Friday, May 31, 2019
Feminist Theology :: essays research papers
3Write what you know, the pundits say, and I agree, we are conditioned to take the road less traveled by with only the different drummer to keep us company. As a student, I often find myself stumbling around in the theological woods, feeling lost, losing hope and ending up with mud everywhere, nevertheless curiously on my face. However, the journey, while it lasts, is more interesting than the interstate highway of common knowledge it certainly has a way of keeping complacency at bay. For me, that set out has often been something theological. I withal often find myself playing the devils advocate asking, What does God look like to those who belong to the rigid social order of the Jewish-Orthodox church, look like in the twentieth-first century? When modern feminist theologians look at the text of the scriptures, they are quick to point out neglected aspects of the banter and are quick to quarrel the "patriarchal" worldviews and assumptions that many consider to be bib lical, but may indeed only be cultural. Evangelical feminists who uphold the impartiality of the biblical text as the Word of God have done much to cause the Church to reexamine its views on the role of women in the Church. The challenge has come not from social movements but from the biblical texts themselves. It is essential that we as students look beyond the hermeneutical value, to that which is ingrained in the text not because of truth but rather because of tradition. Professor Tribles research on Adam and Eve notes that the Fall created an inequality in the family relationship that had not existed before. And if Christ has become a cure for us (Galatians 313), that curse of inequality is undone in Him as well as in the text in which she refers our attention. Feminist theologians have also recovered the neglected feminine references to God in scripture (noting the word for Spirit, Ruach, in Hebrew, is feminine) and pointed out the roles of women in the Bible as deacons, co-l aborers with Paul in ministry, settle of the nation (Deborah), and possibly even apostles (Junia of Romans 167). There are, of course, other things going on in Professor Tribles writing, but the subtext of theological issues gives each flooring its texture as the abstract ideas intertwine with the actual plot. If I write about nomadic Arabs in 1919 Palestine and describe the tents and daily tea ritual, how flowerpot I fail to bring in the Quran?
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Physics of How Tires Throw Rocks :: physics tire rock
Many of us have gotten rock chips, but how more of us understand how those pesky rocks hit our windshield? A common misconception is that the car in front of us throws rocks backward and hits the following cars windshield. A curlicue tire cannot throw a rock backwards. A tire is a rolling object, thus every point along the tire is moving forwards. thither is no force going in a backwards direction. Only direction part of a rolling object can go is a combination of up or down, and forward.The f number of the rock at any given point can be determined by adding its translational velocity at the center of mass (the orange arrow) with its rotational velocity.Vrock= Vcenter of mass + Wrock Where V is the translational velocity, and W is the angular velocityThis can be simplified to Vrock=WDR Where D is the distance from the road at the point of contact in terms of R, the Radius. That is to say, that the velocity at the carrousel of the tire would be Vrock=W(2R) =2VcenterThat is to s ay, that the rock at the top of the tire may be going twice as fast as car itself. Similarly, at the point of contact of with the road, the velocity of the rock is 0.So this leaves one to ask, how do those pesky rocks get thrown at a windshield? If it is hit by the following car, then it is because the rock was thrown jolly vertically, slowed down by air resistance and the car behind it ran into the rock.It can also be hit by a car going in the opposite direction. The magnitude of this collision will be much greater because it involves objects going in opposing directions. This is why the worse rock chips are oftentimes from cars going in the opposite direction, and why it is possible to throw rocks at yourself, which often do not do any damage.Tires are thrown from tires because the centrifugal force expels snow, rocks, and other foreign objects.
Christians and Atheism Essay -- Christianity Atheist Religion Essays
Christians and Atheism The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and travel out the door and deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable. DC Talk, contemporary Christian band There are three ordinary reasons why Christianity turns people off 1) The teachings of Jesus and the Bible are non appealing 2) particular aspects of the Bible (or the Bible as a whole) do not seem feasible (such as the existence of Hell or an omnipotent, all-loving God) or 3) some experience with a Christian or the institution of Church is/was pique or repelling. This last reason why many people dislike Christianity is the most common and most painful for Christians to accept. It is saddening for a true Christian to check the loving message of the Bible get lost behind the legality of the church (especially regarding political issues) or the hypocritical, unloving attitudes of those who call themselves Christians. And it is a grave line of work for churches, especially in the sight of evangelism. The church needs to address the causes of such a turn-off from Christianity in order for it to be remedied. A specific look at how Christians themselves turn people off from Christianity reveals that Christian history, Christians today, and the institution of the church are all unique factors. Christian history is one of the first and most intelligible reasons why some people dislike the Christian faith. Here we review some of the great tribulations of the Christian religion evangelical movements in the Old and refreshful worlds, Salem witch trials, Crusades, the Inquisition, and so on. In his essay Why I Am Not a ... .... 71-5). There is a way to enounce without making people feel hated or rejected. Judge without malice or hate, and always communicate in a respectful, loving manner. If the Christian physical structure can hone in on this, C hristians themselves will be a testament to the loving message of God. Works Cited Cahill, Mark. One Thing You Cant Do In Heaven . Atkinson, NH Genesis II, 2004. Casting Crowns. If We Are the Body. Beach Street Records, 2003. DC Talk, ed. Jesus orchiss . Vol. 2. Minneapolis Bethany House Publishers, 2002. 2 vols. DC Talk. What If I Stumble? Jesus Freak . Virgin Records America, Inc., 1995. Muncaster, Ralph O. A Skeptics Search for God . Eugene, Oregon Harvest House Publishers, 2002. Russell, Bertrand. Why I Am Not a Christian. The Writers Presence . Eds. Donald McQuade and Robert Atwan. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 2003.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Boss Mustang :: essays research papers
1997329 BOSS CoupeThe 1997 329 BOSS Coupe is great. It has excellent ratings from consumer magazines. The BOSS can go from 0-60 in 3.2 seconds. 0-60 in 3.2 seconds is outstanding compared to many sports cars. This car was just released to customers like ourselves 2 weeks ago. One-thousand of these drive home already been sold around the United States. Consumer Magazine rated this car so high that people were avocation the publisher of the magazine and asking if it was a joke. The editor said it was no joke, and Ill part you the same. The BOSS comes with a V-10 engine which was tested and tested at the BOSS plant to be top of the line. This great car also comes with a 6-speed manual transmission. I would like to hear from you what you think of the 329 BOSS Coupe. heres some statistics on the 329 BOSS.h V-10 Engineh 425 horsepowerh 0-60 in 3.2 secondsh 6-speed manual transmissionh composite luggage compartment h much, much moreThe 329 BOSS is not a big car at all. In fact the BO SS is short. The reason the car is so short and arrow-dynamic is so the car can get more speed when flying down the road. The BOSS is a 4-seater with comfortable space for children. I myself have been privileged enough to drive this car. The first thing I noticed when driving the car was the smoothness it had. This car was highly light, 2164 pounds. Motor World has examined this car from front to back and give it a perfect 10. Every magazine Ive looked at has rated this car no lower than a 8.5 which is still extremely high. This car itself has the looks, drive, and speed to out perform any major sports car on the market. I would ask any of my readers to go to their local BOSS head teacher and get a test drive on this car. I know youll love it as much as me and more. Im encouraging you to tell your friends about this car. and how great it is. Oops I havent told you the top speed for this car. It can top 270 and has even been known to get in the 280s. Have I given you the impression that this is the best car of the year? If not then please write me a letter telling me what you dont learn or believe.
vote for me :: essays research papers
It has been a year since the networks called the alternative for Al Gore, then for George W. Bush, which caused Gore to concede to Bush, after which the give-and-take of the closeness of the Florida vote caused Gore to retract his concession. Armies of lawyers then descended upon Florida and the nation was buried in a flurry of dimpled ballots and falling chads. Almost immediately, a number of influential academics, pundits, and political leaders seized the opportunity of confusion in Florida to blame the Electoral College and urge us to throw it out in favor of a round-eyed national vote. Their cry for a more direct democracy makes a nice bumper sticker for their Volvos, but would it make good law? A untested study released this week by the McConnell Center for Political Leadership at the University of Louisville casts doubt on the wisdom of those who would abolish our constitutional system of presidential elections and shows that overmuch of what we think we know about the Ele ctoral College is wrong. " Electing the President in the 21st Century" is based on survey responses of leading academic observers from across the nation. It provides solemn warnings for those who would urge the abandonment of the system of presidential elections that has served the nation well for more than two centuries. Among the misunderstandings corrected by this study are several myths that let enceinte up around the Electoral College.Myth 1 An Election based on a national popular vote would have spared us the Florida debacle of hanging chads and dimpled ballots. Actually, the Electoral College saved us from a much worse national nightmare. The existence of the Electoral College that made the outcome of the election hinge on the winner of Floridas 25 electors served to focus the attention of the parties and the media in one state (and, in fact a few counties in that state). Imagine the trauma that would have befallen the nation in such a close election if a simple p lurality of the national vote determined the outcome of the election? With undecomposed a few hundred thousand votes separating the candidates, every vote in every precinct, in every state would have been worthy of a severalise and every recount in every county subject to suit and countersuit. When would it ever have ended?Myth 2 A direct national election would be more representative of the diversity of the nation.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Welcome ... again ... to the graduation of the program of 2012... and a congratulations to you class ... you deserve it. First of all ... thank you class ... I am honored to be chosen to speak tonight and I am rightfully honored to maintain been able to spend these last tetrad years ... with all of you. The daytime has finally arrived. It is June 7th, 2006... 7 p.m. It is so hard to believe that this is the day that we control been counting down to for the last few months. This is supposed to be the end of the beginning, the first day of the rest of our lives ... we all seem so deposit with our future and we seem so sure of exactly what it leave behind foretell. However, regardless of how mature we may think we are ... we are not. We are still so young and new. We have so much to learn. So much more note-taking to take. So many more halls to walk and so many more throng to meet. So very few allowed sick days to take. We have so much more distance to make mistakes ... but al so ... we have the space to correct them. We may be appear of the building, friends, but we will be taught and tested for decades to come ... but this time in life. The memories of tonight and these last four years will soon be added with new memories, new friends, new jobs, new loves and relationships, and most important will be a new you. perchance in the next few years you will be a mom ... or dad, but just maybe you will never have kids. Maybe you will start a career right out of high school, but maybe you will go to school ... hey maybe you will go to school for the rest of your life. But whatever we may become, we can all remember that these last four years have demanded patience ... and have demanded time. The last four years has offered an education ... the last four years has offere... ... with a weeny act of almsgiving. Kindness is just taking time out of your day to help ... and to not expect anything in return ... like Isaiah, Denies, and others with these special p urple ribbons. Hey and maybe you are easy going like Blake c ... he thinks that just liking him for who he is and not for what you want him to be is kind. You never truly know what happiness a simple act of kindness will bring about. As said before, we are still so very young and new, and we have so much to learn. Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day ... The challenge is ours ... not just as graduates ... but us as the future ... let us create a world where human relationships are what we value ... and where kindness is the basis of that. Let us go into a world where small acts of kindness are more important that act of self.
