Monday, September 30, 2019
Forensic Science in the 21st Century Essay
Science in the 21st Century Gertrude West Forensic Science and Psychological Profiling /CJA590 May 30, 2011 Edward Baker Forensic Science in the 21st Century Forensic science has various influences on crime, investigation and the people that are involved. Forensic science has a connection with the courts to ensure crimes are getting solved and justice is being served to those that commit crimes. With the help of forensic science, crimes are being solved from a human and technological aspect. This paper highlights numerous discussions on how forensic science plays a role in criminal justices system, security, media and the law. Forensic science is a separate entity from the police; although a large portion of the work is obtains through law enforcement. Forensic science is a recognizable component of policing during criminal investigation. The successful resolution from a crime scene involves preventing the site from being contaminated. This helps assures a great deal of gathering and interpreting evidence that could lead to an accurate interpretation of the event. The advances in technology are being applied to forensic science; a field in which technical is achieved by many factors such as including training, experience, continued education, and scientific methodology (NYSP, 2007). Forensic Science continues to develop in the 21st Century. It blends science and technology that has been useful for law enforcement to solve crimes and prosecute criminals. Forensic sciences in criminal investigations include but are not limited to: bioscience, trace evidence, toxicology, photography, documentation, forensic imagery, forensic ID and SAFIS, evidence receiving, drug chemistry and ballistics. In addition, private forensic laboratories, such as Applied Forensics, are contracted and employed to assist in the judicial process in the analysis of documents in question and handwriting analysis (Davis, 2006). One of the biggest things that criminal investigators and officers will look for at a crime scene is DNA. DNA can be gathered not just only through blood but through any type of fluids as well. According to Blackman (2011), â€Å"DNA analysis is one of the main tools used in forensic science to identify individuals. Crime laboratories undertaking DNA typing are typically concerned with comparing DNA evidence with known standards. The evidence is DNA samples collected from a crime scene and these are cross-matched against DNA swabs taken from anyone connected to that scene, be that victims, defendants or elimination ‘known’s’. The elimination known’s can come from the victims’ relatives, for example, or, if it’s a shared house, from tenants. The comparisons are made, not only to generate and compile evidence against suspects, but also to exclude people from the investigation. The development and applications of forensic scince suppors operation aimed at prevention, disruption, and prosecution of terrorism. The discipline helps support intelligence and investigation. Thiss component is now incorporated into homeland Security, A pattern of legal instances benefiting from this type of scientific study would be medical malpractice litigation, probate proceedings, complex and commercial legal action and contract lawsuits. According to Shelton (2010), â€Å"Forensic Science in Court explores the legal implications of forensic science–an increasingly important and complex part of the justice system. Judge Donald Shelton provides an accessible overview of the legal issues, from the history of evidence in court, to gatekeeper judges determining what evidence can be allowed, to the CSI effect in juries. †The media has the potential of affecting the way people think. People disregard their perception based on scenarios presented. Popular media representation of forensic science and influential presence on the public’s opinion on justice-related issues, the effect that impeccable synchronicity of the investigator and successful outcomes portrayed in fictional arenas are contemporaneous with the public’s feelings. Dissatisfied with the criminal justice system not solving cases fast enough, the public then places astronomical expectations on medical examiners. Real life investigators believing that a lack of competency may be at play when in reality, society has been provided a distorted view of the lengthy, painstaking process involved. According to Nurse Advocacy (2007), â€Å"People disregard all messages in advertising, since ads commonly present actors and models, but that is simply not how the human mind works. Despite being fiction, media products like this can still influence: our views of the vehicle in question (as the advertiser fervently hopes); the ability of women today to become authoritative, powerful professionals, yet to still have a family (presumably this ad was directed mainly at women who would identify with the surgeon); the basic set-up of OR’s, the kinds of professionals who participate, how they dress, and what tools they use; and of course, the relative power, knowledge and professional roles of physicians and nurses. Some of this may be unintended, but all of it sells the minivan to the target demographic. All of the elements above contribute to the high credibility of the surgeon, who is, after all, doing the selling. †In this manner media also increase the knowledge of those that are committing crimes, what they may not have been doing before they are doing it now. For example if they were not wearing gloves and using cell phones that cannot be trace, paying for things in cash instead of electronically, they are sure doing this now. Television crime shows gives potential jurors the expectation of more cateforical proof than that which forensic scine is capable of produciing. â€Å"The most obvious symptom of the CSI effect is that jurors think they have a thorough understanding of science they have seen presented on television, when they do not†(Economist, 2010 ). Scientist deals more with probability than certainty. The process of calculating the probability is complex. During a court preceding a finger print expert may acknowledge a 90% chance of obtaining a match if a defendant left a print. On the other hand it could be one in several billion chance of a match if someone other than the defendant left the mark. DNA in general provides evidence of a higher quality than other forms of proof; therefore, experts may be more confident to link results to a specific individual. The probabilities and not certainties still lie within the DNA findings. As a result, trials are longer and cases that previously might have offer quick convictions are now ending in acquittals. The CSI effect can also be positive. In one case in Virginia jurors asked the judge if a cigarette butt had been tested for possible DNA matches to the defendant in a murder trial. It had, but the defense lawyers had failed to introduce the DNA test results as evidence. When they did, those results exonerated the defendant, who was acquitted†(Economist, 2010 ). In the study of forensic science, there are so many things that people do not know. The intelligence of this subject is becoming more and more prominent. In this manner people are becoming more educated in a good way (knowledge) and also in a bad way (committing crimes with the less possibility of getting caught). This subject matter is very prominent because it also increasing the knowledge of different crimes that may have not been prominent before the use of technology to now. The creation computers were for those to store office files and important information, but now computers are being used in so many different aspect as far as pornography, the promotion of sex, and so many other things. Technology has not become a door way to so many things. This makes forensic science become more and more prominent in this day in age, because there are computers hackers trying to access files to find out what is Americas next move and sometimes just the simple things of stealing others identification. In this manner that forensic has a connection with the courts, it is very important that this type of connection stays going due to the drive that it connects to ensure crimes are getting solved and justice is being served to those that are committing these crimes.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
NASA’s Love Triangle Approach
In the workplace, consensual personal activities of individuals always affect the working relationship in undesirable ways. Often intimate relationships between co-workers emit preferential treatment at its best and discriminatory acts at its worst. Although Title VII does not declare intimate relationships in the workplace as an immoral, unethical and distasteful act, enough room for discrimination often produce a resultant effect when persons are disadvantaged due to a preferential treatment of another. There is a potential for hostility when widespread favoritism exists between male and female employees. In a professional working relationship, the workplace would be ideally free from intimate relationships to prohibit favoritism and thereby banning nepotism. Office romances though are not illegal and discriminatory given the increased amount of time spent together by co-workers giving value to their work. However, work is a serious business and management requires workers to act rationally while doing their job. This phenomenon should be a cause for concern when personal issues interfere with work-related issues. The three-way love triangle situation between Lisa Nowak, Bill Oefelein and Corlean Shipman threaten the traditional ideas of anti-nepotism and non-fraternization in the workplace. NASA capitalizes on its human workforce to proffer its interests. Although it’s governing code of conduct according to NASA’s Shana Dale upon interview (Orlando Sentinel, 2007) do not necessarily insisted regulations that guard and meddle on astronauts and other federal employee’s personal lives. No matter how we try to justify this explanation for NASA’s lapses I continue to insist that American companies have a natural desire to keep personal relationships at bay in the workplace in the face of corporate dilemmas over discrimination and harassments. Often management sees that relationships within the company lead to a conflict of interests and inefficiency resulting from spending time and energy on non-work related activities (Avelenda, 1998: 691). Under the guise of protecting employees from claims of sexual harassment, policies would often widen to informally restrict fraternization and intra-organizational intimate interaction. It was therefore a shock to learn how NASA completely disregarded the personal lives of its employees. Astronauts are usually subjected to stringent rules and equally invasive medical procedures. Nowak no doubt had undergone extensive medical and psychological examinations if protocols were followed prior and after her July 4, 2006 on the STS-121 mission which included a trip to the International Space Station according to NASA (2006). Her NASA bio declared her as a flight engineer with a rank of captain who logged almost 13 days in space and garnered the honor as the first Italian American in space. Her confrontation with a fellow NASA employee who was reportedly a rival for the affections of another space shuttle pilot definitely exhibits her gullibility to submit to effects of an emotional strain that is aggravated by strained relationships. NASA’s lapses in the face of the current situation involving the triangle love affair of their employees indicated the organization’s past disinterest over interpersonal issues involving their own working family. NASA has forgotten that Nowak at the age 43 and likely at the prime of her life after her shuttle trip last summer may have felt a bleak end to her career as an astronaut whose second and third spaceflights would be tough to get after space shuttles are scheduled for retirement in 2010(Orlando Sentinel, Feb.,2007). Bouts of depression are also not uncommon to astronauts who come home and are considered as heroes and overachievers. To recall, Edwin â€Å"Buzz†Aldrin as the second man to step on the moon after Neil Armstrong had alcohol problems after their successful return from their mission. NASA has therefore dismissed the complexities of an unpredictable human emotional response in the face of scientific calculable predictability. In response to Nowak’s arrest NASA should review the procedures involved in their psychological evaluations. The military have been instrumental in submitting their personnel