what tasks must be accomplished in order for a project to be successfully completed. The leader of this situation is portrayed as a helicopter lightly gliding over the situation and having a positive overview of what is occurring through the project lifecycle. This allows for the task to been seen and directed to ensure that clear objectives are being met, and procedures are being adhered to. In the beginning I faced resistance from my own colleagues. They sometimes refused to do what I told them or argued and made lame excuses about why they could not accomplish a task. The reason for this behaviour was obvious. They felt that I who had been their co-worker just days before was now their boss. The assignment of jobs from me made them clearly uncomfortable and they rebelled. I had to handle the situation very carefully by delegating the work as well as helping them, by assuring them that though I was a team leader I was also part of the team. I could also see if there was evidence of progress and ensure that all deadlines are being met for the assignment (http://www. skagitwatershed. org/~donclark/leader/leadcon. html). This elevated view allows for the leader to guide his employees while functions are being performed to complete the project. From a higher perspective, such a leader is enabled with the vital component of seeing all aspects of the situation from the viewpoint of the task, the team, and the individual within the team. The team will see my commitment to the task assigned, and feel the same level of purpose that I feel. This will allow the team to grow in their cohesion, drive for success, and gleam trust from each other. To an individual, this status allows for individual growth in their career objectives because they feel that their contribution is being acknowledged and is evident in the team circles. Feedback both for the leaders as well as from the leadership capacity allows for better commitments, respect, security, and change of direction if required. Key to this model is the evidence of plans being successfully outlined and modified if required (http://www. stewart-associates. co. uk/leadership-models. aspx). Such leaders are aware that sometimes change is necessary for a project to be successful. Some of my workers were habitually taking longer breaks, not turning up for work and even stealing stock. Because of my strong leadership traits I able to convert many of them into giving up their bad habits and feeling that they could be good workers. This act of situational leadership enforced the concept that I needed to coach, direct, support, and delegate activities and behaviours for my co-workers (http://www. chimaeraconsulting. com/sitleader. htm). One supportive characteristic was my decision was my decision to not take illegal action against one of my co-workers who my deputy manager disliked. I found myself faced with extra work and stress because of his anger, but because I was a strong believer in Thorton’s 3C leadership model (challenge, confidence, coaching) I felt that my personal challenge in this case was to bear up under the difficulty and coach my employees into sharing my goals and becoming inspired by them (http://www. quickmba. com/mgmt/leadership/3c/). If I had given into the deputy manager’s illegal tactics I would destroy the confidence that they had begun to feel in my and my efforts to help them be successful. My self-confidence and ambition led me to seek employment in a company which also felt similarly attuned, Dixons Plc. At Dixons, I was hired as a sales advisor, where within weeks I showed my employers my excellence in performance. They rewarded me with huge bonuses and commissions. They too believed in the Thorton’s 3Cs Leadership Model and challenged me to benchmark my progress and highlighted my strengths and how I could become even more successful. Enriched by this experience, I was only too happy to continue my learning in how to arrange credit agreements with the HFC bank and how to facilitate our customers with after sales services. This continued to build up my confidence because the challenging goals that were set by my company were attainable and they showed me that I had the ability to reach the sales goals and quotas expected from me. Concluding Remarks: My experiences have molded me from a timid young man to an assertive one. Without the guide my father, my manager, and my exposure to the working world and its expectations from me I would be unable to be the leader that I am today. I hope that by learning about new leadership techniques I may one day be able to progress into an even more experienced managerial role. I believe that my leadership traits and qualities have enriched my life and aided me in my attempts to overcome the hurdles and challenges thrown my way. References: Bass, Bernard (1990). From transactional to transformational leadership: learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 18, Issue 3, Winter, 1990, 19-31. Bolden, R. , Gosling, J. , Marturano, A. and Dennison, P. A REVIEW OF LEADERSHIP THEORY AND COMPETENCY FRAMEWORKS (2003). Retrieved March 27, 2009 from http://www. leadership-studies. com/documents/mgmt_standards. pdf Clark, Don. Concepts of Leaders. Retrieved March 27, 2009 from http://www. skagitwatershed. org/~donclark/leader/leadcon. html Chimaera Consulting Limited (1999). Situational Leadership. Retrieved March 27, 2009 from http://www. chimaeraconsulting. com/sitleader. htm Thornton, Paul B. Be the Leader, Make the Difference Thornton, Thornton’s 3-C Leadership Model. Website. Retrieved March 27, 2009 from http://www. quickmba. com/mgmt/leadership/3c/ Models and Theories. Website. Retrieved March 27, 2009 from http://www. stewart- associates. co. uk/leadership-models. aspx Leadership Qualities. Retrieved March 27, 2009 from http://www. buzzle. com/editorials/9-3-2004-58861. asp