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Welcome ... again ... to the graduation of the level of 2012... and a congratulations to you class ... you deserve it. First of all ... thank you class ... I am honored to be chosen to speak tonight and I am truly honored to have been able to spend these run short four years ... with all of you. The day has finally arrived. It is June 7th, 2006... 7 p.m. It is so hard to believe that this is the day that we have been counting down to for the withstand a couple of(prenominal) months. This is supposed to be the end of the beginning, the first day of the rest of our lives ... we all seem so set with our future and we seem so sure of incisively what it bequeath foretell. However, regardless of how mature we may think we atomic number 18 ... we are non. We are still so young and impudently. We have so much to learn. So much more note-taking to take. So many more halls to walk and so many more people to meet. So very few allowed sick age to take. We have so much more space to mak e mistakes ... alone also ... we have the space to correct them. We may be out of the building, friends, but we will be taught and tested for decades to come ... but this time in life. The memories of tonight and these last four years will soon be added with new memories, new friends, new jobs, new loves and relationships, and most important will be a new you. Maybe in the next few years you will be a mom ... or dad, but just maybe you will never have kids. Maybe you will start a rush right out of high school, but maybe you will go to school ... hey maybe you will go to school for the rest of your life. But any(prenominal) we may become, we can all remember that these last four years have demanded patience ... and have demanded time. The last four years has offered an education ... the last four years has offere... ... with a small characterization of kindness. Kindness is just taking time out of your day to help ... and to not expect anything in return ... like Isaiah, Denies, and others with these special purple ribbons. Hey and maybe you are easy going like Blake c ... he thinks that just liking him for who he is and not for what you want him to be is kind. You never truly know what happiness a simple act of kindness will bring about. As said before, we are still so very young and new, and we have so much to learn. Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us both day ... The challenge is ours ... not just as graduates ... but us as the future ... let us create a world where merciful relationships are what we value ... and where kindness is the basis of that. Let us go into a world where small acts of kindness are more important that act of self.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Parthenon and Lincoln Memorial Essay
I do chosen the above two architectural marvels for this essay. While Parthenon belongs to the ancient times , around 32 B. B. its architects were Iktinos and Kallikratesand. ( Parthenon). It was a place of worship, for the Athenians, the Lincoln record was constructed much later, in the 20th century, and was constructed in the fond memory of the 16th president of the United states of America, Abraham Lincoln. Before analyzing these heaven-sent works of art, it is necessary that one is thorough in the concept of an organizational system, known as Doric order, formulated by the ancientGreeks, in their style of architecture. Both these structures are based on this concept. In the Doric order, a style of architecture, first followed by the ancient Greeks, the column does not have a base. The shaft is either based on a square or a circle. The top end of the shaft, known as the capital, rests low the architrave. It is important to note that the Greeks had widely used this style, in h orizontal alignment, to achieve an impressive visual appeal. ( Mell Devin, Doric style ) Sketch illustrating the Doric column ( Mell Devin ) sooner this building was conceived as a temple of Goddess Athena. The ditch plan of the Parthenon adheres to the ratio of 9 4 and similarly the number of columns also adhere to the kindred ratio. thither are 17 columns along the length and 8 along the width. The floor plan of Parthenon ( The Parthenon, page 1) A horizontal row of 6 Doric columns supporting the front and the back porch, and the interior space was divided in two unequal rooms. The larger one was devoted to the placement of the statue of Goddess Athena and was surrounded by 23 Doric columns over a two storied structure.The back portion was the treasury of the kingdom. The visual elements of this structure are so designed that the visitant to Parthenon experiences a smooth transition from the visual characteristics of the exteriors to those of the interiors. The visitor also ex periences an otherwise smooth transition from earthly to divine, when he watches the Panathenaic procession on the Frieze. The statue of Athena, has mesmerizing hues of currency and ivory, framed shorter Doric columns, in double decked arrangement.This makes the inner space appear larger and taller than the exterior pace. The planning reveals as if it has been designed as a mental representation event, where after experiencing the grandeur of the structural views and the procession on Frieze, the visitor gets to view the statue of Goddess Athena. ( The Parthenon, page 1) This masterpiece one great quality of the Athenian sense of visual elements. It is a proof of the fact that they had mastered the art of the relationship amongst form and space.The horizontal placement of the Doric columns on the outer edge of the rectangle and the same columns epeated in the inner hall, in a smaller scale, are solid evidences of their understanding of spatial relationships. During so many centu ries of its existence, Parthenon has witnessed many attacks and change of functions also. From A Athenian temple, it was turned into a church, and later a mosque also. The structure was partially destroyed as a result of explosion, and today, only the relics of Doric columns can be seen. ( wikipedia)The other marvelous piece taken for analysis in this essay, is the Lincoln Memorial, at Washington D.C. , USA. This structure is modeled and inspired by the Doric style of columns. The floor of this monument is also a rectangle, and has 36 such columns along its periphery.. This number represents the number states which had acceded to the federal structure of USA, at the time of assassination of Lincoln. Lincoln memorial sketch, clearly revealing the impact of Doric columns on the visual appeal of the monument. (The Lincoln memorial) This monument was built in the fond memory of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of USA.It was opened for public in 1922, and was designed by architect, He nry Bacon. ( Lincoln memorial) The composition of form and space and the visual metaphor in this case resembles to that of the Parthenon. As a matter of fact, the visual splendor is enhanced by the graceful, stunning and visually arresting beauty of the white marble. As a visual form, the phlegm of the structure above the Doric columns lend s a very pleasing visual appeal. One important aspect of the Lincoln memorial is that it represents the Parthenon, thematically also.The statue of Lincoln represents that of goddess Athena and the procession is represented by historical speeches of Lincoln, namely his second inaugural speech and the Gettysburg address. ( Lincoln memorial). Talking of the elements of design, the striking contrast between the Parthenon and the Lincoln memorial is that the later, perhaps under the effect of modernism and the after effects of renaissance era, has very flat horizontal and vertical lines domination the essay of vision.This lends a far more pleasing p erspective view from a distance, than he Parthenon, which has inclined lines intercepting the vertical composition formed by the Doric columns. Moreover, the ornamental elements, like motifs and patterns which are so evident in the Parthenon, are not seen in the Lincoln memorial This is suggestive of the impact minimal movement has had on the designers. Conclusively, it can be said that, despite having a time gap of thousands of years between their evolution, the Parthenon and the Lincoln memorial are adhering to similar design principles, the same style of visual expression, and similar perceptions of visual composition.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Elizabethan Women Essay
The social standards for most women of high nobility were to wear large corseted dresses and apply pallid makeup (History of Elizabethan Women). These women were non allowed a say in anything. They had to follow what the male said however, if they did not, they would have received a harsh punishment (Elizabethan Women). Therefore the majority of these women would expose to obey quickly. In the Elizabethan Era the upper class women are not permitted to work because they were considered not as strong, or as deft as men(Elizabethan Women).For example, in the movie Shakespeare In Love, women were not permitted to be actresses because it was illegal and extremely inappropriate for a woman to be seen on stage. genus Viola de Lesseps loved song therefore, she auditioned for Shakespeares play dressed as a boy. She went against the advice of her maid and later got caught by the stage master. In the film, she defied the faggots law but the queen overruled her mistake because of the bet the queen had with Lord Wessex.During the Elizabethan Era there were a plethora of family alliances formed by arranged marriages. In the film, Shakespeare In Love, Viola de Lesseps was coerced into a marriage with Lord Wessex at a very inopportune time. She was in love with Will Shakespeare, but the majority of women in this era were not allowed a say in these affairs (History of Elizabethan Women). These women suppressed their emotions for the man they loved.She was obliged to marry Lord Wessex and follow her father and mothers orders although she was in love with another man. While women of today prefer have very dark, tan skin, most women from the Elizabethan Era preferred pale white skin. In fact the whiter you were the wealthier you looked because most of the lower class women worked outside which was why they were so tan (Elizabethan Women). Their dark skin tones showed they worked for their money while the upper class women keep on indoors most of the day.For example, in Shakes peare In Love, Viola de Lesseps always had a pale face with a big flouncy dress on. She never looked rampant corresponding the street children or their mothers, but always stately and noble. John Madden fairly and accurately demonstrates how women were treated in the Elizabethan Era in his film, Shakespeare In Love. He shows the intricate clothing and colorless make up of these noble women. Also he explains the unfair and loveless arranged marriages that often occurred in the Elizabethan Era.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Kudler Fine Foods & Cardiff Seaside Market Analysis Essay