particularly pilots for psychological intervention following extraordinary stress like divorce or deaths in the family (Christian Science Monitor; September, 2004). NASA may not have been helpful on this aspect. They may have forgotten how catastrophic consequences are brought about by a human element of error. It would therefore be beneficial for NASA and its employees to understand the stress of working in the space program and at least delegate focus on the personal relationships among its astronauts. Mccurdy (1999) once said that astronauts, like police officers, treat their profession as a way of life, not just a job. Despite any self-discipline, astronauts are enjoined to focus on their goals and keep on pursuing such goals which was seen in Nowak’s single-minded pursuit against a foe. It would help NASA if it should also establish protocols and policies that treat the grievances of their own personnel. A professional independent body that provides proper psychological help and emotional assistance and counseling for its personnel should be made available for its employees. This body’s aim is for the recognition of possible emotional and psychological trauma experience by its key personnel without being used to leverage employment standing in the organization. Any official involvement into the diagnosis and treatment would alert and divert employee-patients away from the program. Secondly, NASA must also work to regulate workplace fraternizing relationships through a less authoritative disapproval of intra-organizational romance. This would be properly implemented when put into writing for NASA to be able to eliminate its involvement in the future as an employer liability. Further, when inter-organizational romance and sexual relationships are frowned upon naturally, the well-discipline NASA astronauts would be consistent in their efforts to refrain from intimate relationships with their co-workers. Another alternative also is for NASA to require employees to report any consensual relationships within its initiation and aftermath through the proper human relations body. In the face of the current scenario between Lisa Nowak, Bill Oefelein and Corlean Shipman, given the organization’s growing exposure and in conjunction with being held liable for its apparent disregard for the well-being of its employees; I feel that NASA has an ethical and moral responsibility to support Nowak through her misdemeanor and refrain from painting her faults and deviant behavior. After all, Bill Oefelein seemingly exercised his dominion by maintaining two romantic relationships at the same time with two different women in the same organization thereby causing trouble for both. To restrict this trend, it would serve NASA if Oefelein should face a temporary suspension as well. Corlean Shipman is entirely the innocent party and ould not benefit any organizing body to involve her in any internal disciplinary measure that Oefelien shall face. Lisa Nowak is already facing criminal charges and yet, NASA is duty-bound to support her through this ordeal after all it has been remiss in its duties towards its employees and the whole scientific community and the public. Society must therefore scrutinize the various policies involve in National scientific and military organizations and regulate the intimate relationships of employees within their organization. This is to ensure that employees are not placed in an unnecessary position that requires them to choose between duty and relationship to enhance productivity and protect them from any emotional turmoil. Title VII may not be so keen on fraternization within official work and duty but somehow this has provided an avenue for harassment and discrimination in the past (Avelenda, 693). NASA as a healthy organization geared towards training personnel for space excellence must also recognize the full potential of allowing people to deal with their emotional problems with the assistance and help of independent human relations services that provide psychological evaluation, treatment and counseling for personnel particularly the ones who are involved in missions. Works Cited Willoughby, Mariano, Cabbage, M., Lundy, S. and Hunt, A. (2007).The Orlando Sentinel. February 7. Avelenda, Saily M. (1998).Comment: Love and Marriage in the American Workplace: Why No-Spouse Policies Don't Work. PA. J. LAB. ; EMP. 691, 693 . United States. NASA. (2006) Astronaut Biography: Lisa Nowak. Accessed : 04 April, 2007 Editorial. (2004). Anyone Ever Prepared To Kill? Christian Science Monitor Magazine, September 29. McCurdy, Howard. (1999). Space and the American Imagination, new ed.  Smithsonian. ;
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Media Ethics Case Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Media Ethics Case - Research Proposal Example Journalists are pillars of our society and they need to be ethically correct in discharging their duty to disseminate correct information to the public at large. Violation of academic trust through plagiarism, cheating, falsifying information or aiding and abetting in any of the nefarious activities are now serious offences and they are considered as totally unacceptable conduct in all areas of work, including journalism. Hence their professional honesty is crucial in promoting correct facts and interpretation on issues and topics that are socially, economically and politically relevant. During the Second Lebanon War between Hezbollah military and Israel forces, there was widespread damage to civilian infrastructure, including to the main airport of Beirut. War causalities also included killing of innocent civilians. The media had lapped up the war that had generated mass reaction all through the world. The photos of freelance Lebanese photo-journalist had generated mass hysteria against the Israel attacks which had damaged civilian places and displaced millions of the people from their home. Reuter later admitted that these photos were digitally altered (BBCNews, 2006). Altering the photographs digitally for vested interests was ethically wrong. The journalists are supposed to present the real situation to the people so the people can correlate with the event and accordingly propose a course of actions. In this case, the digitally altered photographs were meant to show gruesome and grotesque footage of war torn area and people and incite Muslims for the acts of terrorism and indirectly garner support for Hezbollah militants in their war against the Israelis. The actions of the Lebanese photo-journalist will have long term implications not only for the said journalist but the whole cadre of the journalist would become the target for vested interest and
Friday, September 27, 2019
Reconstruction and Race Relations Paper Research
Reconstruction and Race Relations - Research Paper Example Another law was also passed which is the Disenfranchisement Law that deprived Afro Americans of their right to vote. The passage of the segregation law and disenfranchisement law meant the white and the black cannot be together on public places and public transportation. These oppressive laws were then implemented in various states and municipality mandating the segregation of the blacks and the whites not only on public transportation but also in other aspects of public life that include, schools, hospitals, parks, movie houses, hotels and even restrooms. The Disfranchisement Law as the name implies, remove the right of the Negro to exercise his civil liberty to vote by despite the guarantee of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. This was evident with the exclusion of the blacks from the list of those who can vote in 1870 and made it more difficult for blacks to vote (if they can) by passing the poll tax law. Ridiculous as it may sound but a literacy requirement was also enacte d in 1890 that if a black person is allowed to vote, he or she must satisfy the â€Å"understanding clause†that they understood the constitution before the state registrar. Naturally, the determination of the black person’s fitness to vote became arbitrary that deprived many of them of their right to vote. Voting restrictions were also imposed to make it difficult for black people by stating deadlines of poll tax payment and voter registration unannounced. All of these were designed to make it difficult, if not impossible for a black person to vote. The Reconstruction and beyond The end of the civil war marked the reconstruction period in the South. There are many accounts and interpretation why the Reconstruction became a splendid failure but it converged on the idea that it did not achieve what it intended to achieve. One its failure was failure was the attempt to provide some civil rights such as the right to vote for African Americans (Fitzgerald, 2008). This was evident in the Dred Scott decision which the Supreme Court ruled that blacks â€Å"had no rights which a white man was bound to respect; and that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit†( In 1876 however, a change in political tide was seen when the Republicans gained control in Congress. From the repressive regime of the Democrats, the Republicans passed the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution where several civil rights bills were introduced which will give every Americans equal protection before the law (Cornell University Law School, nd). One of the laws that were also passed was the granting of the right to vote among African Americans. In effect, this would have also given the African Americans some civil rights and the benefit of equal protection before the law except that it was blocked in every way of its application. One particular right, of the four civil rights that was passed in Congress that was circumvented in its application was the protection of right to vote as expressed in the Fourteenth Amendment. The Democrats device several political implements to block the application of the African American right to vote which included imposition of poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses and Gerrymandering. The imposition of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
American Bibliographical Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
American Bibliographical Article - Essay Example Juliann Garey is a great writer, having written various screenplays as well as TV pilots, specifically to Sony Picture, as well as other TV works such as NBC, Columbia, CBS, and Lifetime TV among others. She is a journalist by profession and has made many publications. This novel, inspired by the experience of the writer (Silverman ), narrates Greyson Todd’s struggle for happiness and stability in the face of bipolar disorder (Nelson). This author is typically a creative writing professor, literature, and novelist; best known for The Emperor’s Children novel. Her novel focuses on three friends in their early thirties, who lived in Manhattan, a few months before the 9/11 attack. They are well educated as very privileged, although they are forced to struggle to realize the lofty expectations regarding personal as well as professional lives. The novel was ranked among the top 10 books of 2006 (The New York Times). Along the lines of Chekhov’s short story, The Lady w ith the Pet Dog (Kakutani ), Claire Messud’s novel has been considered great. The books were authored by a Canadian-American novelist and filmmaker who has been working in media production and commercial television for over ten years. Regarding this novel, two characters narrate the work. They include Nao, a sixteen-year-old girl living in Tokyo and a writer who lives on an island off British Columbia (Downer). Nao keeps a diary that the writer finds on the seashore in the aftermath of the 2011 tsunami. Ozeki’s story has been described ad meditative and era-flipping (Jensen ). The author chosen for this bibliographical essay is Claire Messud.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Irish Pub in rome Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Irish Pub in rome - Case Study Example Another essential step in the process would be identifying potential suppliers of refurbishing materials as well as bar and kitchen supplies, so that the bar can be well stocked up before it opens. Cost assumptions would need to be made on the basis of estimations about the prices of materials available from suppliers. The last stage of the project would involve the promotional activities associated with setting up the Irish bar in Rome and based upon the list of activities as identified above, the Work break down structure has been derived below: At the outset, the scope of the project needs to be defined. This is to be followed up by a plan of action whereby three steps must be executed at the same time, namely (a) liaising with authorities to procure the necessary licenses (b) determining the team members to form a part of the core team and (c) finding out the local suppliers of building materials and supplies. Each of these tasks links to related tasks, as shown in the WBS chart below: The Work breakdown structures are used to make complex projects more manageable by breaking them down into work segments that can be more effectively estimated in terms of costs and time frames and also supervised effectively ( The WBS has the advantage of listing out all the tasks that need to be completed in connection with the project and arranging them in a framework that allows the facility of viewing the entire project in an encapsulated form , wherein each sequence contains a list of tasks that fall into that particular category. The objective of this project is to set up an Irish bar in Rome, which not only offers food and drinks but also provides music and entertainment. The proposal seeks to develop this pub within premises that will be leased or purchased; however in either case, it would be necessary to make some structural and design changes in order to transform it