Friday, November 8, 2019
Unsympathetic a character Essay Example
Unsympathetic a character Essay Example Unsympathetic a character Paper Unsympathetic a character Paper Each character is punished in an appropriate way. Birling fears for his familys reputation at the inquest; Sheila feels shame for her selfishness; Gerald has his affair revealed in front of Sheila; Mrs Birling has her illusions about the respectability of her family shattered by Eric; and Eric is revealed before his indulgent parents as a spoilt and inadequate young man. But notice how in each case the punishment is a consequence of their own behaviour; the Inspector himself does not bring punishment from outside. Perhaps this is why they are given a second chance at the end of the play that their experience should have been a warning to them, and that next time, it is the apocalyptic future predicted by the inspectors final speech that lies in store for them and for us. As he deals with Birling he tells him that Eva Smith used to work for Birling and company, Birling hardly remembering the name has to be reminded by a photograph. I think that Mr. Birling was a difficult member of the family to get the real truth out of. Now look here Inspector Birling does not believe he has a responsibility to society, only to his family: a man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own. He is not upset, unlike Eric, at hearing the details of the girls death, which shows him to be a little heartless. He is suspiciously defensive when he thinks the Inspector is accusing him of causing it, and like Mrs Birling is relieved when he thinks the finger is no longer pointing at him. This is hypocritical because, as the Inspector says, the girls [still] dead, though. It is known that Birling sacked the girl because she was rude and wanted a pay rise. He thought (as an upper class citizen) this was very rude coming from a slave girl. Next the Inspector moves on to Mr. Birlings daughter, Sheila. Her involvement with the death was similar to her fathers. One day, whilst shopping in a very expensive dress shop, Eva Smith laughed at her trying on one particular dress. Sheila, of course, was very mad and ordered at once that this girl was fired, and so it was. Once she realises what she has done, she quotes so Im really responsible? She blames herself for the death and regrets every move she did, but the Inspector says that wont help, Eva is dead. From the start Sheila has come across as a young, pretty and sensitive girl. She had a lack of understanding of the outside world, so the death came across as a shock. Like Birling, she readily admits to having met the girl. But her father admits this because he is unable to see that he has done anything wrong; Sheila, on the other hand, admits this because she is genuinely ashamed and is trying to tell the truth. Of all the characters, hers is the only confession that does her credit Mrs Birling is first obstructive then defiant, and Gerald and Eric both confess at a point when they know they have been already found out. She is guilty of the sins of pride and envy she complained about the girl because she thought she was laughing at her, and because she was a very pretty girl too I couldnt be sorry for her. Although she asks how could I know what would happen afterwards, she does not try to escape from the blame. Priestly uses her as an example of someone who is vain and thoughtless, but not heartless: she is genuine when she says if I could help her now I would. But he intends the audience to learn the lesson that good intentions are no good if they come too late; Sheilas predicament is a warning to us. Enough was said for what Sheila had to do with the death, so the Inspector quickly moved on to Gerald. Gerald thinks he wont have any involvement with the death, but we now find out that Eva changed her name to Daisy Renton, this sparks of Gerald. He realises that he had become a close friend with her last summer. Everything is told and eventually we find out that he had an affair with her. He is naive in imagining that his involvement with the girl was all over and done with last summer, but generally comes to recognise that his actions have had lasting consequences. He finally responds with the same My God! as her death sinks in, that Eric used straight away, and from this point on, Priestly shows us Gerald in a different, more sympathetic light He shows sympathy for the girls situation, and his willingness at the County Hotel to hear her story shows he thought of her as an individual, unlike Birling or Mrs Birling. He feeds her, listens to her, and gives her money, without asking for anything