In this paper I will talk about Kudler comely Foods and Cardiff seaside grocery store and since two the stockes are direct competitors of unitary a nonher, I would compare and contrast the two businesses in order to analyze the areas where one falls short from the other.Kudler graceful Foods is a gourmet grocery store that targets the upscale customers for whom time constraint is a big issue as the store enables the customers to buy their desired products at one go. It is based on Southern California and it operates in three locations in San Diego in La Jolla, Del Mar and Encinitas.Kudler Fine Foods was founded by Kathy Kudler in 1998 who felt that travelling all the look out of the town only for the purpose of purchasing grocery items and ingredients used in cooking is tiring and to crater to this problem, she came up with the possibility of one stop shopping. The five main departments that Kudler Fine Foods is divided into are mentioned below.Fresh bakery and pastriesFresh produceFresh philia and seafoodCondiments and packaged foodsCheeses and forte dairy productsOne thing that has to be noted about Kudler Fine Foods is that they do not just sell the ingredients that are used by plurality while cooking meals tho they sell hearthstone cooked meals as well and this eases the cooking efforts. (University of Phoenix, 2007).Cardiff seaboard grocery is one of the biggest competitors of Kudler Fine Foods and it was formed in 1985. It does not just offer top-notch quality products to the customers but it also provides them with excellent services. It is a family owned and operated business and the management promises to create excellence in every department.Cardiff Seaside Market has a chain of stores that offers a variety of items that includes food items and they also sell other things such as floral items and gifts. The items and services that Cardiff Seaside Market offers to its customers are mentioned below. (Cardiff Seaside Market, n.d.).1. Cate ring2. Cheese3. Cuisine and bakery4. Floral and gifts5. Meat and sea food6. Produce7. Wine8. Gluten free productsWhen we compare the home pages of the websites of both the businesses, it is much evident that the offerings of Cardiff Seaside Market outnumber that of Kudler Fine Foods. Both the businesses offer the customers to buy cheese and dairy products, cuisine and bakery items, meat and sea food, wine and produce.However, Cardiff Seaside Market also offers catering services and gluten free products and free healthy recipes. Cardiff Seaside Market is a family oriented business while Kudler Fine Foods was founded by a lady named Kathy Kudler who realized that travelling to the town to buy kitchen items was tiring. Further talking about the home page, I would imagine that since Kudler Fine Foods is owned by a lady, not much innovations and new strategies are being used to improve the business operations but Cardiff Seaside Market offers special food items on daily basis and they admit also given their weekly special.Besides this, the reward card of Cardiff Seaside Market offers the customers the opportunity to earn rewards up to 3%. Complimentary Healthy Grocery Store Tours are also offered by Cardiff Seaside Market where the customers get to crawl in about all kinds of information related to nutrition. Since the expert has studied dietary theories and clinical aspects of health and nutrition, the customers stop get to know about their queries and about the way they can live healthier lives.Moreover, since the programs offered by them are uniquely tailored according to the preferences of the customers, all the health concerns of the individuals are well taken care of. (The whole Journey, n.d.). Further talking about the sub sections of the websites of both the businesses, they are divided into different parts according to their offerings in which the details of the offerings are mentioned. (Hisrich, Peters &Shepherd, 2006).The website of Kudler Fine Food s is not available for access to every individual and when you search for it on Google we are not able to get any such link. However, people can have access to the website through University of Phoenix but they need a username and password for that. Therefore, access to the website of Kudler Fine Foods is not behind as it is not public but the website access of Cardiff Seaside Market is very easy and convenient as it can be easily found while browsing on the Internet.As I already mentioned about the website access, I would say that the search ability of Cardiff Seaside Market is very easy but in the case of Kudler Fine Foods, everyone cannot have access to the website. Further talking about the layout of the websites, Kudler Fine Foods has a very simple website and everything mentioned on the website can be easily found and is easy to read and understand. Same is the case with Cardiff Seaside Market is but they have added many more things other than the basics i.e. their offerings .These new additions that Cardiff Seaside Market has do include the weekly specials, soups of the day and recipes.The graphics of both the websites are fine but the pictures used by Cardiff Seaside Market are not similarly catchy and so they must be replaced with more lively pictures while Kudler Fine Foods must add some more pictures to keep the interest of the customers. The sailing of the websites is fine and one is easily able to browse the entire website.Although the product display at Cardiff Seaside Market is fine but they should add some more pictures to make them stand out but in the case of Kudler Fine Foods, the website has very less pictures because of which it is a bit boring. The site administration of Kudler Fine Foods is done by Apollo Group and it is being done apart from the other changes that have to be made.On the website of Kudler Fine Foods, there is no option for the customers to dedicate online but Cardiff Seaside market offers a payment solution to the c ustomers and the customers can order online and they can either pick up their delivery or they can get their orders delivered to their desired address. Once the customers select their desired option, they can choose their pick up date and they also have the facility of ordering sevener days before they actually need to collect the order or to get the order delivered. Lastly, the customers can also choose the time at which they stripping it feasible for them to pick the order or to get it delivered.ReferenceCardiff Seaside Market. (n.d.). How whitethorn We Serve You? May 12th, 2010. Retrieved from http//, R., Peters, M. &Shepherd, D. (2006). Entrepreneurship. 7th Edn. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.The Whole Journey. (n.d.). Holistic nutrition and wellness. May 12th, 2010. Retrieved from http// of Phoenix. (2007). Kudler Fine Foods. May 12th, 2010. Retrieved from https// /Index.htm
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Nurture debate in relation to the development of an individual Essay
The major debate concerning spirit and prove has been going on for decades and is still unresolved. M each(prenominal) hatful like to believe what we have geted and our genes be what make us unique (the way we atomic number 18 and how we develop). Other people believe that the way we be raised and our experiences, that make us the way we are and how we grow. Physically the way we are built and look can be mainly due to nature. The genes that we inherit from our parents make the way of we look. For example, people say Dont you look like your go? Genetic inheritance can define our eye colouring (blue or cobnut), whether we have straight or curly hair or how small we might be. We could withal inherit certain genetic diseases which can disadvantageously impact on our health. Though, we can still make decisions on how we look and how we change our appearance. there are multiple different cosmetic procedures available to shift our look. How we choose to live protrude our s ustenance and the choices that we make can have an influence on how we look. For ex, constantly eating junk food and not doing any exercising could lead to obesity. The environment that we are raised in and the experiences we go through can influence our health which contri providedes to physical growth. An ex of how nature and nurture can affect our physical growth is we might carry genes that could lead us to be in danger of developing type 2 diabetes, simply if we were to eat a healthy diet and get ample exercise, we might not develop the disease.Nature Jades mothers fryhood was very foreign to what it is today, her life could have been called a difficult life, and her mother was bought up on her own by her own mother as her father died when she was 6 months old. As she grew up without a father figure in her life she closed herself off emotionally from males in general. Jades mother grew up around a push-down stack of uncles and aunts so she was always well looked by her fami ly. Jade grew very close to her gran over the years as she wasnt getting the attention she cute off her mother, as she had gotten remarried she had become very distant. When her gran died jades mother was very alone, she hardly ever spoke to her mother apart from at meal propagation and by and by shed get in from being out with her friends. This got increasingly more than than awkward as time went on as the new economise never showed her any kindness so her mother stayed outto avoid the arguments.Nurture Where jades mother spent a lot of time in hospital during her life she was also slower to develop as a person as she wasnt with her friends often enough to have developed personality traits. As she got older she started staying out overnight and going to parties where there would be lots of alcohol, drugs and sex. She also began hanging out with the older boys and girls this meant that she was developing at a much(prenominal) faster rate than what she would normally have do ne. The environment that the she was raised in was very tranquil, peaceful and gentle neighbourhood there was barely ever any trouble around where she grew up. Nevertheless as she got older she began to get more curious about the rough areas around where she lived later on during her life she found herself surround by people who lived in these rough areas. This altered the way she saw her own life and what she has been taking for granted. Evaluate how the nature and nurture debate in may affect the physical, intellectual, emotional and social organic evolution of two life stages of the development of your chosen family memberNatureAs each cell in the embody contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, one chromosome from each pair is inherited from your mother and one is inherited from your father. These chromosomes contain the genes you inherit from your parents. There may be different forms of the resembling gene. These different forms are called alleles.For example, for the gene that det ermines eye colour, there may be an allele for green eyes and an allele for hazel eyes. You may inherit a hazel allele from your mother and a green allele from your father. In this instance, you will end up with hazel eyes because hazel is the dominant allele. Those different forms of genes are caused by changes in the DNA coding. The same holds true for medical conditions, there may be a faulty gene that would result in a medical condition, and a normal version that might not cause any health anomalies. If your child ends up with a medical condition it will depend on certain biological factors including What genes they inherit, whether the gene for that condition is dominant or recessive, their environment, including any intercession they may receive a genetic disease ordisorder is the consequence of changes, or mutations, in an individuals DNA.A mutation is an vicissitude in the letters (DNA sequence) that makes up a gene. Its more commonly referred to as a spelling mistake. Gen e codes for proteins, the molecules that carry out majority of the work, bring about most life functions, and make up the majority of cellular structures. When a gene is mutated so that its protein product can no longer carry out its normal function, a disorder can result. Genetic diseases can be inherited because they are mutations in the germ cells in the body the cells involved in passing genetic information from parents to offspring. Genetic diseases can also result from changes in DNA in somatic cells, or cells in the body that are not germ cells.Some genetic diseases are called Mendelian disorders they are caused by mutations that occur in the DNA sequence of a single gene. These are normally rare diseases such as Huntingtons disease and cystic fibrosis. Many genetic diseases are multifactorialthey are caused by mutations in some(prenominal) genes compounded by environmental factors. Some examples of these are heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.AdolescencePhysical & Socia l developmentNurture affect the physical and social development of Katherines mother Emma. During her adolescence phase Emma thought that shed have to change the way she looked to fit into society (as she was obese). Emma began to blame herself and others because of the way she looked, she has had to face a ton of critical review from her close family and some friends as they used to say stuff like youve got such a pretty face but if you lost a human activity of metric weight unit youd be so much better off. Throughout this time Emma looked towards the rest of her friends for acceptance which meant that to fit in with them she had to have the same stuff that everyone else had (clothes, technology etc.). This was obviously very difficult because of the fact she was quite overweight she couldnt purchase the same type of clothes that her friends wore this made her wear out of the crowd which gave her that extraattention that she didnt want. Emma spent a lot of time trying to fit i n during her teenage years but she found out being herself