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Curriculum Foundations and Theory, Design, Development, and Essay
Curriculum Foundations and Theory, Design, Development, and Implementation - Essay Example tween instruction and curriculum is important in the design of any curriculum (Mooney & Mausbach, 2008).This paper will analyze the process of curriculum development and various educational philosophies that associate with it. The paper will also highlight the educational philosophy in the school that makes it stand out from the rest. Curriculum development and design borrows the analogy behind building strong buildings. A house will stand the tests of time only if the foundation thereof is strong. Similarly, improved school performance will occur when there is a proper ground on education and curriculum. There are two main approaches to curriculum development. The first method involves coming up with a sound and clear standards that merge with appropriate school assessments. Lack of well-defined curriculum impedes schools performance and results to a curriculum chaos. Next is the training of professional school personnel. Teachers need to undergo training that will enable them to meet periodically and review the curriculum and assessments (Mooney & Mausbach, 2008). Teachers have a high responsibility in continuous revision of curriculum that majors on instructions. Due attention must be placed on the â€Å"what†and â€Å"how†of the curriculum. Learn then Do is one important fundamental concept to curriculum development. Highly qualified professionals should oversee the development process of the curriculum. Proper strategies need to be in place to allow smooth curriculum development between the various stakeholders in curriculum development (Mooney & Mausbach, 2008). The love of wisdom is philosophy. Philosophy is instrumental in that it helps teachers to focus and reflect on the major educational concepts. The study of philosophy triggers questions such as what is to be educated, what knowledge is and the nature of learning to take place. Philosophical education deals with beliefs about what, why and how you teach and the mode of training. It acts as a
Monday, September 23, 2019
Waste management short essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Waste management short - Essay Example Methods of managing waste could vary from depending on the geographical location and conditions of the area (Kreith & George, 2002). Some of the most common and efficient methods of waste disposal that could be used include reusing of goods to extend their lifespan, decreasing the amount of waste from industries (Ghosh, 2003). Waste management has become of importance in all cities across the world due to the growing population and high consumerism. The urbanization, growth and development in developed and some developing countries have also attributed increased wastes. Most of these countries however lack a proper way of managing this waste to prevent environmental pollution. The destruction of the environment can also be attributed to use of hazardous materials that produce toxic waste such as paints batteries, fluorescent lights, and other material which emit toxic chemicals (Kreith & George, 2002). Mismanagement of hazardous waste poses a threat to the environment as well as endangering human health. Solid waste from factories has attributed to the release of industrial waste that could be hazardous to human beings. Most of these factories have unfortunately not implemented ways to manage the waste they produce. Appropriate management of waste should however be approached systematically in logical steps. The first important step to waste management is to identify the type of waste since there is diverse range of waste of which each has different ways of disposal (Lemann, 2008). For instance waste can be identified to be organic, toxic, recyclable or soiled waste. The second step of waste management is to evaluate the waste. Evaluation is done to examine the characteristics of the waste in terms of hazard levels, physical characteristics. Evaluation also helps come up with how best the identified waste can be managed without destroying the environment. Upon evaluation, it is determined whether the waste is hazardous or non hazardous. The process of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Science and Technology in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Science and Technology in Education - Essay Example The journal article has introduced very important points which could provide readers more understanding of the teaching process. One of the key points was about recognizing that teaching is individual and how important is to reflect and maintain reflection as a tool for doing so as proposed by Flick. The teacher who recognizes individual differences among his pupils has an edge over those who do not recognize the same. Recognition of these variations helps the teacher maximize learning. Different students with different abilities and personality types learn more with varying techniques. Students low in authoritarianism, low in tendency to dichotomize, low in the need for structure, and high in the ability to tolerate frustrations have been found to learn more when the Socratic questions and answer method is used while children of different reasoning skills learn more with the discovery and expository methods. The setting in which teaching and learning takes place has different effects on students with different aptitudes, personalities, and motivations. ... I believe that whatever strategy I will use should be based on my own assessments of my pupils. A general rule is to recognize the worth and dignity of the learners at all grade levels. The strengths of the journal article are its reliability, significance, credibility of authors. The aim of the study is clearly stated and conveys what the researcher is setting out to achieve. The aim of the pilot study is to explore the value of microteaching and technology in relation to teaching students science subjects or concepts in relation to their learning needs. To describe, the aim is very purposive and is geared towards further understanding of the needs of students and how the current teaching strategies affect these people. Research literature found on the research is composed of discussions of facts and principles to which the present study is related. The materials that were used were usually printed and found in books, encyclopedias, professional journals, magazines, newspapers, and other publications. The literature review should reflect the current state of knowledge relevant to the study and identify any gaps or conflicts. It should include key or classic studies on the topic as well as up to date literature. There should be a balance of primary and secondary sources. The surveyed materials were as recent as possible. This is important because of the rapid social, economic, scientific, and technological changes. Findings several years ago may be of little value today because of the fast changing life style of the people. Materials reviewed were objective and unbiased. Some materials are extremely or subtly one-sided, either political, or religious,
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Lost City of Nan Madol Essay Example for Free
The Lost City of Nan Madol Essay Legends of lost cities like Atlantis and El Dorado have always fascinated mankind throughout the centuries, because of their mystery. But off the coast of Micronesia lies a real mysterious city called Nan Madol. Nan Madol is a ruined city that lies off the eastern shore of the island of Pohnpei that was the capital of the Saudeleur dynasty until about 1628. It is in the present day Madolenihmw district of Pohnpei state, in the Federated States of Micronesia, my home land, in the western Pacific Ocean. The city consists of a series of small artificial islands linked by a network of canals. I did not know much about Nan Madol so I had to ask the one person I knew would really help me. That person was my grandfather, Bethwel Henry. I had to ask how the people back did then come up with the name Nan Madol. He said that Nan Madol means â€Å"spaces between†and is a reference of the canals that crisscross the ruins. It is often called The Venus of the Pacific†. â€Å"According to Pohnpeian legend†he said, â€Å"Nan Madol was constructed by twin sorcerers Olisihpa and Olosohpa†. The brothers arrived in a large canoe seeking a place to build an altar so that they could worship Nahnisohn Sahpw, the god of agriculture. After several false starts, the two brothers successfully built an altar at off Temwen Island, where they performed their rituals. In legend, these brothers levitated the huge stones with the aid of a flying dragon. When Olisihpa died of old age, Olosohpa became the first Saudeleur (ruler) of Nan Madol. Olosohpa married a local woman and sired twelve generations, producing sixteen other Saudeleur rulers. The founders of the dynasty ruled kindly, though their successors placed ever increasing demands on their subjects. Their reign ended with the invasion by Isokelekel, who also resided at Nan Madol, though his successors abandoned the site. On Nan Madol there is no fresh water or food; water must be collected and food grown inland. During Saudeleur rule, Pohnpeians brought essential food and water by boat. The Saudeleur received food at a particular islet. Around 1628, when Isokelekel overthrew the Saudeleurs and began the Nahnmwarki (King) Era, the Nahnmwarkis lived at Nan Madol, but had to gather their own water and grow their own food. This is thought to have caused them eventually to abandon Nan Madol and move back to their own districts. Before the outbreak of World War II, the Japanese administered the strange island. The Japanese investigated a Nan Madol legend that referred to corpse resting in the â€Å"House of Dead†, and allegedly their divers discovered an underwater structure containing elaborate watertight coffins made of pure platinum. Records indicating that how much of the platinum may have been removed by the Japanese, or if any platinum watertight coffins still exist, has been either hidden away or destroyed by the Japanese. Archeologists have uncovered human bones that belonged to people considerably larger than the Pohnpeians who lived today. Today Nan Madol forms an archaeological district covering more than 18 square kilometers and includes the stone architecture built up on a coral reef flat along the shore of Temwen Island, several other artificial islets, and the adjacent Pohnpei main island coastline. The site core with its stone walls encloses an area approximately 1. 5 km long by 0. 5 km wide and it contains nearly 100 artificial islets bordered by tidal canals. Carbon dating indicates that the construction of Nan Madol began around 1200 CE, while archaeological site show that the area may have been occupied as early as 200 BCE. Some probable diggings sites around the island have been identified, but the exact origin of the stones of Nan Madol is yet undetermined. None of the proposed diggings sites exist in Madolenihmw, meaning that the stones must have been transported to their current location. It has been suggested that they might have been floated through raft from the diggings, and a short dive between the island and the diggings shows a trail of dropped stones. However, no one has successfully demonstrated or explained the process. Some modern Pohnpeians believe the stones were flown to the island by use of black magic. In 1985 the ruins of Nan Madol were declared a National Historical Landmark. Currently, a greater effort is being made to preserve them. A lot of people from other countries travel to Micronesia to see the ruins and said that a trip to the ruins is an unforgettable thing you can do in Micronesia.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Impact of Globalization on Translation