in return. It is ambiguous whether she ended up as his mistress out of obligation or out of love, however; it is certain, though, that as the Inspector says he at least had some affection for her and made her happy for a time. Gerald is admirably honest in admitting the girls feelings were stronger than his and is now troubled by his behaviour and asks to be on his own. However, Mrs. Birling will not accept the fact that she also helped kill Eva Smith. We are told that she works for the Brumley Womens Organisation, and Eva smith asked for help from her. She asked for money to support her baby, because she told Mrs. Birling that she refused the stolen money that the man (who got her pregnant) offered her. Mrs. Birling took this as likely story and wouldnt accept it. She dominates those around her she calls Sheila a child and tells off the Inspector for being a trifle impertinent. Her lack of understanding of how other people live is shown in her snobbish comments about girls of that class, and in her unwillingness to believe the girls reasons for refusing to take the stolen money or marry the foolish young man responsible for her pregnancy. Her lack of understanding even extends to her own family and friends as she has been quite unaware of her own sons heavy drinking or of Alderman Meggartys womanising. She pronounces Geralds behaviour towards the girl disgusting, even though as the Inspector says he was the only one to make her happy. She remains untouched by the Inspectors questioning, and refuses to see how her actions could have been responsible for the girls death, even though the audience can clearly see that her refusal to help the girl could easily have led to her suicide. It is only when she realises that Eric was the childs father that she shows any signs of weakening, but the speed with which she recovers after the Inspectors departure emphasises how cold and unsympathetic a character she is. And last of all, the Inspector picks on Eric. He also had a relationship with her, but this was a result or Eric being drunk and forcing her to make love to him. In other words, rape. Unlike Gerald, Priestly describes Eric in the opening stage directions as not quite at ease. He has been expensively educated, and yet he is a disappointment to Birling: he and Gerald joke behind Geralds back, and his father patronises him. He is kept out of the information about his fathers possible knighthood, and when he really needed help he felt his father was not the kind of father a chap could go to when hes in trouble. His drinking is an open secret within the family (though Mrs Birling chooses not to admit it to herself), and suggests that he lacks self-discipline. This is borne out by the behaviour that is revealed in the course of the play: he forced himself into the girls lodgings despite her protests, drunk and in that state when a chap easily turns nasty, has made her pregnant, and has stolen money from his father. But he also has an honesty that others lack. He is the only one to respond spontaneously to details of the girls death, and when he is forced to admit how he behaved towards her he has a strong sense of guilt because the consequences of what he did are so serious. We also believe him when he tells Birling that he would have let the girl stay at the factory but Eric throughout the play is shown to be naive, even if his heart is often in the right place. (Stealing Birlings money, even though a crime in law, might be another example of this. ) He does not have the realistic outlook necessary to make a success of his life. He is also shown to be immature, regarding the girl as a good sport, although she treated him as a child. Like every character accused by the Inspector, he is shown to be a hypocrite the fat old tarts round the town disgust him, yet by this stage in her life, the girl is also a prostitute, though it is not clear whether Eric realises this. He appears to have learnt very little from his privileged education, yet he has been impressed by the Inspector. At the end, like Sheila, he refuses to pretend things are like they were before, and is frightened by the fact that the older generation appear not to have learnt anything. He wants his parents to admit their mistakes as freely as he has admitted his. Though he is not a particularly pleasant character, we may feel that he is sincerely ashamed of his behaviour and is capable of changing for the better. Eva smith, a young woman who died on her way to the Infirmary, was involved in many things in her life. She had something to do with every character, and maybe even the Inspector but we can not be too sure. She had a life of ups and downs and I think one of her highest points was when she met Gerald and that little relationship. I think this may have helped her along in life a bit because just before than she was sacked from her second job, it was her only hope, but being sacked pushed her towards the only option Prostitution. The Inspector says that she had kept a sort of diary, which helped him piece together the last two years of her life: However, in Act III we begin to wonder whether Eva ever really existed. Gerald says, Weve no proof it was the same photograph and therefore no proof it was the same girl. Birling