was more important than losing who she was just to fit in. Emma stayed up late chatting with her friends. A lack of sleep could also affect our body it would increase blood pressure and cholesterol level, increase stress hormones, etc. Sleep is really important, at this age as she should be having at least 7-9 hours of sleep.Intellectual developmentNature affected Emma intellectually throughout this period as Emma wasnt really sure on what type of guarder she treasured to do, however after some thought she decided she wanted to that pursue a career that would evolve helping the elderly. She accomplished in getting a job whilst being at school as this would help her to develop some new skills and allow her to make her own money, although she knew that wasnt the career pathway she wanted to stay in. Emma also began to volunteer at a care home this is what helped her to decide on what career path she wanted to go down. wound up developmentNurture also affected Emma emotionally during her adolescence Emma had poor self-image and low self-esteem. She also began to resent her friends and her mother as they both wanted her to be individual that she was not, when it was clear that she was never going to be able to keep the act up forever. During adolescence Emma began to question her own self-worth as some friends were also making uncomplimentary little comments whilst her back was turned. Emma began to hang around with men as she went into this life stage as she thought that they were a lot less cruel. The boys accepted her more as part of their group so she began to build up her self-image up again, giving her more confidence and self-belief.AdulthoodPhysical developmentEmma was affected by nature during her adulthood. During her adulthood she sight that she was at danger of developing a variety of different genetic diseases (diabetes type one, lung cancer, breast cancer, asthma etc.). Emmaalso discov ered that she may not be able to have children of her own because she has Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which sometimes genetic. If any relatives, such as your mother, sister or aunt, have PCOS then the risk of you developing it is often a greater chance than usual. As she began to get older her hair began to get darker and she began to get grey bits through her hair, she also has had more problems with her teeth as they are falling out or being damaged due to decay. As she got older she also began to put on weight as her metabolism started slowing down. During this life stage Emma became pregnant with Katherine and there were some complications during the birth as she had to have caesarean due to preeclampsia.Intellectual developmentEmma was less influenced by nature as an adult as she can make her own choices and decision. When she was deciding on what course is she was going take after finishing secondary school, she knew what she wanted to do after volunteering in elderly car e home. When she turned 20 Emma got her first job in a care home she was working double shifts because of the love that she had grown towards her job. After working in a care home for the terminally ill, my mother decided that she wanted a change her job outlook and she started working in a domestic abuse centre for women. When Emma became pregnant with me she started doing hairdressing from home. This was more of a by-line for my mother as she would only do family or close friends. She had had to give up her job at domestic abuse centre because it would have meant set Katherine in danger and the people at the centre wouldnt allow it.Emotional development & Social developmentEmma was both emotionally and socially affected by nurture. Emma was influenced by friends and new work colleagues in adulthood, as you grow more work connections as you get older. Emotionally she began to ponder about life as a teenager, and recognized that the choices she made were the best for her. When Emm a reached this life stage she found love and spent 20 years with Katherines father which cease after attempting to save their relationship for 2 years. Their relationship had been very successful for 18 years, but after Emmas mother died he began to try to insure her. Emma found it very difficult to deal with after her mother died as she had a fewregrets about the way their relationship ended. Emotionally Emma also found out that after her mother died that she could inherit a variety of genetic diseases. This made it hard for Emma to focus on the positives after splitting up with my father and her mother dying. Socially Emma relied on her friends a lot more as she got older as her family didnt really contact her after her mother had died. Emma had several best friends that were there to support after her relationship had ended and her mother had died.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Week 2 Cmgt 554
Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is a prominent infirmary that is known for specializing in radiology, somatogenic therapy, pharmacy, and surgery. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital was founded in 1975. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has been providing quality care to all its patients both children and adults alike. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital patients are accustomed to the quality good that the hospital provides with a focus on the different programs and services to help maintain a high degree of care for its patients.Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has an copiousness of technology and can be segmented into m all different areas providing an in-depth review of the advancements and shortfalls of organization. The meshworking department has the challenge of dissecting and breaking down the current cornerstone to ensure a comprehensive analysis is done to provide a solution that will last for the three to five years. Identifying the right solutions and architecture is key to ensuring the growth of the ne devilrk infrastructure to support the demands of the current health care industry.The methods of how Information transmits within the hospital and externally are Based on the Network Diagrams the Network has two segments Administrative and Clinical. The backbone network structure for the complete hospital is 1000 Base T. The nodes of the administrative function network utilize CAT 6 cabling. The nodes of the administrative functions network are connected to an Ethernet backbone. A single mode fiber cable, transmitting 1000 Base F, physically connects nodes attach to the clinical segment. All nodes attached to the clinical function segment is physically connected by single mode fiber cable and transmitting 1000 Base F.Both segments connect via a network bridge. A DHCP server provides all workstations on the administrative function segment with IP addresses. A good security practice for the network caustic/white and color laser printers are to utilize a static IP, so the MAC address is registered with the DHCP server to prevent malicious activity. To prevent any unwanted malicious activity the Nodes on the clinical function segment IP addresses are static IPs. The DHCP service is run on the rallying Server housed in the IT information center. The domain naming solution is also hosted on this server.Active Directory centrally manages user account management in the domain. All weather vane traffic is relay through a proxy that masked the identity of the IP address. To ensure the hospital has adequate Disaster Recovery (DR) capability the entire hospital has a complete power backup system that automatically cuts over to a large diesel motor generator set. The Patton-Fuller Community hospital network bridge connects to the logical network. The bridge connects multiple internal segments at the information link layer, which is Layer 2 of the OSI model.The Data Link Layer enables data to be transferred between network entities and might provide the means to detect and possibly correct errors that may occur in the Physical Layer. The hospitals network is an Ethernet network. Within the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital architecture the physical layer can be found within the appliance in the operating live and intensive care unit along with the patients rooms. The data link layer is where the physical transmission of data is managed. This creates and distributes messages boundaries. At the network layer the management of the data is routed where the routing takes place.This is the Internet level of the protocol stack. Routers are designed to forward packets of data to other routers and active switches. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital data center uses a cisco router model 7609 to perform these tasks. At the transport layer it is responsible for breaking large strings of data into manageable smaller packets. Error checking and elimination of duplicate packets is done at this layer as well. Patton-Fuller Commun ity Hospital utilizes a network gateway device to interface both their clinical and administrative networks with the Internet. At the session layer it manages the session for all users on the network.The session layer also manages the amount of time spent to transferring the data. A network gateway is considered a session layer device. At the presentation layer this layer is concerned with formatting, and resolving differences of data format between two different machines. It also takes the data from applications format to the network format. One example of this method is the Advanced Encryption Standard utilized by the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. At the application layer it defines the interfaces for colloquy and data transfer. This is also the end users access to the Internet.One good example of the application layer would web pages. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has the backbone infrastructure that provides adequate bandwidth to support video and other high quality of s ervice services. However it does not have the necessary requirements for future needs. With the sale and deployment of networked equipment within the medical checkup industry it is becoming more apparent that Patton-Fuller Community Hospital invest their future. References Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Virtual Organization, (Apollo group, 2011) https//ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Healthcare/PFCH/index. asp
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Shampoo Assignment
a. How would you criticize the study in terms of its designfulness to you? In the first impression the harvest is creates an image as described below on the whole oer Hair & Body lave is a versatile product that works beautifully as a shampoo and automobile trunk wash, making it extremely convenient for everyday use. The rich, cushiony conventionality can be use on any pig type, cleans hair in sensation application, and rinses easily with no build-up or even a hint of drynessAll all over Hair & Body shampoos fragrance-free formula is gentle enough for color-treated hair, sensitive scalp, and can be used on babies and electric shaverren. It doesnt get much better than that The FAQ desirability of personate in a shampoo Is All Over Hair & Body Shampoo safe for color- or chemically-treated hair? Yes. If your hair is color-treated, permed, straightened, or relaxed we highly suggest by-line with Paulas Choice Smooth Finish Conditioner. I have acne on my chest/back. Will the i ngredients in All Over Hair & Body Shampoo clog pores or make acne worse? In all likelihood, no.Although we refrain from making non-comedogenic claims for our products (because there ar no standards in place to regulate that claim), All Over Hair & Body Shampoo does not contain heavy, thick, or oily conditioning agents and doesnt leave a film on come up. The water-soluble formula is gentle and rinses cleanly, prepping breakout-prone skin for subsequent anti-acne treatments. May I use All Over Hair & Body Shampoo to wash my child and/or child? Yes, although as a general rule we always recommend asking your pediatrician before using any new product on an infant or childs skin.Paulas Choice All Over Hair & Body Shampoo is very gentle, and the fact that it is fragrance-free makes it a safer bet than most baby shampoos. Does All Over Hair & Body Shampoo work better as a shampoo or dead body wash? Both We designed this product to be equally effective for shampooing hair and cleansing s kin from the neck down. Is