Impact of Globalization on Translation Introduction Under the circumstances of globalization, the demand for high-quality and high- speed translations has been increasing worldwide. Satisfying these demands may result of the increasing of time and cost for translators and translation companies. Thus how enhance the quality and productivity with low cost is one of the problems. In order to achieve the time and cost saving, the computer assisted translation (CAT) tools is playing an important role in translation industry. The CAT tools enabling to cover the whole translation process at a time has been created and commercialized by the language industry in recent decades (Austermuhl, 2001). Amongst translation tools, translation memory (TM) systems are considered as the effective tools due to increasing translation productivity by offering previous translation automatically (Austermuhl, 2001). However, there are various TM systems worldwide and which is the most effective may vary depends on individual requirements such as language syste m or text types. This essay will attempt to assess two TM systems, SDL Trados Studio and Wordfast classic, by comparing each feature of operational functions. To compare and assess two TM systems, the concept of TM systems, features of respective TM systems first will be explained as background knowledge of the discussion in this essay. The outline of TM systems Translation memory is a database of multilingual texts which allow to storage both the source and target text segments in parallel and retrieved accordance with the set criteria (Austermuhl 2001 cites Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards, EAGLES ). Namely, the target text is first divided into segment units and stored in TM through translation process. These stored segments are available to be reused for the new translation project. If the segments stored in TM are perfectly matched or similar to the new source text, TM offers the previous translations automatically to a translator. The translator can decide whether these offered translations should be accepted or not. Also it is possible to revise the previous translations in TM through and after translation. Esselink (2000) points out some disadvantage of TM as follows: The Final layout of translated text is not displayed until finishing the translation. In this case, proofreading after the translation is required. Some problems may occur in TM management, especially in the case of multilingual project. Revising TM after re-converted into the original style is not available, namely, in order to update TM, the translated file is required to be converted into TMs acceptable format again. Time consuming due to the requirement of converting the source text into the appropriate format for translation. TM filter is not updated when the source text is a new file format. As a result, some arrangement is required in order to be accepted. Changing the structure of the text is not available within paragraph. It is necessary to create the file filter depend on the file format if it is different from the default. Considering above mentions, he (2000) suggests that the material text should be examined before translation, and translators should decide whether to use TM, because in some cases, translating without TM is more effective than using TM system. Meanwhile, TM has recognized as effective and time-saving technology for massive translations, especially technical or manual text which include some repetitive use of technical terminology (Mitkov 2007). This is mostly due to the effectiveness against reducing duplicative work and to enhance the uniformity of terms. For example, in the case of the continuous translation project of the specific field, the TM is offered to the translator and the technical terms will be transferred from TM precisely to the new source text. By this means, TM allows translators to share the unique terminology used in the specific field and contributes to maintain the translation quality. The specific features of Wordfast Classic TM operational functions Wordfast Classic is defined as a CAT tool designed as a Microsoft Wordâ„ ¢ add-on. Its lightweight, flexible structure makes it easy to install and use (Wordfast 2010). This CAT tool comprises some useful operational functions, such as terminology management, importing exporting glossary and TM, document conversion, analysis and alignment (Wordfast 2010). Amongst the operational functions, some beneficial features of Wordfast Classic will be explained here. ITI Bulletin (2006) points out that Wordfast Classic is simple to use, which can not only apply to Word but also to Power Point, Access and Excel files by connecting directly with Word application interface. It is also compatible with other machine translation programs such as PowerTranslatorâ„ ¢ and other CAT tools such as Trados, by converting TM into another format which is appropriate for respective program and exporting it (ITI Bulletin 2006). Importing other TM to Wordfast is also available (ITI Bulletin 2006). In addition, alignment function allows editing the translation stored in TM after translation. Since this CAT tool is available of free download to own computer with some limitations, those who are considering to use this tool can try and examine how useful or not for them before paid registration(ITI Bulletin 2006). If download PlusToolsâ„ ¢ and add-in to the source document, Wordfast Classic is available for a variety of file format from HTML/ XLM to other tagged files (Miller 2002). However, there are some important reminders for using Wordfast Classic. One of them is that it is necessary to do clean-up TM after translation for updating the TM database (Miller 2002). Since database is stored as txt. format, revising the translated text is possible without Wordfast (Miller 2002). Thus translators tend to forget to update TM and glossary. As a result, the accuracy of TM will be lost and TM can not apply to other new translation project. The specific features of Trados TM operational functions Trados TM which comprising the source and target segments, is created in the Translation Memories view (Trados 2010). Respective segment pair of the source and target is called a translation unit and it is possible to add some information for each translation unit such as when it was created and updated, and who created it (Trados 2010). Thus it might be useful to manage the translation history. The translation unit is displayed in parallel, which is conducive to comparison of the source and target segment when editing. There are three types of matching function: fuzzy, context and 100% match (Trados 2010). Although the default of Fuzzy matching rate is set at 70% or over, this rate is able to be changed (Trados 2010). Context match is applied when the source text and TM segment match perfectly and have the same context (Trados 2010). 100%match means the source text segment match exactly with the TM segment (Trados 2010). In terms of the segmentation, Trados can customise the segmentation rules depend on respective languages; Chinese, French, English, German, Spanish and Japanese, which are supported by Trados (Trados 2010). Therefore, there is not required to adjust the segmentation each time. As mentioned above, fuzzy match is applied when the matching rate is 70% or over (Trados 2010). This indicates that if the matching rate between the source and the TM segment is less than 70%, TM will not return any translation (Trados 2010). Therefore, if preferring more or less than 70% matching customise of the fuzzy matching rate should be required. Comparison of feature between Wordfast and Trados TM With the avobe description as background, the feature of Wordfast and Trados TM will be compared and assessed. First of all, in terms of using TM in othe tranlation tools, both Wordfast and Trados can import/ export TM database by converting the file type into the acceptable format for respective TM. For example, Wordfast TM is stored in txt. format, while Trados TM is stored in sdltm. format. If converting Trados TM to Wardfast, it is necessary to export to a tmx.file. Then open it with MS Word and open Wordfast, then select it as TM. Likewise, Wordfast also can export its TM by converting TM into tmx.format, open Trados, creating new empty TM and import the txt.file. Secondly, although creating or opening Wordfast TM is almost as simple as that of Trados, Trados TM is enriched with various optional functions, such as Enable character-based concordance search and fuzzy match threshold, compared with Wordfast. However, when compareing the source segment with target segment for translaiton, Wordfast seems to be more useful than Trados. In wordfast, the segment is highlighted with gray color and it is not allowed to jump sentences till click the icon which represent to confirmation each time. By contrast, Trados does not have any specific functions which privent from moving to the next segment. As a result, skipping segment sometimes occur in Trados. Since generally translation project have a tendency to demand for high-speed and quality, translators are often forced to work long hours a day. This will result in a higher rate of translation leakage. Finally, while Wordfast can not allow a user to confirm the translated text layout during translation, Trados can display the finished translation within the edditing window. Therefore, the TM user can available to confirm the translated text layout even during translation. This display function of Trados might be effective to time saving, because the mistranslations or text layout and presentation can be recognized easily and translating and modifying can be available simultaneously in the editing window. Conclusion Although Wordfast and Trados share certain simiralities in those operational functions such as the availability of importing/ exporting TM, some merit and demerit of respective TM were also recognized. It is difficult to recommend which is more excellent CAT tool, bacause the detarmination of merit and demerit is affected by the situation. In the case of the massive translation team project, Trados may be more effective than Wordfast due to a variety of optional function. On the contrary, if translating relatively simple and short text, Wordfast may be convenience due to its simplicity of program configuration process. Therfore, it might be significant to examine which CAT tool is suitable for the translation text or project.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Comparing Fitzgeralds Great Gatsby and Eliots The Love Song of J. Alf
Fitzgerald's Great Gatsby and Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock   The Roaring Twenties bring to mind a generation of endless partying, which reflected very little of the morals of the generations preceding it. The world, for that generation, was fast-paced and thoroughly material, crowded with bizarre and colorful characters like David Belasco and Arnold Rothstein. Inspired by this era's "spiritually exhausted people" (Brians), F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and T. S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock address many of the same themes in attempting to restore the "lost generation." In developing these themes, both authors utilize weather, the concept of illusion versus reality and the direction of time as a mode of conveying the promise of their dream to the citizens of the Jazz Age. In both The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and The Great Gatsby, weather and time of day play an important part in setting the tone and mood. Prufrock sets out in the evening, a time of uncertainty, neither day nor night, to confront his past. Likewise, the important events in the Great Gatsby occur at a significant time of day. Once, when Gatsby talked to Nick about his past, Nick describes it as "a time of confusion," (Fitzgerald 102) which the evening time has come to symbolize. Also, the time of final confession in the Great Gatsby was the night Daisy rejected Gatsby (148). Even the covering of the night was not enough to hide the disenchantment of his dream. At this time, Gatsby tells the whole truth about his past and his relationship with Daisy. This past was set in October, as was The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. When Gatsby looks back through the mists of time, he sees a perfect ... ...both authors sought to communicate to their societies, the beauty of a dream uncorrupted by senseless illusions. In using the weather, the concept of illusion versus reality and the direction of time to convey the promise of their dream to the citizens of the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald and Eliot contrast the frustration and despair that was inherent in a spiritually bankrupt world with the fulfillment characteristic of a more grounded and less immoral lifestyle.  Works Cited:  Bewley, Marius. "Some Notes on The Great Gatsby." Mizener 70-76. Eliot, T.S.. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: Norton, 1996. 2459-2463. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. 1925. New York: Scribner Classic, 1986. Pinion, F. B. A T.S. Eliot Companion. Totowa: Barnes & Noble Books, 1986.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