adds, There wasnt the slightest proof that this Daisy Renton really was Eva Smith. Yet the final phone call, announcing that a police inspector is shortly to arrive at the Birlings house to investigate the suicide of a young girl, makes us realise that maybe Eva Smith did exist after all. I think she could represent the devil as she causes trouble in everyones life, its almost as though she meant to do everything she did do. However, Think about Evas name. Eva is similar to Eve, the first woman created by God in the Bible. Smith is the most common English surname. So, Eva Smith could represent every woman of her class. Geralds final service in the play is to reveal that Goole was not a real Inspector. He also carefully proves that Goole may not have shown everyone the same photograph, and it is he who takes the initiative in phoning the Infirmary to check whether a girl has actually died. His reaction is not triumphant (which is Birlings), but he is described as smiling, and he says that everythings all right now. The Whodunnit genre contributes towards the effect of the play but creating a great sense of mystery, urging the reader to read to find out who did it. The policeman in a whodunnit has a big role to play as he uncovers untold secrets; he is like the chairman of a debate. This is used in the play because is not sided towards one person, but uncovers all of their guilt.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Geography, Climate and Species of Earths Arctic Region
Geography, Climate and Species of Earth's Arctic Region The Arctic is the Earth region that lies between 66.5Â °N and the North Pole. In addition to being defined as 66.5Â °N of the equator, the specific border of the Arctic region is defined as the area in which average July temperatures follow the 50Â °F (10Â °C) isotherm (map). Geographically, the Arctic spans the Arctic Ocean and covers land areas in parts of Canada, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States (Alaska). Geography and Climate of the Arctic The majority of the Arctic is composed of the Arctic Ocean which was formed when the Eurasian Plate moved toward the Pacific Plate thousands of years ago. Although this ocean makes up the majority of the Arctic region, it is the worlds smallest ocean. It reaches depths of 3,200 feet (969 m) and is connected to the Atlantic and the Pacific via several straits and seasonal waterways such as the Northwest Passage (between the U.S. and Canada) and the Northern Sea Route (between Norway and Russia). Since the majority of the Arctic is the Arctic Ocean along with straits and bays, much of the Arctic region is composed of a drifting ice pack which can be up to nine feet (three meters) thick during winter. In the summer, this ice pack is replaced mainly by open water that is often dotted with icebergs that formed when ice broke from land glaciers and/or chunks of ice that have broken away from the ice pack. The Arctic regions climate is very cold and harsh for most of the year due to the Earths axial tilt. Because of this, the region never receives direct sunlight, but instead gets rays indirectly and thus gets less solar radiation. In the winter, the Arctic region has 24 hours of darkness because the high latitudes such as the Arctic are turned away from the sun at this time of year. By contrast in the summer, the region receives 24 hours of sunlight because the Earth is tilted toward the sun. However because the suns rays are not direct, summers are also mild to cool in most parts of the Arctic. Because the Arctic is covered with snow and ice for much of the year, it also has high albedo or reflectivity and thus reflects solar radiation back into space. Temperatures are also milder in the Arctic than in Antarctica because the presence of the Arctic Ocean helps moderate them. Some of the lowest recorded temperatures in the Arctic were recorded in Siberia around -58Â °F (-50Â °C). The average Arctic temperature in the summer is 50Â °F (10Â °C) although in some places, temperatures can reach 86Â °F (30Â °C) for short periods. Plants and Animals of the Arctic Since the Arctic has such a harsh climate and permafrost is prevalent in the Arctic region, it mainly consists of treeless tundra with plant species such as lichen and mosses. In the spring and summer, low-growing plants are also common. Low growing plants, lichen and moss are most common because they have shallow roots which are not blocked by the frozen ground and since they do not grow into the air, they are less prone to damage by high winds. The animal species present in the Arctic varies based on the season. In the summer, there are many different whale, seal and fish species in the Arctic Ocean and the waterways surrounding it and on land there are species such as wolves, bears, caribou, reindeer and many different types of birds. In the winter however, many of these species migrate south to warmer climates. Humans in the Arctic Humans have lived in the Arctic for thousands of years. These were mainly groups of indigenous peoples such as the Inuit in Canada, the Saami in Scandinavia and the Nanets and Yakuts in Russia. In terms of modern inhabitation, many of these groups are still present as are territorial claims by the aforementioned