it OK to use All Over Hair & Body Shampoo to wash my verbal expression? Most likely, yesespecially if you have normal to oily skin. Generally speaking, our facial cleansers atomic number 18 the better options because we offer specific formulas to address the needs of various skin types.However, if youre pressed for time or want to multi-task as much as possible, give it a try and see how your skin responds May I use All Over Hair & Body Shampoo to wash my dog? Yes. Always be sure to rinse thoroughly with warm water to pip all traces of shampoo from your dogs coat Shampoo and body wash/shower gel are two major classes of personal care cleansing products. Shampoos are specifically formulated to clean and take care of hair, whereas body wash is a liquid soap that is appropriate for cleansing the body. Most commercial shampoos and body washes are made as creams or gels.They are emulsions or gels of water and detergent base with added functional ingredients. Because the form or texture of both(prenominal) shampoos and body washes are creams or gels, many people may mistakenly use one as the other. Although there are some similar components inside both formulations, there are many differences from the view of a personal care formulator. The first difference is their target. Hair is actually a modified type of skin. The principal(prenominal) difference between hair and skin is that skin is basically a living organ that replaces its outermost layer on a frequent basis.In contrast, hair is basically dead material derived from a a few(prenominal) live cells deep within the skin surface. b. If you had the opportunity to design the pilot project from your viewpoint, what questions would you like to take on in the questionnaire? How often do you wash your hair on average (please choose one only) Every day Alternate day Once a week Twice a week None of above Where do you buy your shampoo? (Please choose all that apply) Grocery store Salon doohickey store Beauty supply store Discount super stores (Big Bazar. ) Think about the reasons why you use a particular brand of shampoo.Many potential reasons are in the following list. We are interested in knowing the relative importance of these reasons in your purchase decision. Assume you have 10 points. Divide the points among the following reasons to indicate the relative importance of each reason. The more points you give something, the more important it is. You can give as many or as few points as you wish to each reason. Please make certain that your total equals 10 points. Smell Bottle design Moisturizing capabilities Clarifying capabilities Shine factor Shampoo colorVolumizing capabilities 0 Do Pantene advertisements correctly represent the product? Yes No How many different shampoos have you used in the past 6 months? (Please choose one only) 0 1 2 3 4 5 or more What is your classification? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior What is your ethnicity? Caucasian Asiatic Afr ican American Hispanic 5. What is the primary factor that will bring your decision to purchase a shampoo? What is the primary factor that will influence your decision to purchase a shampoo? Price Brand Health associated benefits Smell/Lather/Moisturizing
A Study on Job Satisfaction of Employee
A subject atomic outlet 18a ON JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES CONTENTS Sl. No. Title varlet No. 1. Introduction 1 5 Statement of the Problem 1 Objectives of the paper 1 setting and conditional relation of the Study 2 Research Methodology 2 Limitations of the Study 4 Chapteraisation 4 2. profiles 6 17 Industry indite 6 association profile 8 Product profile 13 3. Theoretical Frame blend in 18 28 4. Analysis and Interpretation 29 40 5. Findings and Recommendations 41 42 6. Summary 43 Biblio interprety appendage LIST OF TABLES T fit Description Page No. 4. 1 total of Various Attributes 30 4. 2 Score of Various Attributes 31 4. Score of Various Attributes 32 4. 4 Score of Various Attributes 33 4. 5 Gender of Respondents 34 4. 6 Educational Qualification 35 4. 7 Experience of the Respondents 36 4. 8 Age of the Respondents 37 4. Marital Status of the Respondents 38 LIST OF FIGURES depend Description Page No. 4. 1 Score of Various Attributes 30 4. 2 Score of Various Attributes 31 4. 3 Score of Various Attributes 32 4. 4 Score of Various Attributes 33 4. 5 Gender of Respondents 34 4. 6 Educational Qualification 35 4. 7 Experience of the Respondents 36 4. 8 Age of the Respondents 37 4. Marital Status of the Respondents 38 Chapter I Introduction Introduction ? Statement of the puzzle ? Objectives of the Study ? Scope and Signifi elicitce of the Study ? Research Methodology ? Limitation of the Study ? Chapterisation Chapter III THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Chapter IV ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Chapter V SUMMARY, FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Chapter VI SUMMARY APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY Chapter IIPROFILES Industry Profile ? friendship Profile ? Product Profile INTRODUCTION A understand was conducted at, WESTERN INDIA PLYWOODS, VALAPATTANAM, the largest integrated timber processing difficult in the country on Job Satisfaction of the employees. Job rapture is a set of af fable or unfavorable tonicityings and emotions with which employees view their work. Job pleasure is an shanghaiive attitude a feeling of copulation like or dislike toward something. Job atonement typically refers to the attitudes of a single employee. STATEMENT OF THE task Western India Plywoodwind instruments has been incurring losses in the last few years. Health, knowledge, skill direct etc. f employees ar significant factors that can influence the fate of an organization. The ca rehearses of business failure may be internecine and external, mostly by people related issues. This consider attempts at finding the current level of occupation triumph of employees at Western India Plywoods and what it regard ass for its turnaround. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Main Objective The main physical object is to study the happiness level of workers with respect to variant factors. Sub-Objectives ? To study the employee perception about personnel policies. ? To identify shipwa y of improving reflect blessedness, if possible. SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study is limited to the workers at the WESTERN INDIA PLYWOODS.It is conducted with the objective of finding various factors affecting the channel satisfaction of workers in the company. This study in its practical and divinatory sense will second the management in assessing the satisfaction level of the workers. Job satisfaction of the employees is the major concern of every organization. Dis well-off employees is a major threat to the company causing a spill in every functions of the company. So the study on the byplay satisfaction of the employees gains more(prenominal) importance and importation in the sense that it affects productiveness and hence the existence of the company. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design . The study conducted at WESTERN INDIA PLYWOODS was descriptive in nature.It aims at portraying accurately the characteristics of a group or situation. Sampling Design Th e technique adopted for the sampling is convenient sampling . Sample Size and world The workers of Western India Plywoods constituted the population for the study. It has 900 permanent workers. The sample selected for the study is limited to 50 for convenience. Study Variables The following(a) variables were selected for the study ? Gender of respondents ? Age of respondents ? Educational reservation ? Experience of employees ? Time spent with family ? Wage level ? Opinion about progression policy, business sector security, recognition, work place kind, etc was also included. Methods of Data CollectionData were collected from twain primary and secondary sources. Primary info were collected from the workers by means of Questionnaire and the secondary data were compiled from foregone records, journals and the Internet. Tools of Data Collection Questionnaire was prep ard to collect the applicable data. Major variables much(prenominal) as publicityal materialal factors, mot ivational factors, personal factors and environmental factors were considered while preparing questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepargond after an initial discussion with a few employees, HR manager, trade union representatives etc. For the questionnaire, closed -end questions were used. Data Analysis and InterpretationThe data depth psychology and presentation were through using mean, chi-squ be discharge, oftenness eludes, bar charts and pie-diagram. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY ? Chances of bias from the respondents can non be neglected. ? Qualitative study poses a problem of proper articulation of feelings and emotions. In an organizational context passkey behaviour may also affect quality of responses. CHAPTERISATION Chapter I Introduction deals with introduction to the study, Statement of the Problem, Objectives of the Study, Scope and Significance of the Study, Research Methodology and Limitation of the Study. Chapter II Profile deals with Industry Profile, Company Profi le, and product profile.Chapter III, Theoretical Framework of joke satisfaction Chapter IV, Analysis and Interpretation deals with the analysis and description of the data collected from the respondents. Chapter V Summary, Findings and Recommendations deals with findings from the analysis and the suggestions based on the findings. CONCLUSION This chapter we presented the problem, objectives, scope and significance of the study. The research methodology and limitation of the study were also mentioned . The next chapter deals with profile of the company, its products and markets. INDUSTRY PROFILE INTRODUCTION tally to archeologist, mans cultural progress can be traced in the art of wood veneering.Relics, base in Egypt and Chinese tombs dating from 2002 BC indicate that veneering combines art and science. The 14th century witnessed the revitalisation of art and brought to veneering a new figure and beauty. Today modern machinery and mass work technique produce veneers that argo n used to build nearly 80% of furniture. PLYWOOD INDUSTRY The necessity of do plywood arises out of the inherent defect in wood plywood in an engineered wood decorate . crap from thin layer of wood veneers assembled with grain direction of adjacent veneer as proficient angled to each other with layers of synthetic resins, adhesive and pressed under high heat and pressure, on that pointof imparting a great degree of strength.It is dimensionally s control board and strongest sheet material to weight ratio . It is technically designed to be strong and stiff plenty to safely replace more than three generation thick solid timber for the identical use. It appears, plywood industry has become an innocent victim of rank misconception. The unfounded impression that this industry is exerting pressure on our natural resources is factually ill-timed. It is in total disagreed to its refined single-valued function as an economic substitute of solid wood and thus prevention of natural woods and ecology. Strangely enough the g everyplacenment desires that the use of aluminium, steel and plastic as substitute of solid wood in buildings may be encouraged.Similarly other substitute like wood based board and median(a) densified fiber board atomic bod 18 claiming their superiority over plywood in terms of its functional use and ecology conservation role. PRODUCT PROFILE The company produces traditional general-purpose commercial and decorative plywood. In addition to that the company proudly presents an exciting range of specially plywood panels and materials for specific applications. 1. WESIND FIRE subnormality PLYWOOD This plywood is ideal for residential and non-residential building, transportation vehicles etc. This plywood meets the British Standards Specification and has been dependent by the British Standard Institute. 2. WESTIND FIRE RETARDANT PLYWOODExperts in the aviation field earn acclaimed this special(a) ordinary product of the Company for its u nparalleled quality. This product has earned the recognition of the Directorate of Civil Aviation, governance of India, on its introduction itself. 3. WESTIND MARINE PLYWOOD Made of special category timber, this highly durable plywood ensures smooth sailing of vessels in the harsh marine environment. 