National Tv Turn-off Week: A Dumb Idea :: essays research papers
National TV Turn-Off Week: A Dumb Idea      In a time when millions of people are starving each year and thousands are killed in war zones, worrying about how much television we watch sounds like a stupid idea. Right? Well, that's what people all across North America are doing every day. In fact, there is a full week dedicated to the cause: National T.V-Turnoff Week.      National T.V-Turnoff week is nothing more then a cry for attention by the middle class. The lower classes have their problems: starvation, health, shelter. You know, no big deal. But what of the middle class? They have no problems. They have a house, a job, usually a loving family. What don't they have? What they don't have is something to worry about. So, along comes Linda Weltner and National T.V-Turnoff Week. Problem solved. The middle class now has something to worry about.      For years people have been watching television and no complaints have been made. No complaints about the endless information that comes from television. No complaints about the hours of entertainment that television has brought to people for years. But now people complain that we, as a people, are watching too much T.V. They would have you believe that we could be doing better things with our lives. They would have you believe that we can make more out of ourselves. But what do they know? Have they ever done any research to prove their theories? No, they haven't. But the people behind such propaganda as National T.V-Turnoff Week really do believe that not watching television can enhance your life, so let us examine their reasoning.      Linda Weltner suggests that instead of watching television one can take up a craft such a knitting. Sure knitting is a good hobby. Entertaining, enjoyable, it might even relieve stress. But when it comes down to it what do you really get out of knitting that you wouldn't get out of watching television? A sweater, maybe? Sure, you might just knit a sweater that you could wear on the odd occasion, but is that worth the price of not being in touch with the world? Not to the average person in this world and time. In this age of beepers, cell- phones, and the Internet, being out of touch for just a minute could change your life drastically. And, besides, why can't you watch television while you knit?      As for the people that say television warps a young mind, I have a personal beef against that reasoning. Coming over to Canada as a little immigrant child, not speaking a word of English, I was outcast by society.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Japan Students and Education Essay example -- Essays Papers
Japan Students and Education After World War II, Japan was a country left with almost no resources and lacked of man power. However, Japanese had managed to reconstruct the country and make Japan a successful industrialized nation. What had make things change so dramatically? What special magic that Japanese people had used? The answer revealed itself when we look closer at the history of the Japan Education System. According to Okano and Tsuchiya that â€Å"Japan education can be split into pre-war period of nationalist schooling (1868-1945) and the post-war one of democratic education (1945-present)†(13). Education was used as the tool to nurture a sense of â€Å"nationhood†during pre-war period. In order to overcome the problem after World War II, the post-war one education had changed accordingly to the needs of the society. Education was used as a median to the development of human capital for the Japan’s economic growth. The key for the Japan economically success was education. The s uccess of the Japan education system relied greatly on students; students are the most important element who carries all the expectation from the society. This paper will explore the role play by the students in Japan education system for making the mark. Making the Mark: Society The success of the Japan education system after World War II shown that Japan society had lot to expect from their students. Japanese government and society take education seriously and the results and responses from the students out of the commitment are amazing. According to the statistic report from Japan was ranked thirteen in the school enrollment in primary education with 100.81 percent in year 2000 and was in the first place in the rank of the school enrollment in the secondary education with 101.2 percent in year 2000. On the other hand according to Gail R. Benjamin â€Å"†¦ the national system of education [Japan] in 1872 had reached close to 100 percent enrollment levels (200).†Cleary the number hasn’t change much over the century and the success of the education system is inevitable true. Students in Japan play a major role in the success of the education by just participating in the system. The expectation from the society toward the students changes corresponding from primary school, middle school, high school and university. The primary school students are expectin... ...unity as a whole. Works Cited Benjamin, Gail. Japanese Lessons. New York: New York University Press, 1997 Okano, Kaori, and Tsuchiya, Motonori. Education in contemporary Japan: inequality and diversity. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999 Amano, Ikuo. Japanese College Years. 1988. 19 Nov. 2003 Cummings, William K. Postsecondary Education in Japan. 1988. 19 Nov. 2003 Imamura, Anne E. The Japanese Family. 1990. 19 Nov. 2003 White, Merry. High School Students in Japan. 1988. 19 Nov. 2003 â€Å"Parent’s Role.†Japanese Junior High Schools. Ms. Walton, Mrs. Thai, Mr. Munoz 24 Nov. 2003 â€Å"Dating.†Japanese Junior High Schools. Ms. Walton, Mrs. Thai, Mr. Munoz 24 Nov. 2003 Japan Students and Education Essay example -- Essays Papers Japan Students and Education After World War II, Japan was a country left with almost no resources and lacked of man power. However, Japanese had managed to reconstruct the country and make Japan a successful industrialized nation. What had make things change so dramatically? What special magic that Japanese people had used? The answer revealed itself when we look closer at the history of the Japan Education System. According to Okano and Tsuchiya that â€Å"Japan education can be split into pre-war period of nationalist schooling (1868-1945) and the post-war one of democratic education (1945-present)†(13). Education was used as the tool to nurture a sense of â€Å"nationhood†during pre-war period. In order to overcome the problem after World War II, the post-war one education had changed accordingly to the needs of the society. Education was used as a median to the development of human capital for the Japan’s economic growth. The key for the Japan economically success was education. The s uccess of the Japan education system relied greatly on students; students are the most important element who carries all the expectation from the society. This paper will explore the role play by the students in Japan education system for making the mark. Making the Mark: Society The success of the Japan education system after World War II shown that Japan society had lot to expect from their students. Japanese government and society take education seriously and the results and responses from the students out of the commitment are amazing. According to the statistic report from Japan was ranked thirteen in the school enrollment in primary education with 100.81 percent in year 2000 and was in the first place in the rank of the school enrollment in the secondary education with 101.2 percent in year 2000. On the other hand according to Gail R. Benjamin â€Å"†¦ the national system of education [Japan] in 1872 had reached close to 100 percent enrollment levels (200).†Cleary the number hasn’t change much over the century and the success of the education system is inevitable true. Students in Japan play a major role in the success of the education by just participating in the system. The expectation from the society toward the students changes corresponding from primary school, middle school, high school and university. The primary school students are expectin... ...unity as a whole. Works Cited Benjamin, Gail. Japanese Lessons. New York: New York University Press, 1997 Okano, Kaori, and Tsuchiya, Motonori. Education in contemporary Japan: inequality and diversity. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999 Amano, Ikuo. Japanese College Years. 1988. 19 Nov. 2003 Cummings, William K. Postsecondary Education in Japan. 1988. 19 Nov. 2003 Imamura, Anne E. The Japanese Family. 1990. 19 Nov. 2003 White, Merry. High School Students in Japan. 1988. 19 Nov. 2003 â€Å"Parent’s Role.†Japanese Junior High Schools. Ms. Walton, Mrs. Thai, Mr. Munoz 24 Nov. 2003 â€Å"Dating.†Japanese Junior High Schools. Ms. Walton, Mrs. Thai, Mr. Munoz 24 Nov. 2003
Monday, September 16, 2019
North American Free Trade Agreement
The NAFTA agreement was signed in 1992, ratified in 1993 and implemented in 1994. It was designed to completely rescind trade barriers between these three nations. It had been surmised that this agreement would enhance employment due to increase in trade (North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) , 1995).This agreement, which is second only to the European Economic Area in trade volumes, constitutes a single free trading zone for approximately three hundred and sixty – five million consumers of these three countries. It set aside import duties on a large number of goods that were exported from the US to Mexico and over a period of fourteen years, hoped to eliminate all tariffs. Subsequently, sections on affording protection to workers and the environment were included (Vogel, 2007).An agreement was reached between Canada, Mexico and the United States of America, whereby a free trade zone was to be created between these countries. This was termed as the North American Free Tr ade Agreement or the NAFTA. It has been instrumental in providing a platform for resolving trade related disputes amongst these nations. Furthermore, the NAFTA has actively taken up the safeguarding of intellectual property rights and compliance with the laws relating to the protection of such rights (North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) , 2003).The NAFTA has engendered bitter and persistent opposition. A number of collective bargaining organizations have highlighted the fact that the prevalence of abundant and comparatively cheaper labor in Mexico has prompted several manufacturers to shift their operations to that country. The result of this relocation has been a drastic reduction of jobs in the US. However, opponents to this contention have argued that the free trade brought about by the NAFTA has generated more jobs than it has destroyed in the US (North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) , 2002).There has been a marked increase in unemployment in the US. Moreover, the number of immigrants, both legal and illegal, into the US has depicted an unprecedented increase. The mass immigration of Mexicans is so grave that on many an occasion, they have risked their lives to enter the US. A meaningful decision regarding the various disputes besetting NAFTA has not been taken and it seems to have failed miserably (Tonelson, 2004).The consensus of most of the authentic reports has been that NAFTA has benefited only the transnational corporations. Workers, farmers and small businesses in Canada, Mexico and the US have uniformly been put to a huge loss. In addition, the environment has also sustained considerable damage due to this agreement. The health, safety and rights of labor in all three countries were badly compromised. However, there was a significant boost to the economy of the US and Mexico (Brown). Therefore, it can be stated, unequivocally, that the NAFTA, has by and large been a fiasco and the only beneficiaries have been the transnational corpor ations. â€Å"North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).