nations with lands in the Arctic region. In addition, the nations with territories bordering the Arctic Ocean also have maritime exclusive economic zone rights. Because the Arctic is not conducive to agriculture due to its harsh climate and permafrost, the historic indigenous inhabitants survived by hunting and gathering their food. In many locations, this is still the case for the surviving groups today. For example, Canadas Inuit survive by hunting animals such as seals on the coast during the winter and caribou inland during the summer. Despite its sparse population and harsh climate, the Arctic region is important to the world today because it has significant amounts of natural resources. Thus, this is why many nations are concerned with having territorial claims in the region and in the Arctic Ocean. Some the major natural resources in the Arctic include petroleum, minerals and fishing. Tourism is also beginning to grow in the region and scientific exploration is a growing field both on land in the Arctic and in the Arctic Ocean. Climate Change and the Arctic In recent years, it has become known that the Arctic region is extremely susceptible to climate change and global warming. Many scientific climate models also predict larger amounts of climate warming in the Arctic than on the rest of the Earth, which has raised concerns about shrinking ice packs and melting glaciers in places like Alaska and Greenland. It is believed that the Arctic is susceptible mainly because of feedback loops- high albedo reflects solar radiation, but as sea ice and glaciers melt, the darker ocean water begins to absorb, instead of reflect, solar radiation, which further increases temperatures. Most climate models show near to complete loss of sea ice in the Arctic in September (the warmest time of year) by 2040. Problems related to global warming and climate change in the Arctic include loss of habitat critical habitat for many species, rising sea levels for the world if sea ice and glaciers melt and a release of methane stored in permafrost, which could exacerbate climate change. References National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.) NOAA Arctic Theme Page: A Comprehensive Resrouce. Retrieved from: Wikipedia. (2010, April 22). Arctic - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Interpersonal attraction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Interpersonal attraction - Essay Example People whom we are close with and love yet not passionately are meant to be our friends while we became lovers when we come to show and the feeling for passion with the opposite sex, since both of the two people are similar they do have the same feeling and they can commit to love each other but then we cannot be a lover of others when we are committed with this said our love one. Because of Similarity and physical attraction we've coming into socializing with others. Similarity is much happening between friends, like for example they are similar on what they do, like they have the same taste when it comes to dressings and interiors, you both like basketball rather than volleyball, and more. Similarity between others you is widely spread out to all friendships, that's the reason why your friends because you both can understand each other. When it comes to a deeper feeling of affection to the opposite sex will mean of a passionate love. Companionate love is what we felt for our friends as our company ion. We don't give special feelings for them like what we give to a person which we like most, not just a friend but more than a friend. Companionate love is different to passionate love.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Lead Paint and Crime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Lead Paint and Crime - Research Paper Example Statistics indicate that approximately 38 million houses In the US were painted before the 1978 ban on lead paints (Seymour, 2010). This paper is a critical evaluation of Lead poisoning and its contribution towards antisocial behavior. Lead Poisoning Painting is a technical process, which ensures that an end product such as a house, vehicle, furniture, toys among others, get an appealing look, which is important while dealing with the dynamic nature of tastes and preferences in different individuals. However, not many people take time to question the integrity of the paints being used to satisfy their requirements either due to ignorance or due to sheer lack of interest. However, it is also common to find that in urban areas, where majority of people live in rental houses, it is difficult to establish the type of paint that has been used on the walls or other painted surfaces. Such people are susceptible to Lead poisoning especially if they are living in houses painted using Lead bas ed paints. Small children living in such surroundings are the worst affected especially if the paint has already started peeling off to the ground. This is due to the fact that they are identifiable with the habit of collecting and feeding on anything that comes their way especially while they are crawling on the floor (Seymour, 2010). The paint particles disintegrate into smaller particles after which they mix with the dust on the floor such that it becomes easy for the whole household to inhale them without noticing. In addition, the peelings from the roof and the walls can find their way onto the food and water that is not well covered after which unsuspecting persons can ingest them thereby putting them at risk. It is therefore not a wonder to find that CDC estimates indicate that more than 250000 children in the US suffered from Lead poisoning between 1997 and 2009. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012), Lead concentration in the blood is considered dan gerous if it exceeds 10 micrograms per deciliter of blood. Lead is tasteless and it does not contain any peculiar smell and therefore, it is not easy for a layman to identify it. In addition, people who have ingested it do not show immediate signs and symptoms, which can trigger the urgency to seek medical attention. Instead, it continues to accumulate in the blood system and the bones thereby causing a slow progressive damage to vital organs in the body of the victim until such time when the body begins to react negatively to the poisoning. During this time, the affected person begins to portray symptoms such as; memory loss, erectile dysfunction, kidney failure, and muscle pains (Fancher, 2010). The affected person may also experience constant headaches, depression, and loss of appetite among others, which are common in adults. Young children exhibit some of the above mentioned symptoms and others such as vomiting, abdominal pains, mental disabilities and retarded growth whereby t he child takes long to master basic techniques such as talking. In general, Lead poisoning is highly damaging to some of the most important organs in a human body such as; the brain, kidney, the nervous system as well as the blood. Blood is highly important as it facilitates the transportation of oxygen to the brain and extreme organs such as the limbs (Fancher, 2010). Lead in the blood
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Performance management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Performance management - Essay Example Studies have revealed that the simplification process has produced results that have not only been conflicting but also ambiguous. Due to the disadvantages stated above, Ferreira & Otley's formulated the performance management framework that clearly describes the operation and structure of performance management system. Researchers have emphasized that to obtain accurate results that are essential in developing skills and knowledge on management performance, it is important to use theoretical foundations. Managers of an organization need to select rational theories that will guide them when analyzing performance of an organization (Chapman, 2007p. 664). Performance management approach usually involves many processes that take place in an organization. These processes include analysis, measurement, control, and planning. The mechanisms employed in performance management systems are formal and informal controls. The controls are usually dependent on the size of the organization because larger firms use administrative controls (Margret, 2010 p. 210). Performance Management Framework by Otley’s In the year 1999, Otley developed a framework that was to provide a guideline in the study of the operations of management control systems. He focused on five areas that included identification of the main goals of an organization. ... The fourth area that Otley emphasized was the implications of either achieving or failing to achieve the targets set in an organization. Lastly, he focused on monitoring the performance of an organization. Levers of Control framework Simons proposed the levers of control (LOC) framework in the year 1995. These included beliefs, boundary, diagnostic and interactive control systems (Simons, 1995:p177). Simons’ framework was based on four major concepts especially core values, the risks, the variables of critical performance and strategic uncertainties. The belief system controls the core values while the risks are regulated by the boundary system. The diagnostic control system controls the critical performance variables. The main function of the diagnostic control is to monitor, assess and provide rewards based on the different levels of performance. Lastly, the interactive control system regulates the strategic uncertainties in a company. The levers of control framework have fa cilitated the study of the interaction between boundary systems and beliefs (Collier, 2005:p321). The LOC framework was criticized because of its incompatibility with the informal controls that exist in many organizations (Hutzschenreuter, 2009 p.10). However, the employment of LOC framework facilitates the assessment of the balance between positive and negative controls (Ferreira, 2002: 053). The Performance Management Systems Structure The existing frameworks had a number of limitations that prompted researchers to develop an extended framework. The extensive framework highlights the main aspects of performance management system, and provides foundation for the development of further investigations. The performance management system focused on several areas including organization structure,
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