4. WESTIND RESIN COATED PLYWOOD BWR plywood is coated with a special grade phenolic resin coated plywoods impart a superior finish to the concrete surface and avoid the tedious and expensive plastering operation. 5. WESTIND FLOORING BOARDS These boards catch been certain using veneer hard board laminates.The boards have been given a social water revolting treatment and the unique is that they can be cut to nay size to suit the requirement of the cut down area. It can be directly laid on a stark concrete floor by applying a thin coat of suitable adhesive. 6. WESTED FURNITURE WESTERN INDIA PLYWOOD specializes in exquisite and forge plywood furniture, which will exceed your betatio ns regarding strength and durability. WESTIND furniture is manufactured utilizing the finest building material usable in the market. It is a matter of pride to WIP that the loose furniture in the Leela Goa project was faultlessly supplied by the company. It is made with a judicious blend of solid timber and composite panels to optimise strength and cost.The company adopts ultra modern technology to give the products of lasting value and elegance. 7. WESTED SUPTER BLOCK BOARDS Bonded with phenolic resing to produce by a special process with extra core. This product is free from warping and surface undulation. It is a superior to naturalized block board and particle board. Its more stable than conventional block boards and its nailing and screw holding properties are superb. 8. WESTING COMPREG Densified and super toughened wood panel products made from veneers impregnated with synthetic resin adhesive and pressed at elevated temperatures and pressures. ? WIPWOOD for textile and j ute mill looms. ? WIPROC for press forming tools in sheet metal and Aeronautical industries. WIPLAC-panels for rail civilize furnishing. ? WIPBEAR-for rolls bearing application ? WIP FILTER PLATES AND FRAME WORKS for filtration in Chemical industries. ? WIPCHECK-compressed floor board for Automobile, industrial and rail coach furnishing. ? WIPCOM-for high and low voltage insulation in air or in an oil bath. COMPREG MOULED CHAIR SEATS for EMU rail coaches, Auditorium, Theatres and restaurants. The introduction of WIPLAC and a host of other innovative products underlie the companys commitment to the industry and provide reason for the luminous re set upation in the countrys larges integrated wood product company enjoys in domestic and international markets.In 1978, WIP set up a implant for manufacturing Di-ally phthalate stamp powder, a thermo set which had to be imported with them. Significantly, the technology was developed in house with support from Shree drum Institute of Industrial research, Delhi. In 1989, the Company put up a pre-finishing plant for direct produce wood grains and plain colours onto hard boards and plywood using radiation curved surface finishes. The pre-finishing plant is the only one of its kind in the country and one of the few in the world. All the raw materials and processes employed in the plant are 100% Eco-Friendly. The companys products are exported to quality conscious markets around the world. MARKETSThe Company has been passing through acute problems for sourcing good raw materials, the price of which increases almost on a effortless ass. The main raw material for the company, i. e. , timber, is being exported and here again the company has no control over the price, which varies from shipment to shipment. The company has also no control over the levies being made by profound State Government. Also, the steep increase in cost of imported raw materials, the high power tax and the ever increase cost of Furnace oil a nd other petroleum products collectively put together rendered the companys products noncompetitive in the market. CONSERVATION OF ENERGY The vim conservation bank notes taken are as followsInstalled variable frequency drives for mating conveyors in No II Hard board line to eliminate components like brakes, clutches, V-belts and inching motors. By retaining the existing motors, considerable power saving has been achieved. Optimized cooling tower operation by retrofitting and introduction of energy savers in cooling fans Installed level monitoring, closed loop control system for white water chest, and achieved optimisation in white water usage. Introduced automatic Delta Star running system for partial loaded motors in plywood and hardwood plants. The company has also achieved 100% utilization of source raw materials due to its integrated production system. thitherfore, it would be apt to call the Western India Plywoods Ltd. the company with a conscience. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK INT RODUCTION In this chapter theoretical aspect of job satisfaction is recorded. Job satisfaction reflects the finis to which people find satisfaction or fulfillment in their work. Job satisfaction is a combination of psychological and environmental factors that make a person to admit, I am happy at my job. Extensive Research on job satisfaction shows that personal factors such as individuals needs and aspirations determine his attitude, along with group and organizational factors such as relationship with co-workers and supervisors, operativess conditions, work policies, and compensation. DEFINITIONWe can define job satisfaction as involving cognitive, affective and evaluating reactions or attitudes and declares it is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job develop. Job satisfaction is a result of employees perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important. Through the years five job dimensions have been identified to represent the most important characteristics of a job about which employees have affective responses. These are ? The work itself The extent to which the job provides the individual with arouse tasks, opportunities for learning and the chance to accept responsibility. Pay The amount of financial remuneration that is received and the degree to which this is viewed as just that of others in the organization. ? Promotional opportunities. The chances for advancement in the organization. ? Supervision The abilities of the supervisor to provide technical avail and behavioral support. ? Co-workers the degree to which fellow workers are technically proficient and socially supportive. There are number of factors that influence job satisfaction. However the main factors are I. PROMOTIONAL FACTORS Promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on job satisfaction. This is because promotions take a number of different forms and have a variety of accompanying reenforces.For example, individuals who are promoted on the basis of seniority often sleep with job satisfaction but not as much as those who are promoted on the basis of performance. A promotion is the transfer of an employee to a job which pays more money or one that carries same preferred status. A promotion may be defined as an upward advancement of an employee in an organization to other job, which commands break-dance pay/wages, better status/prestige, and higher(prenominal) opportunities/challenges, responsibility, and authority, better working environment, hours of work and facilities, and a higher rank. A promotion is a vertical move in the rank and responsibility. Involved in a promotion may be some measure of skill and responsibility. Promotions are usually given ?To put the worker in a position where he will be of greater value to the company and where he may derive increased personal satisfaction and income from the work ? To recognize an individuals performance a nd reward him for his work so that he may have an incentive to forge ahead. Employees will have comminuted motivation if better jobs are reserved for outsiders. ? To increase an employees organizational effectiveness ? To promote job satisfaction among the employees and give them an opportunity for unbroken, continuous service ? To build up morale, loyalty, and a sense of belonging on the part of the employees when it is brought home to them that they would be promoted if they deserve it ?To attract suitable and competent workers for the organization. II. MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS There is no doubt that motivation is the key to the promotion of proper good piece relations. The term motivation was sooner derived from the Latin word movere, which means to move. We can define motivation as an inner state that energises, activates, or moves (hence motivation), and that directs or channels behavior towards goals. Thus motivation is a general term that applies to the entire class of energy, drive, tension and similar forces. The studies can be classified under two groups, on the basis of convenience and simplifications, viz. , traditional theories, and modern theories.The traditional theories are based on mostly the human relations barbel in management, with little management to psychological processes that occur. This approach was based upon three wide-eyed assumptions ? Personnel primarily are economically motivated and secondarily desire security and good working conditions. ? Provision of the in a higher place rewards to personnel will have a positive effect on the morale. There is a positive correlation between morale and productivity. III. PERSONAL FACTORS Personal factors comprises name, age, sex, marital status, find out, spending quantify with the family are the personal factors affecting the level of job satisfaction.Age The relationship between age and job satisfaction could be complex generally one would expect that as the person gets older greater w ould be his job satisfaction level because of the experience and the case with which he would he will be able to perform his work Education The relation between job satisfaction and education is based on how his educational capacity helps him to meet the job requirements and how he is able to utilize to earn additional promotion or a fare salary. However it is reasonable to assume that the more educated would be more frustrated. Years of experience The relation between job satisfaction and years of experience is such that a new employee would be more satisfied with his job because of the enthusiasm of the work but these gradually lower and increases when he reaches the stage of retirement as there is no other alternative opportunity available to him IV. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORSInterpersonal relationship with supervisor-There seems to be two dimensions of supervisory style that affect job satisfaction. One is employee centeredness, which is heedful by the degree to which a supervisor takes a personal interest and cares about the employee. It commonly is manifested in ways such as checking to see how well the employee is doing. The other dimension is participation or influence, as illustrated by managers who allow their people to participate in decisions that affect their own jobs. In most cases, this approach leads to higher job satisfaction. A participative climate created by the supervisor has a more substantial effect on workers satisfaction Interpersonal relation with work groups will have an effect on job satisfaction.Friendly, co-operative co-workers or team members are a modest source of job satisfaction to individual employees. The work group especially a tight team, serves as a source of support, comfort, advice and assistance to the individual members. A good work group or effective team makes the job more enjoyable. However, this factor is not job satisfaction. On the other hand, if the reverse condition exists the people are difficult to get along w ith this factor may have a negative effect on job satisfaction. Working conditions have a modest effect on job satisfaction. If the working conditions are good (clean, attractive purlieu for instance), the personnel will find it easier to carry out their jobs.If the working conditions are poor (hot, noisy surround for example), personnel will find it more difficult to get things done. In other words, the effect of working conditions on job satisfaction is similar to that of the work group there may or may not be a job satisfaction problem. Hertzbergs motivation and hygiene factors are relevant in job satisfaction. If the workers get adequate opportunity to hear and to be heard by the cover song management it can be a source of job satisfaction. This observation has been subscribed by howl while he holds that there exists a relationship between job satisfaction and