†The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Houghton Mifflin. 2002. CredoReference. 18 December 2007 . The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Houghton Mifflin, 2002, s.v. â€Å"North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),†DISPLAYURL (accessed December 18, 2007)., G. (n.d.). Speak Out: Portrait of a Failure, NAFTA and Workplace Health and Safety. Retrieved December 18, 2007, from MHSSN: American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) . (2002). Retrieved December 18 , 2007, from The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Houghton Mifflin: American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) . (1995). Retrieved December 18 , 2007, from In Dictionary of Economics, Wiley: American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)North American Free Trade Agreemen t (NAFTA) . (2003). Retrieved December 18, 2007, from Webster's New World Finance and Investment Dictionary:, A. (2004, January 20). NAFTA at 10 – A Miserable Failure. Retrieved December 18, 2007, from American Economic Alert:, D. (2007). North American Free Trade Agreement . Microsoft ® Student 2008 [DVD] . Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation  ® 2008.  © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA agreement was signed in 1992, ratified in 1993 and implemented in 1994. It was designed to completely rescind trade barriers between these three nations. It had been surmised that this agreement would enhance employment due to increase in trade (North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) , 1995).This agreement, which is second only to the European Economic Area in trade volumes, constitutes a single free trading zone for approximately three hundred and sixty – five million consumers of these three countries. It set aside import duties on a large number of goods that were exported from the US to Mexico and over a period of fourteen years, hoped to eliminate all tariffs. Subsequently, sections on affording protection to workers and the environment were included (Vogel, 2007).An agreement was reached between Canada, Mexico and the United States of America, whereby a free trade zone was to be created between these countries. This was termed as the North American Free Trade Agreement or the NAFTA. It has been instrumental in providing a platform for resolving trade related disputes amongst these nations. Furthermore, the NAFTA has actively taken up the safeguarding of intellectual property rights and compliance with the laws relating to the protection of such rights (North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) , 2003).The NAFTA has engendered bitter and persistent opposition. A number of collective bargaining organizations have highlighted the fact that the prevalence of abundant and comparatively cheaper labor in Mexico has prompted several manufacturers to shift their operations to that country. The result of this relocation has been a drastic reduction of jobs in the US. However, opponents to this contention have argued that the free trade brought about by the NAFTA has generated more jobs than it has destroyed in the US (North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) , 2002).There has been a marked increase in unemployment in the US. Moreover, the num ber of immigrants, both legal and illegal, into the US has depicted an unprecedented increase. The mass immigration of Mexicans is so grave that on many an occasion, they have risked their lives to enter the US. A meaningful decision regarding the various disputes besetting NAFTA has not been taken and it seems to have failed miserably (Tonelson, 2004).The consensus of most of the authentic reports has been that NAFTA has benefited only the transnational corporations. Workers, farmers and small businesses in Canada, Mexico and the US have uniformly been put to a huge loss. In addition, the environment has also sustained considerable damage due to this agreement. The health, safety and rights of labor in all three countries were badly compromised. However, there was a significant boost to the economy of the US and Mexico (Brown). Therefore, it can be stated, unequivocally, that the NAFTA, has by and large been a fiasco and the only beneficiaries have been the transnational corporatio ns. â€Å"North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).†The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Houghton Mifflin. 2002. CredoReference. 18 December 2007 . The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Houghton Mifflin, 2002, s.v. â€Å"North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),†DISPLAYURL (accessed December 18, 2007)., G. (n.d.). Speak Out: Portrait of a Failure, NAFTA and Workplace Health and Safety. Retrieved December 18, 2007, from MHSSN: American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) . (2002). Retrieved December 18 , 2007, from The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Houghton Mifflin: American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) . (1995). Retrieved December 18 , 2007, from In Dictionary of Economics, Wiley: American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)North American Free Trade Agreement (N AFTA) . (2003). Retrieved December 18, 2007, from Webster's New World Finance and Investment Dictionary:, A. (2004, January 20). NAFTA at 10 – A Miserable Failure. Retrieved December 18, 2007, from American Economic Alert:, D. (2007). North American Free Trade Agreement . Microsoft ® Student 2008 [DVD] . Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation  ® 2008.  © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation.
Ancient Greeks: Theatre as Competition and Ritual
Ancient Greeks: Theatre as Competition and Ritual The ancient Greeks were the inventors of what is today known as â€Å"theater. †Beginning with religious ritual celebrations and competitions, they created an art form which has been parent to the modern theater, as well as television and film. Although the origins of Greek theater are unknown, it is believed that it grew out of the dithyramb, songs and dances honoring Dionysus held at a festival called the Dionysia (Theater of Ancient Greece). Although these uninhibited songs and dances probably grew out of ritual celebrations, they eventually became more formalized and symbolic, eventually evolving into the Greek theater (The Ancient Greek Theatre Page). Theater started as ritual fertility celebrations by the â€Å"Cult of Dionysus†in Athens. These rituals altered over time and became Spring ritual with theater at the center of the celebrations (Drama 30), although it is impossible to know how the rituals separated into comedy and tragedy (Greek Theatre). A lesser festival in honour of Dionysus, The Lenea, became another theater festival/competition halfway through the fifth century BC. The rules of the Lenea were different from those of the Dionysia. In the Lenea, there were only four tragedies, two from each of two playwrights, and five comedies from five playwrights (Greek and British Theatre). According to Aristotle's Poetics, Greek tragedy came before satyr plays and comedies. Tragedy came out of the dithyrambs sung in praise of Dionysus at the Dionysia every year. By the 600's BC, the dithyramb was changed into a formalized narrative sung by a chorus (Greek Theatre). Tragedy lost its Dionysiac associations very early, and only one of the preserved plays, Bacchae by Euripides, has any Dionysiac content, namely the myth of resistance to the introduction of Dionysus's cult to Thebes, and the god's revenge upon the city (Greek Tragedy). In the 500s BC, the poet, Thespis of Attica, is credited with creating a new style in which an actor, called the protagonist, performed the characters' speeches in the narrative, using masks to distinguish between the different characters. The actor spoke and acted as if he were the character, and he interacted with the chorus, who acted as narrators and commentators. Because of this, Thespis is considered the first Greek â€Å"actor,†and his style of drama became known as â€Å"tragedy,†which means ‘goat song,' possibly referring to goats sacrificed to Dionysus before performances, or to goat-skins worn by the performers (Ancient Greek Theater) Aeschylus introduced the antagonist, and Sophocles introduced a third actor. Plays with more realism and dialogue were written by Euripedes and Aristophanes (Drama 30). Theatrical presentations had a religious element and attendance was practically compulsory. Because of this, the builders of Greek theaters had to provide enough space for large audiences . It is believed that the theatrical representations could have arisen from the substitution of an animal for a human sacrifice and, eventually, the formula of the sacrifice was enacted ritualistically without the actual sacrifice of the animal (The Greek Theatre). Plays were produced which could be seen as a formalistic representation of human sacrifice. An example of one of these representational plays is Oedipus the King by Sophocles. In the play, Oedipus becomes the embodiment of suffering and guilt, serving as a way of cleansing the spectators (The Greek Theatre). By the fifth century BC, the theater had become a major part of the culture of Athens. The most important element of the annual Dionysia celebration was the play competition between three playwrights at the Theater of Dionysus. These playwrights each submitted a trilogy of connected tragedies, along with a satyr play which dealt with the same subject matter as the trio of tragedies (Greek Theatre). The competitors were chosen by a government authority called the archon. Wealthy patrons, called choregos, financed the productions. The funding of the arts was a way of tax avoidance, so they were willing to do so. In return for funding a production, the choregos would pay no taxes that year (The Ancient Greek Theatre Page). These men paid for the production of each dramatist's series, the chorus, and other production costs. The actors were paid by the state. The directors of the plays were usually the actual playwrights (Greek and British Theatre). Once many playwrights began writing plays for multiple actors and submitting plays for the Dionysia, competitions began to be held all over Greece. Prizes were given for the best of these and they were written down and saved (Greek and British Theatre). In the competitions, there were ten judges. These judges were taken from each of the Athenian â€Å"tribes,†divisions of the people made for administrative convenience, not actual tribes. Choosing the â€Å"best new tragedy,†which was the purpose for the competition, was taken very seriously. In 449 BC an award for the best leading actor in a tragedy was introduced (Greek and British Theatre). Revivals of popular plays was not allowed in Greek theater. This was to encourage new plays to be written. In fact, a special state decree was issued to allow the Aeschylus's plays to be performed after he died. Until this, revivals had never happened. Revivals did begin to occur in the fourth century when touring companies began to perform in Attica, a rural area, and beyond (Greek Theatre). The ancient Greeks took their theater seriously. Beginning with religious ritual celebrations, the Greek theater evolved into the modern theater that we know today. Plays from those ancient competitions are known and performed all over the world. The Greeks' contribution to the cultural and artistic development of the odern theater is incalculable. Works Cited â€Å"Ancient Greek Theater. †Greek Theater. 6 Oct 2008. . â€Å"Greek and British Theatre†The British Theatre Guide. 6 Oct 2008. â€Å"Greek Theatre. †Greek Theatre. 6 Oct 2008. . â€Å"Greek Tragedy. †Greek Tragedy. 6 Oct 2008.. â€Å"The Ancient Greek Theatre Page. †The Ancient Greek Drama and Theatre History Page. 30 Sep 2008. . â€Å"Theatre of Ancient Greece. †Ancient Greece. 30 Sep 2008. . â€Å"The Greek Theatre. †The Greek Theatre. 6 Oct 2008. â€Å"The Theatre in Ancient Greece. †Ancient Greece. 6 Oct 2008. â€Å"When Did Theatre Begin? †Drama 30. 6 Oct 2008..