opportunity for self-express. picA archetype OF JOB SATISFACTION The model of job satisfaction is presented below EX PECTATIONS ACTUAL ABOUT JOBSCONDITIONS DISCREPANCIES PAYPAY WORK ITSELFWORK ITSELF PROMOTIONSPROMOTIONS COWORKERSCOWORKERS on the job(p) CONDITIONSWORKING CONDITIONS SUPER VISORSSUPER VISORS EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION Basically, job satisfaction is determined by the discrepancy between what individuals expect to get out of their jobs and what the job actually offers. A person will be dissatisfied if there is less than the desire amount of job characteristics in the job. For instance if a person expects to be promoted in six month and then is not, the person will be dissatisfied.A person will be satisfied if there is no discrepancy between decide and actual conditions. If it is more than the employee expected of some job factor and the excess is beneficial (e. g. a large bonus, faster promotion) then the person will be very highly satisfied. Job Satisfaction And Productivity Historically the concept of human relations faux that high job satisfaction led to high productivity but late r research indicated that this was an incorrect assumption. Satisfied workers turned out be either high producers or low producers only on average producers. The satisfaction-productivity relationship appeared to quite complex being influenced by various intermediate factors such as rewards than an employee receives.The question has often risen whether job satisfaction leads to performance of performance leads to job satisfaction. Lawler and Porter have developed a model that suggests that productivity leads to satisfaction. According to them, performance leads to reward and if these are perceived to equitable employee, satisfaction is the result. The assumption, which seems most realistic, is that satisfaction and productivity are in a circular relationship in which each affects the other. From the various studies a general relationship emerges between job satisfaction and productivity as shown in figure Relationship between Job satisfaction and Productivity picHere in X, Y graph w here X = Productivity and Y = Job satisfaction statement A = High Job satisfaction and Less Productivity Line B = High Job satisfaction and High productivity Lind C = High productivity and less job satisfaction. Here line C of chart shows the conditions of high productivity and low job satisfaction which can be occur when the supervisors push the production through techniques of scientific management such as methods study, time study and close supervision. C. B MAMORIA PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Line A represents a condition which believes that satisfied workers are the best workers and try to keep workers happy no matter of the affects on organizational goals.In this condition, the worker may derive such job satisfaction, but work may be done. One supervisor describes this condition, as my workers due so happy that they dont feel like my working. The middle line B appears to be the most desirable agreement-where high satisfaction and high productivity are combined together CONCLUSION In this chapter the theoretical aspects of job satisfaction were discussed. Major variables such as promotional factors, motivational factors, personal factors and environmental factors were considered . The relationship between job satisfaction and productivity was also described. The next chapter gives analysis and interpretation of the passel data. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION INTRODUCTIONIn this chapter the analysis of the collected data is shown. Analysis of data is made possible through Frequency put backs, draw a blank Charts, Pie-diagram, and Chi-Square test. instruction is interpreted in percentage forms. Scoring method is also used to find the grade of various attributes. Mean of various attributes are also shown. In scoring method score is given to the options for example. Score given to strongly agree, agree, no assessment, disagree, strongly disagree is +2, +1,0, -1, -2 respectively. Mean mean is the most common measure of central tendency and can be defined as th e value of various given items in a series by the total number of items. Mean = (fx / (f TEST OF HYPOTHESISThe test of hypothesis is a process of testing significance regarding the parameter of the population on the basis of the sample. Chi-Square test is used to test the significance of the parameters of the population. Formula for Calculating X2 pic Where O = Observed Frequency, E = Expected Frequency, Degree of Freedom = (C-1) (R-1) Table 4. 1 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES SI NO ATTRIBUTES SCORE 1 Standard of sustainment 0. 6 2 Promotion policy -0. 4 3 Job security 0. 64 *Source evaluate data From the table we can find that the score of standard of dungeon is 0. 6 and the score of promotion policy is -0. 54 while job security got 0. 64. Figure 4. 1 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES pic The above table is shown in graph. From that we can see that the graph of promotion policy came to the negative side. bulk of the employees are not satisfied with the promotion policy. They have t he opinion that the present job has improved their standard of living and they think that their job is secure. Table 4. 2 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES SI NO ATTRIBUTES SCORE 1 Appreciation -0. 38 2 Suggestion 0. 08 3 Salary -0. 3 *Source survey data From the table we can find that the score of sense of taste from superiors is -0. 38. The score of salary is -0. 3 Figure 4. 2 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES pic The above table is shown in graph. From that we can see that they are not getting appreciation from the superiors. The superiors are not inviting suggestions from the employees. The salary given to them is not adequate. Table 4. 3SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES SI NO ATTRIBUTES SCORE 1 Better job scene -0. 6 2 Job change -0. 02 3 Skill -0. 32 4 Time spent with family 0. 5 *Source survey data From the table we can find that the score of desire to change the present job is -0. 02.Utilization of skill got a score of -0. 32 while the time spent with family got 0. 5. Figure 4. 3 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES pic The above table is shown in graph. From that we can analyse that majority think that they dont have a better job prospect as per their qualification. They dont want to change the present job. Majority are having the opinion that their skills are not properly utilized. They are getting enough time with their family. Table 4. 4 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES SI NO ATTRIBUTES SCORE 1 Trade union activities 0. 2 eudaemonia measures 0 3 Working condition 0. 44 4 Relationship with co-workers 0. 82 *Source survey data From the table we can find that the activities of trade union got 0. 4 as its score, while working condition scored 0. 44. the relationship with co-workers scored 0. 82. Figure 4. 4 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES pic The above table is shown in graph. The employees are having a nice opinion about the trade union activities and working condition. A healthy relationship exists between workers and their superiors.The welfare measures provided by the company are not adequate. Table 4. 5 GENDER OF RESPONDENTS SI NO SEX absolute frequency PERCENTAGE 1 Male 41 82 2 womanish 9 18 *Source survey data From the table we can analyze that 82% of the employees are male and 18% is female Figure 4. 5 GENDER OF RESPONDENTS pic The same date is shown with the help of pie-diagram. From that we can see that majority of the respondents are male. Table 4. 6 pedagogyAL QUALIFICATION SI NO EDUCATION FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE 1 SSLC 39 78 2 HSC 8 16 3 commencement ceremony 3 6 4 PG 0 0 *Source survey data The educational qualification of respondents is shown in the table. 78 % of the workers have education up to prepare level and 16% of them are having educational qualification HSC . 6% of the respondents are graduates. Figure 4. 6 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION pic The above table is shown in graph. From that we can interpret that majority are having their education up to school level. Table 4. 7 stimulate OF THE RESPONDENTS SI NO EXPERIENC E FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE 1 0 to 10 8 16 2 10 to 20 27 54 3 20 to 30 10 20 4 30 to 40 5 10 *Source survey data Mean experience= 17. 4 The experience of respondents is shown in the table. 54% of them are having experience between 10 to 20 years. 16% comes under the range 0 to 10. Only 10 of them have experience above 30 years. Figure 4. 7 EXPERIENCE OF THE RESPONDENTS pic The above table is shown in graph. From that we can see that majority are having experience between 10 to 20 years. Table 4. 8 AGE OF THE RESPONDENTS SI NO AGE FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE 1 21 30 12 24 2 31- 40 32 64 3 41 to 50 4 8 4 above 50 2 4 *Source survey data Mean age =36 From the table we can see that 64%of the respondents come under the age group 31 to 40 Figure 4. 8 AGE OF THE RESPONDENTS pic The same data is shown in the graph. Table 4. 9 MARITAL post OF THE RESPONDENTS SI NO MARITAL STATUS FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE 1 Married 35 70 2 Single 15 30 *Source survey data The marital status of the emp loyees is shown in the table. We can see that 70%of the employees are married. Figure 4. 9 MARITAL STATUS OF THE RESPONDENTS pic The same data is shown with the help of graph. Chi- square is a non parametric test that has assumed great importance in statistical analysis and statistical inferences because it can be used without making assumptions about parameters, as it is a distribution free test.Chi-square is a measure which evaluates the extent to which a set of the observed frequency of a sample deviates from the corresponding set of the expected frequency of the sample. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXPERIENCE AND WAGES H0=There exist no significant relationship between experience and wages H1= There exist significant relationship between experience and wages wages Experience Agree Disagree Total 0 to 20 12 23 35 20 to 40 7 8 15 Total 19 31 50 O E O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E 12 13. 3 -1. 3 1. 69 . 1271 23 21. 7 1. 3 1. 69 . 0779 7 5. 7 1. 3 1. 69 . 2965 8 9. 3 -1. 3 1. 69 . 1812 Tota l . 6827 Calculated place of X2=. 6827Degree of freedom = 1 Table value at 5% level of significance =3. 841 As the metrical value is less than the table value the null hypothesis is accepted. The test of hypothesis reveals that there is no significant relationship between experience and wages. Those with more experience are not paid higher. decisiveness Analysis of collected data is shown in this chapter. Analysis of data is done by Frequency Tables, Bar Charts, Pie-diagram, and Chi-Square test. Information is interpreted in percentage forms Findings and recommendations are given in the following chapter. FINDINGS ? Majority of the employees are not satisfied with the promotion policy. The present job has improved their standard of living to some extend. ? Majority have the opinion that their job is secure. ? The employees are not getting adequate salary and the appreciation from their superiors is not satisfactory. ? Majority have the opinion that their skills are not fully util ized. ? The employees have a nice opinion about trade union activities and working condition. ? A healthy and relationship exists between workers and their superiors. The welfare measures provided by the company are not adequate. ? Majority of the respondents at WIP were male. ? Majority of the workers have education up to school level. ? Main experience of the workers at WIP is 17 years. Most of the workers fall in the age group of 31-40 mean age is 36 years. ? The test of hypothesis reveals that there is no significant relationship between experience and wages. Those with more experience are not paid higher. RECOMMENDATIONS ? It is advisable that the company should pay sufficient attention in providing monetary benefits to the employees ? The Management should take some orifice to enhance the welfare measures ? The employers should duly recognize and appreciate the efforts taken by the employees. It will give motivation to the employees ? It was found that the more experienced wo rkers are not paid higher and thus resulting in employee dissatisfaction.It is advisable that the company should take some initiative to implement new wage system in which experience gets more importance. ? Timely promotions would greatly help the workers as they feel recognized. ? Valuable suggestions made by the workers should given due consideration. SUMMARY The findings generated by the analysis of data resulted in the following conclusions. This study finds that personal factors like experience, time spend with the family affect the level of job satisfaction. Further analyses of data revealed that organisational factors like wages, reward, job security role of job in increasing the standard of living affects the level of satisfaction.This study shows significant relationship between wages and standard of living Additionally this study reveals that managerial factors like ability, suggestions for improvement, relationship with superiors and co-workers contributes to the level of satisfaction. This study also indicates that working condition, role of trade union, welfare measures affects the level of satisfaction. BIBLIOGRAPHY Books Referred 1. VSP RAO, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, EXCELL BOOKS, NEW DELHI, 2000. 2. MAMORIA C. B. GANKAR S. V. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT TEXT AND CASES. HIMALAYA issue HOUSE, MUMBAI 2004. 3. BISWAJET PATTNAYAK, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT EXCELL BOOKS, NEW DELHI, 2000 4. KOTHARI C. R. RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES, WISHWA PRAKASHAN PUBLICATION, NEW DELHI, 1999. Websites www. questionpro. com www. wipltd. com. INTERVIEW SCHEDULE A Study on Job Satisfaction of Employees Conducted at Western India Plywoods, Valapattanam 1. My job is secure powerfully agree(Agree(Disagree( strongly disagree(No opinion( 2. I get comparatively better salary Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 3. I usually get appreciation from superior officers Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 4. They encourage me to offer sugge stions for improvement of my establishment Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 5.My job improved my standard of living Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 6. I had a better job prospect as per my qualification. Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 7. I like to change my present job Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 8. I am satisfied with the relationship with my superiors and co-workers. Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 9. My skills are completely utilized Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 10. I am satisfied with the trade union activities. Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 1. Company provides number of welfare measures. Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 12. I have a convenient working condition. Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 13. Your opinion abo ut present promotion policy Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 14. I get enough time to look after my family Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 15. Name 16. Sex 17. Age21-30(31-40(41-50(Above 50( 18. Educational qualification SSLC(HSC(Graduation(PG( 19. Experience 0-10(10-20(20-30(30-40( 20. Marital Status Married(Single( C B A 21 30
Monday, May 20, 2019
Malaysian Legal System Introduction to Law
UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA-FAKULTI FILEM TEATER & ANIMASI-ZOOM NOTES MALAYSIAN levelheaded SYSTEM+INTRODUCTION TO LAW Sources of Lawstatutes, law reports, text books, apparitional beliefs, local customs, opinion of jurists ? Law & MoralityOverlaps/Differs from Society e. g-gayism/illicit samsu-Swak/Psular ? Law & Justice push justice & depends on locality e. g rampancy ? Federal Constitution (lex locci)/Written Constitution ? Highest Law of the drop ?Malaysian/human rights/liberty ?Any laws against the Federal Constitution-null & void ? e. retrospective penal provision/ exertion by the same offence/represented by a legal practitioner 24hrs MALAYSIAN LEGAL SYSTEM-MAXIMCHECK & BALANCE/MONTESQIEU ?JUDICIARY ?EXECUTIVE ?LEGISTLATIVE TYPES OF LAW ?Written Law-e. g. acts/ offhand Law-e. g. courts decicion ? Public Lawe. g. distressing law/Private Lawe. g. contract law ? Binding PrecedentHigher Court binds the cast down ?PersuasivePrecedentCourts of the same level persuasive LAW OF CON TRACT ELEMENTS- 1. Offer To be distinguished from invitation to treat advertising 2.Acceptance 3. Intention to create legal relationship Mere promise for lunch treat is NOT covering 4. Consideration Except Natural Love & Affectione. g. Father to Son 5. Certainty 6. Capacity-Sound Mind humble General principle is not binding & restricted to the followings ? contracts for necessarieseg contracts to have food, clothes & purpose of education. ?contracts for scholarship a scholarship agreementis valid. ?contracts for insurance under the Insurance Act,1963, an infant over the age of 10 may enter into a contract of insurance.H/e, if he is below 16, he can only do so with the written consent of his parents or guardian. CONTRACT VALIDSAH VOIDBATAL VODABLEBOLEH BATAL VOIDABLEIf proven the existence of these elements ?compulsion(paksaan) ?UNDUE INFLUENCE(tidak sewajar atau sepatutnya) ?FRAUD(penipuan) ?MISREPRESENTATION(gambaran yang salah) ?MISTAKE(kesilapan) LAW OF TORTS ELEMENTSDUTY OF C ARE- NOT TO BREACHED/TO ACT moderately 1. NEGLIGENCE 2. TRESPASS Trespass to person/trespass to land / goods. Trespass to persons ? Assault ?battery paradoxical imprisonment. TRESSPASSERS SHALL BE liable(p)NOTPROSECUTED 3. NUISANCE i. public nuisance ii. private nuisance. 4. DEFAMATION ?LIBEL- publication ?SLANDER-words ? usual DEFENCES (EXCEPTIONS) NEGATING LIABILITY IN TORT 1)VOLENTI NON FIT INJURIA 2)MISTAKE 3)INEVITABLE ACCIDENT 4)ACT OF GOD 5) privy DEFENCE. 6)NECESSITY 7)STATUTORY CONTRACT TORT 2 sides/ parties Maybe More than 2parties Written/Unwritten No written aggreement required Remedy Damages Remedy Damages vocation Contractual Duty Duty Duty of Care federation,PARTNERSHIP & SOLE PROPRIETOR SOLE PROPRIETOR SOLE PROPRIETOR-ENTERPRISE REGISTRATION-LOW FEES EASY TO function MOST COMMON BUSINESS/INDIVIDUAL/ENTERPRISE= SAME ENTITY RESOURCESOWN/FRIENDS/FAMILY 1 MAN delegate FAST ON DECISION-START/CEASE OPERATE FROM HOME/NO OFFICE PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP-TEAM UPRESOURCE S-TANGIBLE/in distinct BIGGER SCALE RESOURCES-TANGIBLE/INTANGIBLE POPULAR AMONG PROFESSIONALS LIABILITY/PROFIT SHARED PARTNERSHIP- NO AGREEMENT-PRESUMPTION=EQUALLY LIABLE PARTNERSHIP-WITH AGREEMENT-ACCORDING TO AGREEMENT PARTNER ACTING ON BEHALF OF PARTNERSHIP-BINDING PERSONAL ASSET=LIABLE COMPANY COMPANY-SEPARATE ENTITY RESOURCES-CAPITAL-PAID UP/ authorise DOCUMENTATIONSMEMORANDUM/ARTICLE REGISTERED OFFICE COSTLY COMPANY SECRETARY RESOLUTIONS-LOANS? FINANCING? PERSONAL ASSET/COMPANY ASSET AUDITED /ANNUAL MEETING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY * REAL PRORERTY- Building/chattels/land/house=tangible PERSONAL PROPERTY-Jewelleries,laptops,handphones/cars=tangible * INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY-theintangibleproduct of one persons work by hand/brain against unauthorized use or exploitation by another ? Berne procure Convention1886135countries PROTECTION-INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYe. g. to be protected ?PATENT ?TRADEMARK ?INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ? clandestine IN impressATION ?TRADE SECRET ?COPYRIGHT ?GEOGRAPHICAL IN DICATOR ?INTERGRATED CIRCUIT ?INDUSTRIALDESIGN particle 7 of the Act, Copyright Act includes ?literary works ?musical works ?artistic works ?films ? gravid recordings broadcasts PRE REQUISITE FOR PROTECTION Sec 7 (3)ORIGINAL/GENUINE Sec 8 (3)MATERIAL FORM Sec 17DURATION50 YRS AFTER DEATH MULTIMEDIA LAW Technology * A body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills & extract or collect materials * An evolution of thought * Impacting the world-creating new wealth, reshaping economy & social policy General-NewMedia * Email * Social network * Video conference * digitalisation -Nothing can replace face to face communication -Cost effective-travel/ accessible large group -New skills required very(prenominal) effect-on line & off line -Virtual -No barrier Privacy The right to be left unsocial Tresspass to- * Personal Data-biological/genetics DNA /banks * Freedom-human rights * Privacy-private life Remedy ?Federal Constitution ?Civil Proceedings ? penal Code ?Personal Data Prot ection Act ?Communication & Multimedia Act Malaysian regulativeBody Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Multimedia-THE AUTHORITY e. g. All cellular phone accounts need to be registered JURISDICTION mooring/courier Energy Telecoms Digital certification authorities
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Kant’s Categorical Imperative Essay
Kant believed that a object lesson effection is make up of duty and wide will. Without duty, an action cannot be morally good. This is how he developed the duty-based Categorical Imperative, also known as moral commands, as a foundation for all former(a) rules and will be true in some(prenominal) circumstance purely based on reason. These tell everyone what to do and dont depend on anything else, such as personal desires. Within the Categorical Imperative, Kant outlines three grave maxims in The Groundwork for the Metaphysics of ethics which test how morally acceptable an action is.The first maxim states Always act in such a way that you can also will that the maxim of your action should be a world-wide law. This can be interpreted to mean that only do something if it can be universalised and if its something that will eer be acceptable for anyone to do. If it cant be universalised then it is not a valid moral rule. To illustrate this, Kant usances the example of suicide, c laiming that it is always wrong because it cant be made a universal law. He asks us to consider if we would want everyone to take their own life in any situation, even if it is to escape a state of suffering and despair.Stealing would also be considered neer to be morally acceptable in Kantian Ethics since it cannot be universalised as well. If it was to be universalised, everyone would be stealing from each other, therefore human relationships would fail because trust is the foundation of human relationships. Furthermore, this maxim is important in order for there to be a harmonious society. The second says Act so that you cherish humanity, both in your own person and in that of another(prenominal), always as an end and never but as a means.Here, Kant was telling us that we should value every individual and not use anybody to gain something else he believed that the end can never justify the means. For instance, if you allowed a person to be low to raise money for charity then this would be self-contradictory. While you ar trying to do something good, you are devaluing a human world in the process. Devaluing another human being results in inequality because it denies the other person the right to be rational and independent in judging their actions, when in fact they are just as rational as us this would be making you seem superior to them.Kant says you should always aim to help others, but not at the expense of self-destruction or harm of another person. His last maxim is emphasises on the Kingdom of Ends Act according to the maxims of a member of a only if possible kingdom of ends legislating in it universally. The kingdom of ends refers to a social state in which all of the members desire the same good. Its a society where moral laws are designed to obtain and these goods are gross ends of humanity. Kant aims to remove all conflict in order for humans to realise their common aims. He believed that most humans are rational people who prefer moral life all over immorality.However, this is not achievable in this life but we must attempt regardless. In this maxim, Kant reinforces the concept that everyone should act as if everyone was an end. According to Kant, every being is autonomous and able to make moral judgements by understanding the principle of pure practical reason then applying this to everyone equally. Anything that goes ignores the dignity of a human being in order to achieve its end is morally wrong because it would be going against the Categorical Imperative, which should be used as a basis for all actions.
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