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Igneous rocks: Diorite Essay
Diorite is an igneous rock formed from the partial melting of the crust caused from by basaltic magma from the mantle. It is associated with batholiths, dikes and stocks usually around volcanic arcs. Its volcanic equivalent is andesite which is formed from strombolian type volcanoes. DISCUSSION Physical properties: Diorite is a phaneritic rock that is speckled black and white/grey with a very variable colour index of between 40 and 90 over short distances. The rock has an equigranular or porphyritic texture and has a generally coarse grain size but can be pegmatitic. Phenocrysts of feldspar and horneblende can be found in the porphyritic variety. The equigranular and porphyritic varieties may vary in texture between each other within a few centimetres. A foliated appearance can develop from the roughly parallel alignment of the minerals. The rock has an intermediate composition between plagioclase feldspar (oligoclase or andesine) and amphibole (usually hornblende) with various other minor minerals like pyroxene, biotite. Quartz and alkali feldspar may also be present. When the amount of quartz increases, the rock is named quartz diorite. The rock grades into granodiorite as the amount of quartz and alkali feldspar increases. Alkali feldspar increase. Some common accessory minerals are apatite, titanite and various iron oxides. Xenoliths from the partially melted margins of the magma chamber are common. Origin: Diorite usually forms along with granite in continental crust above subduction zones.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Plastic Pollution
Plastic has been the common materials that is being used on a daily basis. Many objects that made from plastic that can be seen from everyday such as food containers, plastic bag, storage and so many things that even a human being cannot think of it. Plastic’s existence has only just for over a century but because of the versatility of the materials plastics has a significantly increase in their use into all varieties of everyday life. Furthermore, the physical characteristic of plastic itself that are high resistance, durable, cheap and lightweight makes it suitable for production of a wide range of products category (Derraik, 2002).Basically plastics are synthetic organic polymers that are made from various chemical elements that mostly come from natural resources such as crude oil, gas and coal(Derraik, 2002). The raw materials of plastics were formed from ancient plants and animals hundreds of millions years ago. Therefore those raw materials are non-renewable resources th at explained when those resources would not be replaced for a short period of time. As many people use plastic everyday, it will take a more time to break down and as a result the plastic debris litter everywhere and become plastic pollution.As plastic is buoyant, it easily blows from garbage dumps or even flows through river that eventually moves through the sea. According to Australian Marine Conservation Society (2013b), when plastics are in the ocean, it will slowly breaks down in to smaller pieces and being eaten by animals that live at the bottom or even to the birds that flies and eat the floating plastic debris. Causes: Plastic pollution is the environmental problem that has been the issue that discussed by many people because of many causes occurred because of this problem.First, many people or even businesses gain profit from using plastics because of its characteristics that is hard to be substituted with other materials. As mentioned before plastic is non-renewable resou rce and need a long period of time to break down, however people use plastic for mostly everything surrounds them. So it will make availability of the natural resources for raw materials of the plastics decreases significantly and can be resulted a scarcity of resources. Other causes that happened because of plastic pollution is the marine life being threaten of the big amount of plastic that dumps in the ocean.In fact in Australia, AMCS found that 90% of marine debris on Sydney’s beaches is plastic, mostly bottles and straws. And also it emphasizes that Australians approximately buy 600 millions litres of bottled water a year and uses 10 million of plastic bags a day (2013b). Hence, large amounts of plastic are being produced each day and when it becomes litter, plastic can endanger the health of animals and sea life. Once the plastic debris are eaten, plastics are not provide proportionate nutrition through the ingestion of the plastic inside the animals’ body and wi ll result irritation of stomach that lead to death (Moore, 2008).High concentration of floating debris in the ocean brings potential threat to the marine life particularly to sea mammals and seabirds. As seabirds seek food from the ocean, when appears floating debris they might eat mistakenly or starvation that lead them to choke plastic and for certain period of time can endanger to the health of the birds (Edyvane K. S, 2004). According to AMCS, there are around one million seabirds and one hundred thousands marine mammals are killed every year because of plastics throughout the world.They analysed it by checking what inside the animal’s body and found out that, numerous of plastic debris cannot be ingested that killed those unfortunate animals. Furthermore plastic debris such as medical waste, plastic diapers and sanitary waste sometimes also can be seen on the beach that might impact to a public health hazard (Moore, 2008). The reason that plastic debris all over the beac hes is because lack of responsibility of visitor to appropriately throw the rubbish to the bin. Many of people think that plastic is easy to be carried but they are not aware about the impact of using plastic too much.Solutions: There are many potential solutions for the plastic pollution. As plastic is non-renewable resources and damage to the environment during its production and disposal process as well, so the only best way to recover it is reduce the use and the production of plastics. Even though plastics cannot be replaced with any other substitute, however, it is possible to change the raw materials that can be recycled and break down. For instance, many plastic bags for supermarket already change to degradable plastic, which is more environmental friendly.Another solution that are still being developed for reducing plastic pollution for marine life is Container Deposit Scheme that tackle and help take plastic off the plate for marine life (2013a). As can be seen actually th ere are a lot of bins provided in every corner of the street in Australia, but it still will not work because sometimes people do not care about to separate their rubbish into recycle or non-recycle. Therefore Container Deposit Scheme will be a non-profit and work independently of the beverage companies.As many Australian buy innumerable bottles each day, it will increase the price of the drinks by 10 cent and whenever the container is returned to the convenient recycling depot, that amount of money will be refunded. However, if it is not returned, this deposit scheme will continue to recycle and help to clean up the litter including the marine pollution. Stakeholders: Basically, the key stakeholders for this problem to start reducing plastic use, as a human being we should do things differently first. Our attitude to litter rubbish everywhere is should be changed in order to save the environment.So we should be aware of the impact of plastic use for a long time that can damage anim als and also the environment. Australian government has already involved in solving this plastic pollution problem. Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism are the level of government that takes care of this specific problem(2013c). However they also need the involvement of citizen as well because the role of this department is help to give information to the citizen. In Australia, plastic products and packaging are required to marked with plastic identification code that place at the bottom to identify specifically what type of plastic is made from.So from the code itself, the government purposely encourages people to sort out the plastics materials type accordance to the recycle or non-recycle. In addition to the plastic debris in the ocean, Australian Marine Conservatory Society as the organization that influence by educate the public and equipping groups with suitable knowledge and skills to rescue sick and tangled marine animals because of plastic. They are responsible and have interest on marine life that endangered. Conclusion: As conclusion, plastic is spread all over the place because its physical characteristics that makes everybody tend to use for daily products.However, plastic is non-renewable resources that harm environment for long period of time. It happens that on the beach, there is incalculable debris that spread all over the location. Hence, this problem can be solved, when people have initiative to change their attitudes towards plastic. They should be able to separate which are recyclable and non-recyclable. So it will reduce the amount of plastic debris and help to maintain the ecosystem in the ocean as well as keep the population of animals that are endangered because of plastic debris.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Expression in architecture Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Expression in architecture - Term Paper Example Drafting also gets referred to as technical drawing. It involves the process through which a mechanical engineer creates and designs instructions for manufacturing components (David & Madsen, 2011). Drafting can get carried out through a hand drawing scheme or a computer assisted model that will show the required steps to manufacture a component and also the required materials as well as the assembly notes. Through the use of computer added design tools, drafters get to make plans for almost everything from tiny electronic equipment to building constructions. Drafting gets used in almost all branches of engineering, as well as architecture (David & Madsen, 2011). To create construction drawings, architects employ the use of computer aided design and drafting tools. Drafters specialize in the creation of technical drawings and plans that get used by architects to build structures and other objects. As a mechanical engineer who specializes in drafting and design, one can get employed in various industries such as architectural and engineering firms, transportation equipment manufacturing and machinery manufacturing (David & Madsen, 2011). These industries provide a diverse work environment for individuals. This gets to be so since working as an engineer requires one to interact with other professionals such as engineers, surveyors, and or architects. Such a work environment requires for the drafter to have a good interpersonal skill as part and parcel of his or her personal attribute. My aim is to work as an aeronautical engineer where I will specialize in design and drafting. Work as an aeronautical drafter revolves around preparation of engineering drawings, which get to detail plans and specifications for the manufacture of aircrafts and their parts. Getting employed in an aeronautical firm as a drafter, an individual gets to work in an office setting for most periods of time. Such offices need to be comfortable and furnished
Thursday, September 12, 2019
No specific topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
No specific topic - Essay Example Parsons table has four square legs, which has the same thickness as its deck or top, whatever may be the length or width of the table. It has maximally influenced human behaviours, because it is being part of many homes and also because the people have modified the table according to their purposes. â€Å"Essentially it’s a sleek, spare, versatile table that designer Susan Brunstrum believes every home needs.†(Gerlach Group 2011). In the first part of the 20th century, it was used as a deluxe decorative furniture item without mass use. However, as part of changing culture, people wanted a decorative table, which can be used in a multipurpose manner. â€Å"Its striking design makes it the perfect cocktail table, coffee table, dining table, side table or occasional table,’’ (Gerlach Group 2011). Credenzas are storage cabinets with both fixed cabinets and adjustable shelves. When it was launched in line with culture of perfectionism in early 1960s’, it came up with perfect and at the same time cool and interesting designs. As people from various regions showed interest in this product, it became further adaptive, as it incorporated different fabrics, different metal finishes, etc.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
On the Accuracy of the Almagest Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
On the Accuracy of the Almagest - Research Paper Example According to the model of the solar system that he came up with, the sun moved in a spherical trajectory that was centered near the earth. Ptolemy also went ahead to claim that, in his model of the solar system, the Almagest, the sun maintained, what he termed to be, a set inclination of the earth’s center this being the equator. Through his research, Ptolemy concluded that the five visible plants from the earth moved in obits known as epicycles held together by small rings. These epicycles, he explained moved around the earth on larger unconventional sphere known as deferents. Like the sun, both the epicycles and the defrents also mentioned set inclinations close to the earth’s center. However, as much as his model, the Almagest, was considered remarkable, it has raised too many questions within the scientific realm. The Almagest has not seemed to fare well among many scientific scholars. Many scholars believe that due to his devotion to philosophical theories and doctrine Ptolemy came up with an overcomplicated, ridiculers and awkward model of the solar system that was in accurate in nature. Some of his doctrines that are heavily questioned and disagreed upon include the theory that the earth is stationary ad does not move in uniformity which other planets move around the earth center. In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus came up with his own theory that stated that the earth and other planets moved around the suns orbit. This suppressed his theory and was largely backed by other scholars during this period. Although the study was deemed inaccurate in the sixteenth century, by Johannes Kepler’s model, it was enough to show how inaccurate and wrong Ptolemy’s model was. The main aim behind this study is to examine how inaccurate and wrong Ptolemy model of the solar system was. In addition, the study will be re-evaluating Ptolemy’s merits as an astronomer by examining some of the facts that he provided in his model of the solar system. The main objective behind the Almagest was to create a model that showed the solar system from earth. In his model, Ptolemy tries to explain the motion of the planets visible from earth the sun and the moon. However, in his model of the solar system Ptolemy lives out critical details of how these motions in his model occur or what courses this motion. This is why scholars and astronomers view the model as incorrect and fluid since it lucks basic evidence to support his facts. However, in his model, Ptolemy was able to provide some calculations such as how far the other planets are from earth by using the radius to measure. This helped, in that Copernicus was able to use this calculation in his own ad vanced and correct model of the solar system. Through Kepler’s model, which is considered, correct and more accurate than the two that came before it, one of the main things that one will learn is that plants obit the sun and is actually confocal to it. Such trajectories that the planets use called ellipses have two main factors that make them unique. These two facts can be used to see how inaccurate Ptolemy model from the sun is. Primarily, the obits are considered eccentric. This means that the sun, which is in the center, is rather in this model displaced due to geometric displacement of the sun. Second, each planet in the solar system has a particular axis from which it is elongated. This means that they are elliptical. Unluckier Kepler who came up with a theory that proved that the earth and other planets revolved the sun in their own obits, Ptolemy tries to study the
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
American History X Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
American History X - Research Paper Example While in prison, Derek decides to take a new turn after a visit by his former Black English teacher Dr Sweeney. A brutal rape by Aryan Brotherhood prison gang fuels the transition after his defection. However, on leaving prison, Danny had stepped in his shoes and joined Neo Nazi movement. Derek has to fight to achieve a new life for himself and Danny. The film is full of flashbacks, employing the language of racism to capture sophisticated variations. On TV news, Derek narrates how his father had tutored him to racism through his dinner table conversations not forgetting his death in the hands of black narcotics. The film is full of scaring scenes and convincing scenes that reveal Neo Nazi skin heads bonding. In their meetings led by Derek, they take drugs, beer, engrave tattoos, and carry heavy metal with them. In the Neo Nazi’s world, slogans replace thought, fuelling a mindless hatred towards their black enemies and the film brings out the best of this movement. Neo Nazi mo vement comes out strongly from American History X film. Neo Nazi movement also called skinheads have their origin in England after World War II. According to Prejudice Institute, â€Å"the first wave of what we today recognize as skins polarized themselves in the 1970s. This happened against the various youth counterculture movements†(â€Å"Prejudice Institute†web). ... In 1980, a second wave of this movement was in action when Ian Stuart founded Neo Nazi movement. Apparently, he was a singer and the leader of the Screwdriver band that played an important role in the spread of the movement. The group identified themselves by Nazism and belief in white power and they portrayed it through their way of shaving heads, tattoos, t-shirts, and their confrontational style. Neo Nazi movement cemented its operations in the 1990s because it took advantage of independence war and other ethnic conflicts in of Croatia. To catch the attention of the media, Neo Nazi movement brutally attacked tourists and foreigners, gay people, and people from other cultures. According to Libcom, some of their memorable attacks came in 2003 when Neo-Nazi skinheads attacked six people including five old people and 11-year old boy from Egypt (Kontrrazvedka web). Neo Nazi has links with order supremacist groups like KKK and White Aryan resistance (WAR). Stuart published books by name blood and honour that he distributed to older white supremacies in the US to gather membership. Statistics reveals that skinheads age range from 13 to 27 years mostly teens from various social economic backgrounds. Most get to enrol in high school and continue through college and at work. Recruitment happens at the concerts that attract many young people to listen to Neo Nazi’s music and performances. For instance, Screwdriver songs like White Power and Nigger performed mainly on Hitler’s birthday or at Hate Festivals are tools of transformation. Skinheads also use publications and cyberspaces to promote their ideas and recruit members (â€Å"Prejudice Institute†web). According to Cooter, the group have adopted a new tactic for
Monday, September 9, 2019
Recommendations to Chief Librarian of the Medical Library Essay
Recommendations to Chief Librarian of the Medical Library - Essay Example However, though its base is of DDC it is much more powerful than it. In UDC, auxiliary points are put to practice so as to indicate various special aspects of a subject and also to point out relationships between objects. We can therefore state that it contains faceted or analytico-synthetic element that has been used in specialty libraries like medical libraries. Thus, the acceptance virtues of UDC can be considered to be many and thus its acceptance can be said to be numerous. We would now like to throw some light on the development aspects of UDC. It is essential to note that need is the father of invention. Thus, the development of UDC has been taking place since years based on the requirements as considered essential by the libraries. For example, several crucial aspects have been added to UDC because of the necessity to meet the requirements in the medical library. However, it is essential to note that UDC is not restricted alone to libraries of medical science; several other libraries of various disciplines adopt the practice of UDC so as to be confirmed with a more systematic arrangement in the library system. The advantage of UDC is that the documents, which are taken by classification, can hold the presence of their existence in absolutely any form. The classification can be set on films, sound recordings, video, maps, illustrations, books, journals, ebooks, etc. Thus, the positive aspect of UDC as seen is worth the attention it has taken in the scientific scenario of libraries. The classification of UDC is based on Hindu-Arabic numeral and has its base on the decimal system. In the classification system, every number is being considered as a decimal fraction in which the initial decimal point is omitted, and is used to determine the order of filling. Thus, a very logical and scientific approach is being practiced in the classification as used in the UDC system. In order to add ease in reading, the UDC gains punctuation after every third digit, For example, if after 11 "Medical Sciences" comes the subdivisions 111 to 119; under 111 "Physiology" come its subdivisions 111.1 to 111.9; under 111.1 shall come all of its subdivisions before 111.2 occurs, and so on; after 119 comes 12. The greatest advantage of this system of classification of knowledge is that its infinite extensibility. This virtue of UDC prevents the disturbance of the library books even after new books touch the library desk. Another advantage of UDC is that the books can be arranged in several main categories. In addition, a document can be classified under a combination of different categories through the practice of additional symbols. The UDC system of classification also presents itself with the advantage of being designed in a manner that it can readable by the machine. The machine
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Information and Communications Technologies Essay
Information and Communications Technologies - Essay Example The job also requires knowledge of financial and accounting software applications, government financial regulations, the ability to analyse financial data, and prepare financial reports, statements and projections (HR Village 2007). Information and communications technologies, ICT, play a vital role in supporting the activities of organisations. ICT encompasses hardware and software products; information system operations and management processes; human resources and skills required to use ICT for the production of information; and information system development, management and control. Accountants are expected to have the required level of competence to perform the work required. ICT is one of the core competences required of accountants, even as provided in the GAAP. ICT is affecting the way in which organisations are structured, managed and operated. It is changing the nature and economics of accounting activity (Skidmore 2002). This paper takes a look at the author's personal professional experiences with ICT in the role of a management accountant, how the author's ICT skills have improved personal performance, and how these improved personal performance through the use of ICT has improved the wider organisation's performance from the perspective of management accounting. Using information technology in my profession My role as management accountant involves applying the principles of accounting to analyse financial information and prepare financial reports by compiling information, preparing profit and loss statements, and utilising appropriate accounting control procedures (HR Village 2007). To accomplish my tasks, I use several ICT applications. Standard office applications for word processing, spreadsheets and presentation graphics such as those provided by Microsoft Office are some of the ICT software that I regularly use. MS Word allows me to create professional looking reports and other communication which I can format myself or use templates available within the software. I can highlight important text with different font and typestyle options. MS Excel is also an indispensable tool because it allows me to create spreadsheets with ease. The built-in functions also provide capabilities for calculations with a formula, summarising numeric data, as well as creating graphical charts for easier visual appreciation of trends and distributions. MS PowerPoint is another software I use, especially for easy to understand presentations to management or other non-accountant groups. I can incorporate text, numbers and even graphic images to drive home the points I am trying to make. I also use MS PowerPoint when I orient accounting staff on accounting policies and procedures. I use SAP accounting software for to help me deliver accurate financial reports fast, accelerate cash flows through shorter reporting cycles and receivables, and turn information into effective execution of business strategy so that as management accountant I can be a strategic partner to the business (SAP 2008). I also use Hyperion Essbase, an online analytical processing server, OLAP, to developing custom analytic and enterprise performance management applications useful to my functions as management
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